Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1241: Fuel for "Lights" (25)

According to Tina's idea, after two or three hours, the team should act. Bait will be dispatched, and the main force will act first and go to the other side of the city to wait. The decoy will only set off later. At that time, the two teams will cooperate and move to a town about 30 kilometers away from the city for repairs. As for whether the enemy will catch up midway, or just wait midway, or wait until the team reaches the town before launching an attack, it can be handled well afterwards.

Because the current team is not just the people in front of you, although the people of the king's power are not of good quality in the eyes of Tina and Dudler, and they can see that the king's power has not done their best, but there are 60 people in total. The number of teams and all the equipped weapons are indeed a force for Tina and the others to strengthen the team.

After turning around, Dudler went to another tent to sit down, rubbed his head, and began to look at the map in front of him carefully. It is difficult to change what Tina decides, and Dudler himself originally had this idea. Although he has advanced some time, but after careful calculation and planning, it may not be impossible to guarantee that the plan will be 80 to 90% successful after implementation.


"How long is it?" Grant asked, retracting his body protruding from the skylight. "Can I rush over in the morning?"

"Soon, if you don't add it halfway, you can reach the edge of the target city in the early morning. It will take about four hours. However, it is planned to carry out a simple repair of this station in two hours. It is expected to be an hour, my lord. "In the soft voice, the woman pointed to the station sign on the map, "You can keep the convoy on the road, my lord."

Grant thought for a while and let out a sulky breath. After sitting in the car for almost a day and a half, although there was no physical discomfort at all, Grant always felt that the more he had to join the team in front, the more dull he was.

"No, I will go forward after repairing as planned. I always feel that I am out of shape. Maybe if I save this hour, something bad will happen." As he sat down and leaned on the armored vehicle, Grant continued his words. "After a while, remember to notify all members of the team to keep them vigilant at all times. I have been on the road for a day and a half, and my spirit can easily become less concentrated in a dull space. In addition, let the correspondent communicate and receive to the team The frequency of information is higher. Since the team said that they found Corqueva not long ago, there should be a follow-up."

"This is what I should search for and deal with. The Flame Tribe's recognized strong and elite. Under the agreement between several large tribes, there is almost no opportunity to fight with them in the Flame Alliance. I can't miss it this time. If you actually look at the situation, you can at least be more interested in the task."

"I will, my lord." The woman replied docilely, "Should we inform the team ahead to stop? The **** team is currently near the target city and has a clear tendency to attack actively in the afternoon. Laws derived from previous information , This more abnormal behavior may indicate that in the time after this, the lighting organization will no longer passively defend."

"No, go to the edge of the target city early in the morning. I personally hope that they will take the initiative to attack. Then there will be no suitable reason for Willard."


When I opened my eyes, the sky was still gray. Without the morning glow, the large tracts of stars at night did not know when they were covered by thick clouds blown by the wind, and they did not disappear until this moment. The clouds are connected to each other, like frozen water, covering the sky little by little.

When the wind blows, Cassia wakes up feeling cool. The inhaled air smelled of grass and pollen, and the sound in my ears also added to the fine friction between the weeds. Surrounded by a sea of ​​rippling weeds, Cassia wiped off the condensation on the front window of the car and took a few deep breaths while looking at the scene.

At 6:30 in the morning, Cassia launched a sonic pulse to make sure that there were no nearby vehicles on the road before getting out of the car, following the footsteps of last night, and carrying the car onto the road. After warming up for a while, watching the city almost immersed in the undulating plain ahead, Cassia turned on the light, and the ceremonial car drove forward at a constant speed.

At the same time, Tina set off with most of the members, and at the moment she circled the city before her. In the communication, Dudler remained in place, with less than a dozen people left, guarding two trucks, waiting for the departure time.

Standing on the soil slope, Dudler found a stone and sat down, looking at the road ahead with some wonder. It is a city, but at this moment, there are almost no vehicles on the road in front of me. The city is more like a larger gathering place, Dudler thought. When Tina set out, the latest news came from Mackintosh. In one day yesterday, one of the six teams needed to rejoin the team that was close.

The reason is that nearly 40% of the people were lost in the battle with the enemy, although the enemy’s situation is roughly the same, it will not be much better. But there is one point that is difficult to deal with. Most of the remaining members of that team are members of the Gumu team. The captain, along with Moninina's captain, also died in the battle yesterday.

As for whether the captain was killed by the enemy, no one can say clearly now or in the future. Knowing the current situation of the Furuki team, the arrangement of Captain Moninina was to move it closer to the fourth team.

After receiving the news from Mackintosh, Dudler and Tina did not think about this point. In the beginning, both of them regarded the Gumu team as the main members of the escort, but their behavior was really disappointing. Captain Moninina didn't reveal much about this, and the two didn't dare to think about It's just that from McIntosh's tone, Captain Moninina seemed to be very dissatisfied with the Gumu team.

"While being alert to the enemy, you must also be alert to the things around you." McIntosh's words made the two of them see something.

And this time the team of the Gumu team was merged into the fourth team. Dudler and Tina discussed the results, either the Gumu team is actually safe, or...

"No matter which hypothesis is true, this operation must be successful. In order to prevent the worst from happening, it is necessary to retain most of the vitality after the plan is over. It seems that Captain Moninina wants to do it once. A big plan to solve all problems at once." In his own words, Dudler received Tina's contact.

"It's time to set off, I have already bypassed this city." Tina said, the king's team also moved at this moment and started to go to the predetermined location.

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