Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1246: Mental body

Halfway to the distance, because there was really not much traffic on the road, Cassia could only find a forest nearby to hide the car, and walk towards the town on foot. It didn't take long after leaving the woods to find the investigators working around. Cassia judged that it was Tina and the others, and then moved on.

Half an hour later, on the circuitous route, Cassia "saw" the hidden teams one by one, as well as the temporary fortifications. So it took a while to look more in the direction of entering the town. Based on the hidden locations of these teams, Cassia roughly understood what Tina and the others wanted to do.

Halfway through, I saw several other teams prepared on the side, and Cassia later remembered that Tina and the others seemed to be reuniting with the king's forces. Those people probably did.

"I'm preparing to fight back." Afterwards, Cassia found a place where more teams could be observed and hid. "It's just that the enemy probably won't attack anymore recently?" The enemy lost an armored convoy in the morning, and Cassia expected even those three. A dozen or so people are not a big loss to the number of enemy support, but it is absolutely impossible to easily bear it. There may be a long interval between the next attack. When the same attack occurs twice, the enemy should collect more information, analyze and sort out the two attacks before proceeding.

The situation was roughly the same as Cassia had guessed. The evening came very quickly. Except for a rotation of the scouts on Tina's side, there was almost no change outside the town. Except for the two roads through the town, there were two limousine cars passing by in the evening.

At almost the same time, Grant and others met on the other side of the city. It's just that each team sent a small captain and the like, because there are too many people, it is easy to become a target when gathered.

The place where I fought with Cassia in the morning has been explored. While many photos were taken, the people who went to investigate also brought information about Corqueva. Although he did not ask for important information from the captured population, Grant only needs to know that Corqueva is not far from him.

After allowing each team leader to see the photos of the battlefield, Grant briefly explained the subsequent actions.

"The first point is that the goal of the armored vehicle is very large. Either increase the distance between the team and the lighting organization, or make an absolute disguise. Zenia is thinking about a suitable solution, and you will implement it after it is issued. At two points, the next task is to collect more detailed information about the lighting organization team and pay attention to its trends. Without my order, there can be no conflicts with it, let alone attack. Third point, the team has reorganized the team, and the next two In a few days, please join as soon as possible according to the team number."

It was Zenia who followed Grant to speak, and she made a specific road map for each team, as well as the tasks that each team focused on. Finally, I did not forget to remind some important points. After explaining the danger of this enemy, each team leader returned to the surrounding team with photos.

"Master Grant, I have already sent the news back to the main team. Master Willard's point is to let us follow and continue to observe. In the near future, he will consider sending some people who are good at tracking and searching to help." After the team leaders left, Zenia informed Grant of another news.

"Does he also think that the information obtained by the upper tribe is wrong?"

"No, but the party with whom you are dealing is drilling a loophole in the agreement." Zenia thought for a while and said, "But it is a good thing to have someone coming over. Such an enemy is probably not very suitable for ordinary investigators."


At 11 o'clock in the evening, Cassia had been lying motionless in the grass for several hours. Keeping his eyes closed, except for a small part of the energy spent observing the group of people hiding, most of it was spent thinking about the methods of the giant whale.

The reason is the second dream, which is the red crystal obtained from the dragon cemetery in the uninhabited area of ​​the volcano. I don’t know what changes the dream will bring to me, but Cassia can still confirm that after the operation reaches a certain stage, the dream, which can also be said to be mental power, will get a certain huge improvement, so that this Something that seems intangible can give birth to a certain form that is observed.

During the operation, Sucarius helped himself out of dreams may be one of the visible applications. Later, the first generation of knight King Grote helped him out of the crazy state of surgery, and then it seemed like a thousand years later. Dialogue with him in dreams may be seen as a powerful manifestation of mental power.

What can be influenced and changed, Cassia thinks, even if it is not, but like the psychological guidance or psychological hints in school medicine, it can do certain things through the control of mental power.

Sucarius told himself in his dream that the swallowing method may be like this. At that time, it probably did something to itself, through the nerve tissue in its body's inhibition tube and the implanted dragon tissue. Although you cannot make obvious changes immediately, burying some guidance is like a straight road. If you deviate from a slight angle from the beginning, you may not notice it at first, but when the road is long enough, the difference will be quite obvious.

Cassia didn't know whether his current state was the direction Sukarius wanted to lead.

"It's very likely not." The answer came out in the next moment. A lot of things happened in the middle, and sometimes Cassia couldn't say that he knew himself completely.

"If you continue to guess, the method of the giant whale will The reason can be determined to be the ghost of the dozen giant whales in the second dream. It would be nice if we could talk with them at that time. Just like Sukarius, at least I can get some information." Cassia muttered to herself. So far, the giant whale method can artificially activate dragons to proliferate and completely shield the pain. If it enters a scaly state, if possible, it can create a cryosphere with a range of about one or two hundred meters like a dragon breath. Come. And controlling body temperature is like a by-product of gifting.

"With the giant whale method, how do you improve? What is the difference between the stranger and the imperial surgeon? There is no second type of biological tissue in their bodies. According to the imperial theory of assimilation and fusion, how should they go step by step? Let yourself be close to the second type of creature, so that you end up becoming the second type of creature?"

Cassia believes that these are the key points that he needs to understand at the moment, and inside, perhaps spiritual power will become a key.

Because Cassia still remembers one thing, when he first came into contact with the surgical development project, all the materials mentioned the same thing. 2k reading network

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