Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1200: Rapid expansion (27) close

The panoramic map in the head roughly matches the image of the sonic pulse scan. At the end of this street is a large factory, an integrated parts processing industry. Less than a few hundred meters away, when they reached the gate of the factory, the test subject had caught up and rushed behind him. Turning his head, the dark shadow can be seen intermittently under the street lamp.

The other two subjects entered the side road at the moment, and other enemies followed their path closely, using the subject as the most useful tracker to capture Cassia's location.

After knocking out the two factory guards who were about to report the situation, Cassia smashed the communication machine in the guard room with a punch and turned off the street lights in the area of ​​the gate. Perceiving something after breaking the switch, Cassia suddenly turned around and slammed open the small door in front of him and hid in. There was a sudden explosion behind him, and the shattered glass crashed down. The air wave squeezed into the small lounge with bright red flames. It was over in less than a second, but the instant high temperature still scorched Cassia’s hair and clothes. A piece of mud.

"Wh,,, cough cough, cough cough, cough cough, cough cough, help, help, cough cough, ..., help, cough cough, ..., help, cough cough, ... I just woke up and inhaled a lot of dust with the smell of gunpowder smoke. Cassia directly carried him out of the window and threw it on the grass on the side, before rushing from the side to the nearby factory owner's office building.

Within a few steps, a more violent explosion came from the guard room and the small lounge, and the two small buildings immediately collapsed into ruins. The impact slammed on Cassia's face with a heat wave, and turned her head to look behind the burning body. Cassia could only hope in her heart that the security guard could survive.

While running and tearing off the scorched clothes behind him, Cassia saw the two who had just created the explosion. Hiding in the green belt beside the factory, close to the trees. Without careful discrimination in the sound wave pulse, it is not easy to find their tracks by following a few targets roughly like this.

The enemy who started searching in this area of ​​the factory? Cassia thought that the enemy's speed would not be faster than that of himself and the experiment subjects. At this moment, he wanted to rely on the complicated terrain to keep away from them, just to create time to concentrate on the experiment subjects. Even for a short period of time, Cassia was confident that after a few more times, without relying on the scaly state, the subject gradually lost the physical strength to keep up with him and continue fighting.

"It seems that there are only two people, but they are more like enemies of higher level." Flexible movements and the interaction of mutual cover and forward cooperation made Cassia read the long-term tacit understanding between the two and the richness of dealing with prey. experience. The two enemies knew what they needed to do at the moment. After firing a flare, the two opened a distance of fifty to sixty meters, and they also "wrapped" six to seventy percent of them under the irregular and twisted route. The main office building area. Although it was not a package of firepower, at this moment, Cassia wanted to leave the main office building and go to the main production workshop separated by a warehouse. The choice of route was not so much affected by the two.

With a "banging" sound all the way, Cassia came to the main office building and picked up the broom at the door, smashing the lamps above his head all the way. Regardless of whether it is turned on or not, it can be obtained at the maintained speed, and Cassia will never put down any light fixture.

Turning out from the window on the other side of the main office building, Cassia estimated the blind spot of the two enemies, and from there went around to the warehouse in front. Gently pushing the window open, Cassia did not flip in directly, but immediately pulled out the revolver in secret.

At the end of the road along the warehouse is a row of parking lots with simple rain cover. In small countries, these things are called powered bicycles, or motorcycles, all driven by high-energy liquid fuels. It is similar to the mechanical bicycles in the Empire, except that the mechanical bicycles of the Empire are driven by steam and are larger than a standard ceremonial car. They are all vehicles used by the younger generation of aristocrats, with better performance, and can greatly exceed most of the ceremonial cars in terms of speed and off-road capability. This thing, Cassia has seen the nobles and young masters there used in the small city.

The sonic pulse caught the moving enemy hiding in the parking shed. After a motorcycle, it seemed to be looking for a suitable attack direction. Keeping his movements, Cassia crouched down pretending to be watching his surroundings. The next moment he suddenly jumped back, a string of bullets made neatly arranged potholes in the wall, and the revolver sent three bullets at the same time.

