Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1274: Game, interception and contact (middle)

Tina left with helplessness, standing in front of the adjutant's room and looking at the Gumu squad gathered together in the rest area, simulating what happens to each squad after they walked out of the stronghold. Go to the repair and modification department of the limo, Dudler is helping. Tina joined in and came to Dudler's side.

"Did you not find that although there are a lot of people gathered here, there are a lot of people missing?" After Tina approached, Dudler knew what was in her mind and said, "There is an important message. I have tried to contact Mai Kintosh, but it seems that I can’t get in touch. Of course it’s not something happened, it seems to be moved out of the range where we can contact, to a separate network."

"Sir Moninina's back?" Tina has always been concerned about Mackintosh's situation, and because of their relationship, they definitely won't be assigned to the same task. Although she knew why this mission was like this for a long time, she finally felt why in the distribution of the team and the mission, the two with feelings would not be put together without accidents. .

"I don’t know, Moninina-sama’s thinking range is much larger than ours. It’s me, the moment the Gumu team entered the stronghold, they should be attacked with sufficient firepower. They could live until now, if not The pressure from the higher level has fallen, then, it is very likely that Moninina-sama has an important reason and needs them to live."

The two talked to no result at the end. Soon after, the Gumu team assembled in front of the rest building, collecting materials, weapons, equipment and ammunition to **** important goods, as well as the ritual car from the maintenance and transformation office. At the same time, four trucks carrying goods were finally driven out at this time. Parked in the innermost part of the parking lot, in the opened cordon, it was easy to see that the four trucks were escorted by the fourth team.

The moment the stronghold was opened by the fourth team, they were stopped there for the first time.

The adjutant followed, and personally directed the technicians to start the inspection and necessary maintenance of the delivery truck. After the overhaul was over two hours later, the adjutant carried a cipher box to the truck. Inside the box are four password cards that have been carefully protected. The slot was found on the side of the cargo box. According to the code above, the adjutant inserted the passcard respectively. It can be judged from the sound that there is indeed a change inside the shipping box, but it is completely blocked by the disguised appearance.

There were no bullet marks or depressions on the four trucks. Under the protection of the fourth team, the Thunder Wolf tribe could not cause any damage to these important vehicles.

"The protection device has been fully activated." The adjutant who put away the passcard went beyond the cordon, looked at the truck that stopped quietly in front, and said, the captains of the Gumu team beside her, and Tina and others all watched together Reading, but don’t know what’s in their minds. While talking, the adjutant once again opened the password box in front of several people, grabbed four password cards, and directly crushed them all.

The fine and fine gears fell around the adjutant's feet, and neither Pegil nor Tina showed any expressions. This mechanism of protection and password cards is already familiar, and this method will be implemented for important transportation tasks within the organization. Each type of cipher card is produced as a set, half of which is handed over to the **** team and half to the receiving team.

Even if the goods are destroyed, they are not willing to hand them over to others. It is not only the organization that implements this idea, but many other major forces are the same.

"Master Moninina will personally convey the departure time. I expect it to be today." The adjutant walked to the room where he was resting. "Everyone should be prepared so that there should be no delay.

At noon, the adjutant went to the rest area to get the food and went directly to the rest room. While eating the food, while flipping through the information in front of him, most of them were maps and the like, carefully watching. But on the side, the communicator kept flashing a red light, which was a closed indicator light.

Metal knife and fork hit the plate from time to time, and the adjutant used his pen to draw something on the map with a little force. In the quiet room, a small range of small sounds formed a series of not smooth cipher words, I don’t know where they were transmitted. .


Corqueva was contacted, but no response was received several times. Cassia didn't doubt the authenticity of the string of radio frequencies, but instead thought about whether there was any trouble with Corquevar. Or, it was Corqueva deliberately. He understood the threat Cassia posed, and wanted to use various methods to make Cassia more alert.

Cassia didn't worry, and was still a very patient surveillance base. In the morning, four trucks were seen moving out of the inside personnel of the stronghold. The fourth team’s starting stronghold was placed there, whether it was a warhead or a cargo. The distance made Cassia unable to use high-frequency sound waves to penetrate, which made him unable to know.

However, at noon, the hidden team on the edge of the industrial park finally made a move. For a minute or two, nearly one-third of the people disappeared from the sound pulse detection out of thin air. A dozen people also left the team, went further on foot, drove a car from the factory to the same road, and quickly disappeared within the detection range.

"It's started?" Those people who disappeared out of thin air weren't worried about Cassia. After a little thought, they guessed that they were all under the ground. "Can you isolate the depth of the sound wave pulse, underground waterway?"

Jumping off the beam, Cassia lurked towards the edge of the industrial park. High-frequency sound wave pulses began to penetrate the ground continuously, and a network of underground waterways buried under the ground surfaced in his head, forming a map. Although the waterway is full of rain at this moment, they are not driven by a machine, and they cannot stop the team of all surgeons from moving forward.

Only less than five or six hundred meters close to the team, the sudden sense of emptiness in the high-frequency sound wave made Cassia stop. At this moment, there is indeed an underground water channel under his feet, but this channel does not seem to be connected to other networks. It's more like the safe escape route that was considered when the stronghold was built. It was not filled with rain, and the one-third of the people who disappeared have gradually entered the detection range of Cassia at this moment.

Almost everyone is carrying large and small boxes ~ ~ which contains all platinum gunpowder. These people went to a cavity connected by the channel and began to use the materials accumulated there to make the simplest explosive package.

"What do you want to do?" Cassia couldn't figure out the other party's thoughts, but it still took time to walk through most of the industrial park, and a detailed network of underground waterways was drawn into his head.


"My lord, there have been several contacts." Monica reminded Corkova.

"I know, wait a minute. There is no follow-up contact in the middle, which means it is not very important. We should not participate, otherwise, with his strength, acting alone is definitely doing some dangerous things. Let him solve it by himself. No longer, organization is no longer our goal, there is no reason to consume it.” Corqueva became a lot easier, “Just wait until the next time you contact us in a row and then let us know.”

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