Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1281: Massacre (Part 2)

The swelling body, as well as the pores, seemed to have become larger, and steam gathered from his body and floated out. Torn the tight shirt, Pegil took a few deep breaths, his body getting bigger during the movement. Breathing became smooth immediately, and the steam that had been dispersed by the wind disappeared immediately.

In the temperature perception, plus myself, there are now only ten people left. From the beginning to now, Pegil can only remember it for a few minutes. The information gap, whether it is an individual or a team, has always been a headache. Pegil knows this very well. The way to deal with this situation is to shrink the scope and get to the distance where he can respond immediately, and he can only continue to advance toward the opponent's rear team.

At the moment, the only thing that makes Pegil feel a little more at ease is that three of the remaining people are team captains. Although two died, it's not that there is no room for counterattack on his side now. All information becomes body movements in the temperature perception, and the benefits of running-in well are revealed at this time, and all words can be perfectly conveyed through the body.

The circle with a radius of less than fifty meters continued the previous advance, but the more forward, Pegil felt the pressure on him. Always pay attention to the other nine members around, they are much more likely to be the first to be eliminated than themselves.

Although the ears were full of rain and wind, mixed with thunder from a distance from time to time, not only Pegil but also several other members could hear their breathing and heartbeat very clearly. The environmental impact factor is too great, and there is no perfect way to avoid this environmental impact. If the other party lie on the ground and wait for him to step on it, it will definitely become a high-explosive landmine that will kill him instantly.

Pegil waved his hand at this time, indicating that the team had better tighten the range. However, this action seemed to have been interpreted by the other party. Less than two seconds after the arm was raised, the four people who should be moving continuously, suddenly all fell in the same posture.

The remaining six people had to react quickly, and the gunshots spread, and the four people were killed in horizontal bursts. At this time, Pegil almost rushed towards that direction, less than forty to fifty meters, almost in the blink of an eye, he went to the four corpses with the other five people. The perceptual capturing acuity has all been promoted to the maximum by several people. They are eager to capture the enemy's dynamics through some subtle traces. Everyone knows the principle of body temperature control. According to common sense, this ability cannot keep body temperature at or below ambient temperature at any time. Because the essence is to forcibly reduce the activity of the main heat source organs to control the temperature. When encountering strenuous exercise, unless it is an abnormally refined control, it is determined that there will be temperature fluctuations.

Pegil could only think of one result. Either the other party had absolute control over the temperature control, or it was not a laborious task for them to kill several members.

There was no movement around, and the opponent seemed to be attacking from a distance, and it seemed that he was escaping at a very fast speed after attacking. Page is rushing to think about the current effective countermeasures, and on the other hand, he is trying his best to analyze the opponent's fighting style. And the feeling of heart palpitations suddenly rose at this moment.

"Get out of here!" At any rate, he roared out this sentence completely, but the burst of gunfire did not give him a chance to remind his teammates, even himself, all were within the range of being attacked.

The head was hit by a powerful object, and the neck completely wrapped by muscles made a clicking sound. The sudden vertigo made Pegil's perception completely invalid at this moment. But for a moment in a trance, Pegil had already given his body an order to withdraw. After a few consecutive jumps, he stretched a distance of nearly 20 meters. When the dizziness disappeared and the darkness in his eyes returned to moist, Pegil held the spear in both hands and instantly waved a complete ring shape around his body. Immediately after shining in front of him, he hit several times in a row.

In the rain curtain shattered by the spear, Pegil felt the breath of the enemy for the first time. But this is not the time to fight. Pegil didn't know if the attack just pushed back the enemy, but he knew that the enemy was close enough to him.

Starting to run wild in the rain, Pegil had time to touch his head, and from the mass of broken flesh, he took out the bullet trapped by countless twisted muscle fibers. In the perception, although he had been prepared for a long time, the other five people had stayed where they were and were gradually losing their body temperature. Pegil could not help feeling the endless weakness and heart palpitations in his heart.

At this moment, the body seemed to have only the instinct to run, and Pegil didn't know how far he had to stretch to give himself some breathing time. Because from the moment he started running, the enemy's breath disappeared again. In the entire rain screen, at this moment, it seems that only one person is looking for the only ray of light that represents the exit in the black space with no radius. It’s just that Pegel didn’t dare to stop. There was nothing in perception, darkness in his vision, only rain and wind in his ears. He even hoped that dawn would come sooner and provide some light to open up his vision. Provide even a sense of solidity by yourself.

Controlling his breathing, Pegil tried to make the residual dizziness disappear.

At this time, there was a sudden flash in the temperature perception, and the two heat source images appeared in the perception in an instant, separated on their sides. The distance was much closer than Pegil had imagined, and the two enemies were no more than 30 meters away from him. It's just that I still feel a little lucky, knowing where the enemy is, it means that I can seize the opportunity.

But this kind of fortune still appeared in his heart, and before he was even savored, Pegil's fast-running body suddenly lost balance and fell forward and fell to the ground. He immediately pushed to the ground with one hand and was about to stand up, but the sudden sense of distance was as if the ground beneath him had sunk several meters deep. It was this short deviation that caused Pegil to roll directly on the ground several times.

When I stopped, the pain after a brief paralysis came back from my feet. Pegil turned over and sat on the ground. At a distance of seven or eight meters, her suddenly severed feet landed there, and the temperature imaging was still very clear at this moment. Even the extremely sensitive temperature perception can still capture the temperature of blood mixed with rainwater.

When Pegil grabbed the spear and tried to lift it up, he felt tremendous power. Although in this extremely short time, the enemy's temperature imaging only flashed for less than a second and then disappeared again, but he still turned his head and looked at the other end of the spear. Finally, I can clearly feel the presence of the enemy only through the breath. He was less than three meters away from him, and he could even see the dark shadow of the enemy in the rain. He was standing on his spear.

"Is my body temperature suddenly appearing to attract my attention at that moment?" Pegil sighed, and left the spear with both hands. At this moment, he raised his head to look at the night sky and let the rain wash the mud on his face. It must be so troublesome, even if it doesn't attract my attention, my legs will definitely break in your expectations."

"But before I die, I don't know if the two can satisfy my personal request." Pegil said, but he didn't hold any hope.

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