A flame rose from the "Boom" parking shed, and the plastic hood was ignited at the same time. Two other enemies not far away heard the movement and rushed towards here. When he set his sight on the parking shed and the road connecting it, Cassia just closed the window tightly and leaned against the corner of the wall.

The gun was aimed at one of them through the wall, but he never let himself out of the bunker, let alone poked his head to observe this dangerous action. Two or three seconds later, Cassia left the place and ran to the huge production workshop. Just before going, he still needs to go to the power control room.

Not only the Kyle Kingdom, but Cassia understands that the application of electricity in small countries is centralized management. Compared with a small steam factory in the empire, which has its own glow tube, it cannot be said to be backward, but in terms of energy. The cost of using the technology flowing out of the giant country to manufacture the bright tube is absolutely not equal to that of the empire. Another point is that in the mining of limestone, the probability of failure is far greater than the probability of success.

Generally, the total power transmission network is set up regionally, and a small control room is built inside the factory to use power. There can be no obvious light, so except for the experimental body and a small number of enemies, the rest will be reduced a lot of strength in the dark.

The other two enemies knew that Cassia had entered the warehouse. When they were going to search for the enemy's trail from one side, the sound of "dongdong" came from behind. A black shadow fell between the two of them when they turned their heads in an instant, and they subconsciously evacuated more than ten meters away. When the muzzle was aimed at the black shadow, Gerald's voice came from the communicator.

"What's the situation now?" Gerrard heard an explosion from a member's communicator and asked for details at the moment. "Dan Lier said that their reinforcements have arrived and they have joined you. I see..."

The glass windows shattered and shattered, and the number 7 stayed for less than a second after falling. After determining the direction of the induction, he rushed directly into the warehouse. At this time, the two people knew the answer: "It should be a team member who was found and the enemy fired the shot first. The reinforcements did arrive. We saw it, Captain. But the situation is a little different from what we expected. The follow-up plan must be adjusted. OK, Captain!"

He exhaled and said, “The people who rushed here were all black scales, and the surgeons who had developed this kind of surgery failed to leave the enemy behind. The effect and influence of this information is a bit big. The enemy's surgery development project is currently unclear. , But in terms of perception, the enemy definitely has a special place.” When this person spoke, he looked at the first floor of the main office building where there was no light behind him and said, “Proactively destroy the lamps and eliminate the light source. It seems that sight is not necessary for the enemy. The existence of. Next we will go to the factory’s power control room to look for opportunities. But it shouldn’t be possible. The position of the dead team member is about 700 meters away from the enemy. Even the temperature sensing ability is definitely after specialization. Development projects."

Saying that the two had already acted, they ran not far away. The other two black shadows entered the line of sight, did not stop, but one person smashed into a window and disappeared into the warehouse.

"Captain, two more people are here."

"I know, they are right in front of me. I will enter the factory in a few seconds and go to the electric power control room first. Dan Lier's people will set up a net around the warehouse." Gerrard saw the burning fire. The guard room, "The plan has indeed changed. We will all attack the enemy from a long distance to cooperate with the three people you saw just now. From now on, those three people will be the main force. If we attack by us, there must also be one wearing power armor. The members are in the team. This order must be carried out, no risk, the enemy's danger level is much higher than that of the previous organization members!"

While speaking, Gerrard turned his head and gestured, and the three people who were already wearing power armor nodded immediately. With them as the center, the thirty people behind him immediately divided into three teams, separated at the entrance of the factory, and drove from different routes. Go to the power control room. The team that continues to rush over will also be divided into two teams according to the plan, one pair will be used as support, and the other will be scattered outside the factory to observe, to prevent the enemy from escaping from the corner by bypassing the subject's perception at some point. They didn't know what was the perception between the subject and Cassia, and they could only waste part of their hands to avoid this situation.

