Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1277: Grab (middle)

"I just hope that by then everyone will do their best to get the goods as soon as possible and go as far as possible." Cassia changed the subject, staying with such a person, was too much understood and too much observed , It is possible to expose a lot of information about yourself. It's not wrong that Corqueva is a member of the Flame Alliance, but Cassia still doesn't know if he will go there in the future. It is early autumn, and it will be another year in the near future. In the next year, he thinks that the focus of his hands except this small country, that gray area, and the interior of the empire will return to sight.

"I have been staying by the stronghold and observing the organized team. The Furumu team came out alone to **** the real goods. I haven't figured out what this is for. I said that there is a warhead in the loading truck, right? I hope you will not This information was not disclosed to others. This time, only one of the four trucks was loaded with cargo, and the other three still had two warheads each. So..."

"As long as we move fast enough, the chance of an accident will be smaller. The time is completely caught up. Before morning, we can drive the only car to leave the place of the incident." In the communicator and Cassia When talking, Corqueva was also thinking. He understands the importance of these goods better than Cassia, and he is also guessing the reason for the organization of the current action, the Gumu team, which is experiencing problems.


Only an ordinary mercenary who had less than the second stage of the operation stayed at the designated place, Weigel completely lost interest, and did not want to spend time tracking along with the communicator signal. He turned and left, and began to return to the assembly point set up by his team.

Nearly two hours later, Weigel received a message he was waiting for, "Miss Moninina." He said hello, "This mission really has various accidents and episodes, but I was treated like this. ,,,"

"If it's you, it won't be someone else who becomes the corpse in the town." Moninina, who interrupted Weigel, was merciless.

"I don't want to talk about it, I just hope that the same batch of goods related to the transaction will not have the same accidents and episodes."

"Although I am a very honest person, accidents are not in my control. Important things, if you don't experience a bit of difficulty and danger, don’t you think there will be less?" Moninina seemed to read Textbook, "So in order to prevent accidents, I have specially asked the entire ancient wood team to deliver the promised goods, so you should always rest assured, Mr. Wiegl."

"If you need it, I can still give you all of their road map, staffing, and so on. If you feel that this is not sincere enough, it is possible for me to send a team to assist you. "

Weigel laughed in the car, "Then should I honestly go to the delivery location you mentioned and wait? After all, Team Gumu is obviously your ace team."

"Who knows? Mr. Weigel. Isn't the accident an accident because of complete uncertainty? The Gumu team can only be regarded as a strong team between us, but with sufficient preparation, it can still be They were quickly broken through. I was not surprised that they were attacked by others on the way. If they were all annihilated in the middle, I think this is not an unacceptable fact. There is too much uncertainty. So far, apart from Mr. Weigel, how many people are behind you, who can make it clear."

"It was originally a violation of the rules. How could it not be possible not to take the risk. Like myself, after this mission is over, I should try my best to escape."

Moninina sighed, but her sigh didn't affect Weigel at all, and it didn't even arouse the slightest interest in the other party.

The laughter stopped at this time, and Weigel took a deep breath before suppressing the rising anger in his heart. Even with the traded goods, he always reminded himself not to care too much, but the value of the goods will not change because of anyone's mood and words. Wigger does not want to let go of what he can get, even if he burns himself many times .

"Road map and all the information materials of the Gumu team. I hope you only have one copy of this information."

"How is it possible that there is only one copy? I remember that the information about us seems to have been printed a lot. I can pay for the paper and photocopying. I can pay for it. Aces teams should look like ace teams. They should be willing to accept the challenge. . Just between,, "

Looking at the noisy communicator in her hand, Moninina pressed the cut button. "It's just because of my integrity, I really only have such a piece of information." After finishing the last sentence to the window, Moninina wandered back to the bed again and stared at the ceiling. The skin returned to normal and the state remained stable. She knew that there must have been a dynamic battle between Weigel and the man who came to hunt her, but the current state of Weigel was still unknown.

In the offensive and defensive battles that will inevitably take place in the strongholds, it is best to not have such a shadow of power.

At the same time, the limo driven by Weigel stopped by the road. The window opened a little, and the wind and mist cooled Weigel's face. After a total loss, Weigel knew this and was used as a tool, and afterwards, he had to be willing to make such a tool again.

"The journey is still long, I hope you will have this way afterwards." His mood soon calmed down and Weigel restarted the car and disappeared under the rain. He has to hurry up.


Another limo was spotted very until the subtle lights could be seen in the rain, Cassia brought her own weapon and got out of the limo and went to the side of the road. Another ceremonial car just stopped beside him, got in and sat in the passenger seat, Cassia exhaled and relaxed.

"The ceremonial car broke down halfway, Mr. Soriatu, this kind of thing is not a joke that makes people laugh."

With a sigh of relief, Cassia laughed helplessly, "If there is a better car, of course I am willing to buy a better one. But in this kind of area, if you want to meet a good business, you can only look at... Really can only look at luck. Don’t worry about losing the target. I’ve seen the map. There is only one road in this large area that meets the requirements. If you follow along, you can catch up for more than an hour. During the period, we can also discuss it. On offense, they have their own ideas."

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