Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1287: Process (in)

"Aren't you worried that other tribes will surface because of this situation?" Cassia took the conversation, taking a bite of food slowly, "Your mission was over, but I didn't have it on my side. This mission is very for me. Important, otherwise I won’t find a way to spread your team."

Corqueva understood what Cassia meant, and smiled helplessly, "Up to now, what is Moninina's plan? I believe that after the information in the base is spread, and after some necessary investigations, many people will definitely I immediately understood it in my heart. Those people did not have the ability of Mr. Soriatu, and Moninina never told anyone about the bullet in the truck. They would think that the cargo was always following the truck."

"But the big explosion in the stronghold will definitely wake them up immediately, because no one believes that Moninina will actually destroy the goods in the explosion. The current situation is far from reaching that level. This delay is still There is a way to block the line of sight, combined with the information obtained from the Furuki team, either Moninina has been forced by several pressures to be unable to do it, or another route that we don’t know is coming to an end. It’s based here, but It’s just for adding another layer of protection."

"You can also completely disrupt these people's plans and let them all surface at a time. In this way, by collecting their information, you can avoid them on another route."

Seeing Corqueva looking at him, Cassia shook his head symbolically, "The task is very important to me and must be completed. Although nothing can be changed, I can do it by reducing the necessary risks after I pass. Don't worry. , The importance of the task is far less important than my own life."

"I can't wait for your news. I can only look forward to that period of time. I will receive your contact at some point in the Flame Alliance." Corqueva thought a lot, but finally said This sentence. After eating all the food on the plate, Corqueva stood up, "Here is it."

He walked out of the restaurant alone and went to the limo. In less than ten seconds, the red taillights of the limo disappeared into the rain. Cassia lowered her head and continued to eat, then ordered a few more.

While thinking about the signal from the **** team to summon all the surviving people, while thinking about the cargo in that truck.

The call signal just helped Cassia save the trouble of how to return to the **** team again. It's time to go back at this time. The goods must have been transported away through other people, and there are other methods. The remaining people are summoned just for cover. Cassia had a hunch that soon after gathering, he might receive an order to retreat.

Most of the thinking is still on the truck. I don't know what Moninina and the fourth-stage surgeon that Moninina worked with would think of this shipment. However, in a short time, where Gumu Squad died, there will definitely be some investigators left in the surrounding area. For the time being, there is nothing that he and Corqueva can do, but it doesn't mean that these two people don't.

It's just that Cassia didn't think about letting go, and said that the plan for Corqueva was not out of imagination. After listening to Corqueva's explanation of the truck's self-destructing device, Cassia first thought of the second-generation holy sword placed in the Tucinian area. My own control of power, coupled with the detection of high-frequency sound waves, and fine control of power, may really be successful in spending some time. And it was not three months. Cassia estimated that with his energy and physical stamina, a little more than a month would be able to remove all the alloy outside the net. The rest is to hire a mechanic to find a way to make the induction network invalid.

"First, we must prepare a quiet place, we need a constant temperature room, far away from the town, sufficiently concealed, even if you accidentally explode, it will not cause a noticeable phenomenon." After eating the food, Cassia has found several options. He remembered that in the arms and ammunition transactions between Waters and the Kings of the Chil Kingdom faction, some of the payments were based on the area of ​​land in remote areas as trading chips. It is finally useful now, and in Cassia's subsequent thoughts, those remote areas can not only become a few good training venues, but also serve as a construction location for some supply warehouses.

In this mission, the technical data files that have not yet been actually obtained are not mentioned. The organization of the team's convening and reunion, the distribution of members, and the supply warehouses in various regions have all given Cassia a lot of inspiration. In the eyes of Cassia, this model is very suitable for himself, who is currently expanding its power and whose personnel will be relatively scattered in various regions. If something in the middle is simplified, all that needs to be done is probably only the necessary space, as well as the protection of weapons and ammunition itself.

There must be a perfect plan for the protection of Delya, and the remaining space can be solved by money. Because the initial demand for materials does not need to be too large, a purchased property, its bedroom or its own basement, etc. can become small arms storage warehouses.

"By the way, when building these warehouses, we can start looking for some important strongholds and preliminary planning." I suddenly thought of a lot, just as he and Kolkova imagined, this mission is fighting at the strongholds. After it was over, Moninina had unilaterally declared that it was coming to an end.

After eating the food, Cassia calculated the distance between himself and several meeting points, coupled with the huge impact of the heavy rain, and after taking a relatively slow travel time, he stayed in a hotel in the current town. Tomorrow night was the most suitable time for departure. Soon after, Cassia looked at the borrowed book in the hotel room, and said to herself to the crackling window.


The so-called target position was reached after Tina and his team of 15 people, only to realize that there were only three ritual cars that had been modified internally and had a mimic function on the outside. Inside the car is a piece of paper that has already been printed out. Apart from the name of a railway station, it is only the location of the railway station.

There are some weapons, but nothing else. There is no need for the adjutant to explain here. Tina and the others also know what to do next, but when they leave after a break, Tina and the others still ask about the morning signal. After getting an answer that didn't need to worry about it, the fourteen people finally stopped asking about the matter, and drove away quickly in the car.

The route was drawn up after fifteen people’s mutual consultation and their respective information collection ~ ~ I knew that the base was a bait to cover myself. With the enemy's sight mostly attracted at this moment, Tina and the others drove very fast. Departing at noon, one-tenth of the journey to the railway station was completed by the evening. They are expected to arrive in the city where the train station is located in three days. And everyone knew in their hearts that by then, the final delivery of the goods would have to rely on 15 of them to complete.

At the same time, with the exception of the Thunder Wolf tribe, the other tribe teams who had been watching the situation discovered something was wrong, and at this time they had reacted in time. It's just that important opportunities have been lost in time, but under different remedial measures, the emergency assembly signal was discovered by some tribal teams.

Almost at the same time as the remaining members of the **** team began to act. In the evening, the two parties began to set off one after another to the corresponding confluence city.

"Four days." Somewhere in a small town that was almost invisible under the rain curtain, Moninina sat in front of the window, waiting for the huge wounds on her body to slowly converge, while looking at the communication machine next to her from time to time. .

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