Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1225: The fuel of "lights" (9)

During the two years in the military school, I only knew how to simply complete the task. At that time, I didn't think and think so much. Later, I was about to leave. Although I asked a group of old professors to help, in the eyes of Cassia, after all, he could not borrow this huge support to get more things.

It can’t be said that it can be said to be used, and it can’t be said that it is used, Cassia thought. In summary, at an inappropriate time, he can get the help of these old professors. Now, when I needed it urgently, it was already lost.

With some regrets in his heart, Cassia knew that the group of old professors were sincerely willing to help herself, although there was a taste of wanting to draw their own blood. But blood is not a reward for helping, like a mutual help and complementary relationship. But now, Cassia knew that it was impossible to meet people like old professors again. In the future, it will be more common for mutual interests to reach consensus on opinions and cooperation.

Even so, Cassia also hopes to have the opportunity to contact and finally reach a cooperative relationship afterwards. Just like the key to entering a closed circle, the surgeon will not appear to be many in the huge population base, but the current situation is that almost all surgeons are around the surgeon, and the influence of the base has become very small in the inherent circle. .

The same is true for these scientific research institutions, all connected by an invisible network, forming a closed loop. Things that you can't get in touch with yourself, or you need to spend a lot of money and time to find things, in front of these scientific research institutions, it is likely that a single communication can solve this simple. In a circle, looking back, it turns out that everyone knows each other, that's how it feels.

Cassia wanted to get such an opportunity and came into contact with it. Even if it was an unequal exchange afterwards, he still knew what it needed to exchange. Because the technical data of artillery and shells obtained from Adolf and Trevikang could not meet Cassia's current needs.

Many times Cassia will suddenly remember what she needs and what she wants to do. Whether it is vague, or sometimes a little clearer, the only thing is that he is very clear that in the end he will not be able to circumvent him and he must rely on his strength to solve many, many problems that cannot be handled. Just seize this point. Compared to the knight attendant McDonald that he met not long ago, Cassia knew what his power and the knights had fatal weaknesses.

At this moment, facing an entire team led by a knight attendant, Cassia was confident that he would wipe out the opponent without knowing his ability to develop the surgical project. It's just that when this number starts to increase, two, three, ..., or even more, what will the result be like?

Before Hesley returned to the empire, he often talked to Cassia that his goal was to pursue the ultimate peak power like a knight king. But Cassia knew in his heart that as Nuoer could free the Holy Spear and Holy Sword, threatening the forces of the Quartet with the posture of the third-generation knight king, but there were still many restrictions in the empire. There are some things that cannot be done by the individual. Otherwise, Grote, the first generation of knight king he met, would not die, and would become a spirit entrusted to his skull.

After all, only oneself and a limited number of people can be protected. And this limited number of people cannot hold everyone he wants to protect.

This kind of thinking always seems to make his mind long. When Cassia finishes this fruitless thinking and opens his eyes, it is already the evening.

"I don't know the intensity of the task, but I still have to prepare for it. This time, no matter what the accident, it can't prevent the completion of the task. I have to give Adolf and Terry Weikang a reason to give me the technical information to help them. Go through the necessary process issues." Cassia said to himself, "The internal problems of the Chil Kingdom have been almost resolved. If the pace is slowed down like this, his'death' will lose all meaning."

"Let Waters deliver the hidden weapons first, and then inform Delya to send a pneumatic weapon before the next relisting. The rest is the technical problem of the factory, and my own surgery Although I have read the relevant information several times so far, it cannot be understood and used as quickly as reading books on steam power."

After drinking a glass of warm water, Cassia went to the window and looked at the pedestrians coming and going on the street not far away. “Need to seek help and resources from all quarters.” Suddenly, he figured out the main points. At the beginning, the huge power brought by the population base was ignored, just as it was not only a small number of surgeons who propped up the empire, but the number of ordinary people was also extremely important. The stability of the Quartet forces has never been possible without these ordinary people.

"School!" I just remembered it now, and Cassia felt it was too late, "but it is not irreparable. The surgeons will have a lot of troubles that they can't solve by themselves, and ordinary people are the same. It's just that their problems are easier and more efficient to solve. Professional In terms of knowledge, even though his learning ability has been strengthened a lot under surgery, he still has a long way to go compared to teachers, researchers, and professors who have been immersed in a certain field for decades."

"First is the school and personnel information, and then it involves specific investigations. What they need at present can be used in exchange. Then..." At 9 o'clock in the evening, Cassia left the residence and found what he knew. A black market intelligence dealer.

"If you finish sorting it in three days, I can give you 1.5 times the price. For you, it should be very simple to collect the information in the catalog." Handing a few sheets of paper like checklists to the intelligence agency, Cassia said wrote down some professional knowledge that I currently need, and related technologies that may be connected with factory products in the future. Information dealers have their own unique screening methods to find these people, and they are like some intermediaries with their own information database. It will be much easier to find relevant school personnel in the surrounding schools.

The intelligence dealer took it over and took a look, briefly asked the points of doubt, and nodded, "No problem, but if you can add a little price to the customer, you can get more detailed information."

Cassia glanced over, and the intelligence merchant's enthusiastic face immediately froze, "Yes, the price is not a problem, as long as the result is satisfactory to me."

It was 11:30 in the evening when I went back. After finishing the food he brought back, Cassia started to think about another thing next. That was an idea that suddenly came up after hearing briefly about the position of biosensing from Tri Weikang the other day. Because afterwards, Cassia recalled what she had experienced before, and carefully recalled some of Sukarius' words, it seemed that she had caught some special points in her body.

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