"Dan Lier, where are you? Please speed up. The enemy is currently in a large factory and there are not enough people. Even if it succeeds, most of the people will die here." Gerald wanted to ask Dan. Regarding Lil's scaly surgeon in her team, it's just that Gerald keenly felt that the two were strange, and some parts seemed to be out of the scope of normal surgeons. Contact the king's family Astus behind Dan Lier, and Dan Lier knew that he would see these people, but did not explain the situation, Gerrard thought it was good to know in his heart. Even if you are curious, you can't listen without covering your ears without knowing.

The roar of the engine indicated Dan Lier's mood at the moment. The overloaded steam engine made the ceremonial car seated by the surgeon slightly shake. The harsh horn sound along the way has not been cut off, under the bright beam of the headlights, the ground is whitish and rapid.

Dan Lier did not make a redundant reply, only to answer "I have already rushed through with all my strength." Gerrard wisely said that as soon as possible, there is nothing to say. After the communication, Dan Lier accessed his member's main communication channel and informed that the use of the medicine was cancelled. Although the number of people available to ordinary members is an absolute minority, Dan Lier feels more at ease because of the extra short-term explosive combat power.

From the very beginning of Patrick's death to the present, its influence in Dan Lier's heart has not been eliminated. Every step is like walking in a swamp full of silt, without a sense of solidity. Instead, you need to always pay attention not to sink into the silt, and after being dragged in, you can't get out again.

"How long will it take?" The same question, the difference is that the tone of voice has increased. Olidaba looked at the time symbolically, "About seven minutes." Then the limousine went into silence following the cycle.

At the same moment, MacDonald went to the main communication machine. Dan Lier led the team away, and it was his job to monitor information. After becoming a knight attendant, Macdonald, like the other four knight attendants in the family, acted as a commander for most of the matters and no longer personally solved it. I don’t know if it’s because I cherish my own life--it’s not easy to get the status of a knight attendant, although in the process it is indeed driven by the means of the high-level family, and the power of the experimental body helps to win five places. But if you die like this, everything will collapse in an instant. Or, from another level, this is MacDonald’s self-consciousness-he no longer regards himself as a person who moves forward by strength, or that after getting the quota, the only things left are also Slowly and completely abandoned. Seeing himself as a manager with actual power, he began to enter the middle of the family, and whose prospects and future are unpredictable.

Knowing that you want to be a person like the family elders, life is absolutely the first. As long as you are still alive, many things are possible. This is what McDonald had told the five of them after the patriarch of the contemporary Astus family and the contemporary king after he returned to the family in the ceremony of granting the title of knight attendant.

After that, MacDonald began to act with this sentence as the center. No longer participate in things that are dangerous, just like the current situation. Although Patrick's death did not allow MacDonald to suspend his plan, he somewhat listened to Dan Lil's words.

"Competitor? Organization member?" MacDonald thought at the window, "If I knew the identity of the other party, I would have a lot of things to do afterwards. Although it has only been a few months, the gray area has already begun. The Cavaliers Servant League Before the imperial parliament issued corresponding rules, everyone’s enthusiasm and mood were unexpectedly hot."


"The first team is in place!"

"The second team is in place!"

"The warehouse has been surrounded The observation area covers 100%."

"The third team arrived at the predetermined position!" The person next to Gerrard set up the light machine gun and notified his team in time.

"All teams pay attention to the direction of the warehouse. After encountering an enemy, the first point is to keep a distance!" Gerrard kept reminding this. It took nearly a minute for the three teams to come to the electric power control room. Now, except for the electric current "buzzing" from the wires overhead, there was no movement in the warehouse. Together with the temperature perception, there have always been only three bright red shadows, which made Gerald involuntarily tighten his body. Looking through the open window of the warehouse, it was dim. After the enemy entered, the main power supply of the warehouse was turned off as soon as possible. It was impossible to observe anything through the eyes.

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