Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1283: Hot hands (below)

Cassia couldn't catch any words, glanced back and forth between Corqueva and the truck, and finally stayed at his feet.

"What if we take some time and start dismantling a little bit from the externally protected alloy steel plate? I can indeed see the fine mesh, which is the best advantage. As long as something is sharp enough, it can be cut slightly easier. This layer of alloy completely exposes the net, and you can find a way to make it lose its effect. Freezing, some chemical substances, etc., are used to reduce its acuity, and finally break open to obtain the contents inside. The goods loaded in this medium-sized truck, not to mention the things that cannot be bought by money, are exchanged for money figures, which is very exciting."

Corqueva understood Cassia’s thoughts and gave him the final result. “First, let’s not say whether this sharp weapon is easy to find. Even if you find it, cutting off the alloy outside the net is a fine work. . The control of the power should be very fine, and all stripped off.” Looking at the truck beside him, Corqueva obviously lost his patience, “It’s been half a year, three months, this time is needed. . The second point, after the stripping is finished, some mechanics are needed to formulate corresponding countermeasures, how to make it lose sensitivity, so as to smoothly break a hole and take out the contents. Finally, in addition to this layer of nets, There will be other alarm devices in the future. Relatively speaking, the others may be easier to handle, but once an accident occurs, all efforts are wasted, and perhaps a few lives will be involved."

"I just refer to the truck loaded with cargo, and the other one is not as simple as a few lives. The two warheads exploded together, and only the surgeon with more than four stages at close range can avoid the injury."

Seeing the expression on Cassia’s face that he didn’t want to drop these things, Corqueva just thought Cassia was a bit too greedy and didn’t know what he really thought, so he comforted: "Mr. Soriatu, from another angle, The entire team of the Gumu team has completely disappeared. For you, there is still one thing to be happy about, and this is not a small thing. Looking back at me..."

Cassia felt like he had harmed Corqueva, "I'm really sorry, I have nothing to make up for."

"No need to compensate, I just look forward to the time, Mr. Soriatu, you have time to come to the Flame Alliance." Corqueva doesn't care much, whether the goods can be swallowed smoothly, originally not in his plan for this trip. "Find something, quickly dig a big hole to bury the truck. Another one, when we leave here, we'd better drive it to some wilderness and drop it. There is always good news, the truck There is no signal tracking device, maybe it was checked out by the Gumu team in advance. If we find a good way later, maybe we can come back here."

Corqueva's mentality is very optimistic. Cassia sighed and nodded. In the plan, this was originally the dragon blood used to stimulate the scaled state after his **** mission ended, because he wanted to experience the feeling of entering the scaled state. There is still blood that Cassie Hei obtained, but the amount is not large, and more often it is prepared for a heavy insurance in battle.

The two went to a small farm 2,000 meters away that was flooded by rain. They obtained multiple tools and returned here. They spent more than half an hour next to a small forest and buried the truck.

At around 11 noon, the two parked a truck with a warhead in a wilderness. To prevent revealing their route, they took time to dig a hole and bury it. Then he went to the nearest town on foot to prepare for the return.

Randomly chose an open shop to eat. It seemed very relaxed, but the two were still worried about other things. The information that Pegil uttered before his death was not swiped by the two, and the preparation was precisely to respond to this situation.

"Would you like to go inside the Kyle Kingdom again, wait until the heavy rain has stopped and there are more vehicles on the road before returning to their respective teams." Corqueva said to Cassia while eating. "Moninina's trading partner can only be the same four-stage stranger. I know something in advance because of the way of becoming a stranger. Here is the inductance phenomenon, because of personal strength and exercise. , The scope of investigation is not the same, but the four-stage strangers can use similar inductive phenomena as a means of investigation. Without going to this stage, it is almost impossible to evade such investigations."

"Can you describe it in detail?" Cassia asked seriously, but there was an intention to get more information.

"That is a kind of energy dissipation that accompanies everyone? I think. It can be seen as a light blue misty light, like the heat that is radiating out at any time. Different strengths, this misty light The size and brightness of the light are also completely different. The ordinary people around us are the lamps that have just been extinguished at this moment. They say that there is no light, and it seems that there is still a little fuzzy left, but they can’t be captured at all. , That is also a huge burning fire, the one that can be seen far away. So, Mr. Soriatu, you should understand?"

"In short, the strangers in the fourth stage not only have the ability to see this misty energy, but in many cases, they can strengthen this ability through various methods. If the other party can accurately follow our path and hide in the town It's totally useless."

Knowing that Cassia would choose, Kelqueva continued, "Furumu Squad has disappeared. This huge hidden threat has disappeared from the organization and **** team. I think the rest should be solved by others. I don’t know, Mr. Soriatu, what restrictions you can’t say, but here, it is my plan for the future. I personally hope you can live safely until that time. As for the future..."

Corqueva's smile speaks for itself.

"Let's go further for a while, the cargo delivered by the Gumu team is only a small part of it after all. The longer the delay, the more disadvantages for a four-stage surgeon."

After reaching an agreement the two secretly bought a gift car from a farm and continued to head towards the center of the Kyle Kingdom.


"My lord, there is news from the other teams." Seeing Weigel's ugly face, the speaker's voice disappeared immediately.

After a while, Weigel replied, "Go on."

"The news came that no traces were found. Lord Grant asked about the time of the attacking base not long ago. He said that all the mercenary teams and the scattered teams had assembled this morning."

A sudden brake stopped the car, Weigel took a deep breath, closed his eyes and sensed a town not far away. After all, the car turned the direction.


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