Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1289: End and Peace (Part 1)

General Pullman shook his head directly. When he wanted to say something, he saw Adolf's solemn and solemn face and pressed his mouth tightly. Then he looked at the pile of materials on the desktop naturally, and a few key words made him realize roughly what it was.

"It won't happen again, right?" Pullman also deliberately raised his tone, as if to blame, "Adolf, this is what you said. There is no danger. It is safe to follow the team. Wait until the time is up, even if it is over. I haven’t done anything these days, just waiting for your good news."

Adolf waved his hands one after another, trying to separate himself from him. When he was about to bring the topic back to the beginning, the communicator that Pullman was carrying vibrated. Realizing what Adolf had just said, Pullman's sense of smell immediately guessed whose communication this would be. Some did not want to connect, but he had no way to refuse at this moment. Once he got on the boat, the trouble of jumping off halfway was more than just having to swim back to the shore.

Glancing at Adolf with an apologetic smile, Pullman took out the communicator and connected it with a sigh. There was an ear-piercing and familiar music that was common in high-end taverns that could stimulate body hormones. Li Suman said with a smile afterwards. Pullman smacked his lips, always feeling that the mood at the moment was a bit subtle. Because Adolf's upper level can let Li Suman inform himself, which means that it is definitely not an easy thing.

With only a few short sentences, Li Suman asked him to help like Pullman's old friends, saying that the matter is simple, as long as they go to a certain area for more activities in the next few days.

When the communication was over, Pullman no longer looked at Adolf. Lowering his head, he picked up the information on the desktop and quickly browsed through it. Then he asked with thought: "Although Miss Tavier did not ask, I still want to know the situation of Soria at this moment. You Knowing that this matter is more important than Soriatu."

"Please don't worry about this matter. Every member of the **** team was issued a unilateral communicator, and found the piece of Soriatu from the beginning. It is very life-conscious, and the sense of danger is also Very keen. He left the team at the beginning, and then joined the team, but before a major battle, he left early. I also brought you the latest information on the border area of ​​the Kingdom of Chil. After the matter is over, you can watch it slowly."

Adolf kept his smile on his face. He was almost in the same state as Pullman not long ago. In addition to paying attention to some dynamics of Cassia, he is also enjoying a peaceful rest. It was just a sudden contact that broke these things. I never thought that Lord Hongmang would contact him personally, and the pile of information on the desktop came along with the communication.

"There are not too many places to worry about, because Lushu himself will definitely not come in person. As for more information, I would like to ask Mr. Teli Weikang for your understanding. According to the information given by the captain of the **** team, Moninina, Lu Shu had previously dispatched a Phase 4 personnel over. As for how she survived afterwards, she did not explain. However, she said that she was seriously injured and worried that Lu Shu would be the most important here. In a few days, more people were sent to intercept the goods, so she passed the information to one of Hongmang’s subordinates in a very secretive way, which was regarded as a distress signal. Because the next thing was managed by Hongmang. Field, plus there are Soria diagram’s mission requirements in it, so..."

"How you look at this is all within your organization. Since Green Tree treats the **** team like this, and there is evidence in hand, it can't be unresponsive, right?" Pullman knew the process of handling this kind of thing at a high level. It was originally a layer of extremely strong protection, and it was absolutely impossible to pass this stack of materials and even if Moninina wanted to pull it down. Whether one of the highest levels of an organization, the influence in the organization, and the huge impact of subsequent events, it is necessary to make various considerations and preparations, otherwise the impact will not only be lost Lushu is as simple as a member. Apart from rights, this kind of unknown smells like an umbrella no matter where it is. Because everything in this position must be cautious, which means that a lot of time for evidence collection and verification is required, and a long time can always make some key points suddenly evaporate into nothingness.

Adolf sighed helplessly. He knew that Pullman had deliberately said such things, "Mr. Terry Weikang, Lord Hongmang said that because you are not a member of the organization, and your strength is very strong. So this time is more like a form of employment. Corresponding generous rewards will be paid."

"Why didn't you say it earlier?"

Adolf pursed his mouth, then gave a dry smile: "Master Hongmang also said that saving is a good habit."

"Well..., I said a little bit in advance." Adolf immediately became serious, "Green Tree's reaction was a little unexpected. Probably because the red star is getting closer and closer. So if someone else is chasing you this time If it is, Lord Hongmang is not easy to predict who it will be, and how many people will come. Within the organization, the first two hundred people with serial numbers will not be included in the real-time monitoring. Among them, they are roughly equal to ours. Several of the people who are under the leadership of Lushu, and may be difficult to deal with. But..."

"Needless to say but, let's talk about it when the time comes." Pullman felt a little indifferent. He had heard too much but during the last war when the red star came This word sounds a bit headache to him.


At noon the next day, Cassia left the hotel room after making a basic disguise. Yesterday afternoon, the transportation was prepared, so traveling is not a problem. Compared with the previous few days, the torrential rain has some sensory weakening. But for ordinary people, the sight of the surgeon is still a huge problem. After receiving the information from Corqueva, Cassia observed these clouds for a long time during the break, and he also remembered the images of the clouds that he had never seen before.

"Land Falls", in the car, Cassia knew that afterwards, he had one more thing to accumulate. These extreme regions, as well as the abnormal climates that may appear everywhere under the influence of the red star, must also be understood. As for the method and the way of obtaining information, Cassia immediately thought of an excellent place in his head.

"If they can find their stronghold in a small country, some of the convenience lost by the military school will also be offset."

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