Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1235: The Fuel of "Lights" (19)

Cassia picked up the heavy firearms against the armored unit, and then pursued another convoy. The connected communication allows the other side to know the situation on this side in real time. In addition, the distance between them is only a small undulating plane. At this time, they are less than two thousand meters together. With the observer's eyes and the telescope, they can definitely see this side. movement.

The plan thought that another convoy would rush over to help, but the sonic pulse indicated that the other side had accelerated and left, and there was no intention to approach. The distance was suddenly enlarged, reaching three kilometers away. Seeing Trovro start the operation development project ability, and the changing eyes made Cassia a little more moved. Although there was no induction in the body, the changes in the pupils of the eyes let Cassia know that the enemy's surgical modification was in the direction of the giant whale.

Both the Flame Alliance and the Far Sea Common Nations have developed much earlier in surgery than in the Empire. Thanks to the help of the super giants on the left and right continents, the development and development of surgery are at the end in order to achieve the same. Purpose, but the process is quite different.

The second type of biological material used is not only dragons, and the methods are also different. From the previous words of Linna, there are also the materials checked in the military school. The Common Country of Far Seas does not mention it, and the Flame Alliance is more like relying on the second type of creature itself to help them become so-called strangers.

Because of the method of the giant whale and the second dream in the uninhabited volcano, after seeing the white shadows of the giant whales, Cassia clearly felt the changes in her body. In the beginning, we could only use the giant whale method to completely shield the pain, and actively trigger the proliferation of dragon tissues to gain tremendous strength and speed. After the dream, Cassia can use the power of the giant whale, just like the dragon's breath after being scaled, and can use the freezing cold of the giant whale. At first, Cassia didn't care much, but at this moment, he wanted to improve his strength and go to the third stage of the operation as soon as possible. After seeing Trofro's changing eyes, he suddenly realized that he didn't seem to think he was thinking about himself. That kind of understanding.

Because after getting the method of the giant whale from Linna, Cassia only used it as a tool-like function, and never wanted to know anything in the past. Until then, after seeing the enemy, did he realize that his surgery had stopped moving, whether it was related to the huge whale method that had changed dramatically after the second dream.

Trovro became the first object that Cassia wanted to observe, but the plan was different from the enemy's actual actions, and he had to stop midway.

"This time the organization of the **** team is followed by a lot of strangers from the Flame Alliance, but you can choose other people as a reference." While running, Cassia, who suddenly realized the impact of the change in the method of the giant whale, seemed to see the other. There is a path, and the more you think about it, the possibility increases sharply, "If I can see myself as two people, then I have met the standard requirements after undergoing dragon surgery, but I cannot enter the third stage. Because of the whale method, I have not yet entered the standard line?"

"Or, the impact is not as deep as I imagined, but this is also a method, and exploring the position of biosensing is another method? A method of pulling a giant whale by lifting me with dragon tissue surgery Passive promotion and transition to the third stage?"

The three armored vehicles of the other convoy had already protruded the upper body of the observer at this moment and looked over. Cassia withdrew from thinking, and finally thought that if he had a chance, he must contact the Flame Alliance team that followed this time to get more information, or grab some people and ask them from them.

The running speed caused Cassia to draw an oblique line in the grass, sinking deep into the ground every step, and bringing out the canopy and the mud splashed into the air. The distance of one hundred meters also took less than a second, nearly two seconds. At this time, the weight regulates Cassia's balance in the run, and does not produce a light feeling.

There was a wind behind him, and the grass was like a white tail left by a boat sailing on the water, falling to both sides behind Cassia. After a few breaths, the distance was narrowed by more than a thousand meters. In the sound wave detection, half of the remaining ten or so enemies had protruded from the armored vehicle, or climbed directly to the roof and set up a heavy machine gun.

They are waiting for Cassia to enter the best shooting range, Cassia is also waiting for the best attack range. At 1,500 meters, the enemy's heavy machine gun will only be lethal to itself within this distance, and the three snipers inside have already calculated the impact of the environment on the ballistics, and began to target the running Cassia .

Several air spiral passages appeared in the evening light. At such a distance, Cassia could dodge it lightly without judging the direction of the muzzle. The mud around him blew up the towering mud fountain, Cassia maintained his speed, and every time he made a fine-tuned turn, he would kick out large tracts of mud and weeds into the air.

"Two thousand meters." There were whirring winds in my ears, and there was a soft sound of sniper rifle bullets flying through the air. The distance quickly decreased in Cassia's senses. After one breath, the distance was suddenly pulled closer to more than three hundred meters. The next breath was the enemy and the distance Cassia was waiting for.

"One thousand five hundred meters!"

This reminder sound resembling an outsider telling him sounded in his heart. Across this distance, three armored vehicles in the distance sparkled with faint light at the same time, and heavy machine guns spewed out a large rain of bullets. Cassia pulled out the armored heavy weapon from the back waist, and the frequency of the sonic pulse has been accelerated in advance.

The body immediately tilted The inertial force caused Cassia to shovel on the ground and slide out immediately. At this moment, the eyes also formed a straight line with the mechanical aiming tip on the weapon, and extended forward again through the grass in front of the line of sight. The straight line had been aligned with the position where the first armored car was about to arrive.

"Boom!" Like an explosion inside the barrel, a ball of flame blasted out nearly two or three meters away. The huge recoil and Cassia must rely on precise control of power to continuously fine-tune the position and trajectory of the gun body.

In a very short time, the entire magazine was emptied, and the muzzle flame was like a flamethrower, pushing the expanding flame five or six meters away. The strong muzzle and strong wind brought out an arc-shaped area on the grass in front of Cassia, and a circular downward pressure area appeared on the whole body due to the huge vibration. On the wasteland more than 1,500 meters away, the lush grass became a drawing board for a moment, clearly depicting the trajectory of the five bullets.

Five bullets shredded into pieces of weeds along the way, and the rotating air channel took the scraps of weeds into a tangible column. The next moment they swallowed the distance between the two and went to the enemy.

"Boom!" The five bullets separated at a slight angle halfway. The enemy who was pressing the heavy machine gun firing button was still trying to adjust the direction, and a bullet had hit the lower part of the armored vehicle where he was. The flameless explosion spattered out a stream of metal fragments, and the armored vehicle was also hit hard and fell to the side.

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