Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1305: Crack (in)

"Waters, you spend some time thinking about the process of contacting the other side in the past few days. As long as there is a possibility of leaving a trace, you must deal with it. The other side's reaction is a bit too big, and the current situation should be the second kind. ." Cassia considered afterwards. In the communication, I discussed this matter carefully with Waters. Vinifer was indeed a good mechanic. Although the information he revealed was still hidden, he told Cassia what he should tell.

This information can be used to judge the state of the enemy. One of them is that the enemy is only the family that Winifre previously worked on. In the other case, Winifre also mentioned. Worried that this family can't do things well, the higher-level forces themselves might send some people over.

Cassia can clarify the enemy's feelings about the technical information in the hands of Winifre, but to do things like this, directly relying on his own influence to remind and warn some forces in that area, not to mention, now it is infiltrating the bounty. Hunters and mercenaries.

Underestimated the influence of the internal forces of the three giant countries in this small country, and Cassia had this idea later. The biggest reason that affected his judgment was probably caused by the battle between the king's power supported by the organizational power and the imperial knight's attendant team in the Kingdom of Chil. At that time, I didn't see the king's power showing much fear to the knight attendant team, even if its own reasons accounted for a large part.

Without focusing on this at the moment, the experiment to be started is even more important. Cassia also thought about the back road. If the opponent really had a fourth-stage surgeon, he would later throw this trouble to him on the grounds that he accidentally ran into Vinifer and didn’t want to give up the technical information of the opponent’s kinetic armor. Adolf and Terry Weikang will do.

The two were regarded by Cassia as an important resource, once they had the opportunity to use them, they would never miss it easily.

The result from the pharmacy expert is that at 9 o'clock this morning, compared with the nerve agent of Corkva, the toxicity of blood adapted to this biological agent is much greater.

"That little tube of green biological poison sample looks like a highly corrosive mixed liquid mixed with many types of toxins. The color, taste, etc. are not suitable for use as a biological poison. You really have this aspect. Demand, I can provide several biological agents with little toxicity, and the price can be discounted according to the quantity. In the test results, the other tube of samples is not mentioned, but the green sample is very toxic. It seems There is also an inorganic substance similar to living organisms."

A few days, enough pharmacy experts to come up with detailed results. Correspondingly, the price was three times higher than that previously negotiated. It was said that because the characteristics of the green sample were not clearly stated, several of her machines were severely damaged.

"This strange inorganic substance is like a kind of microorganism with life characteristics. After entering the organism, it can erode the host like a germ, and in a strange way, promotes the host's healthy and intact organism to undergo self-deterioration. Simply put, It is an extremely efficient accelerator, which promotes the rapid development of a healthy body in the direction of self-destruction."

Cassia guessed that the so-called promotion should be the radiation "germs" on the used uranium gold in the volcanic uninhabited area. The difference is that the germs in the volcanic uninhabited area can radiate a very wide range. Imprisoned in the blood by some kind of power.

I am still a little disappointed with the test results of the pharmacy experts. Cassia wanted to get more information from the results, but the pharmacy experts and the old professors of the military school are different people after all. The technology and the direction of inspection have essence. the difference.

At about ten o'clock in the evening, Winifred made all preparations for the test. Cassia handed the blood released in advance to Winifre, watching him fix it to the machine that carried the truck.

It will automatically mix with some solvents with excellent cooling effect, and spray evenly on the palm-sized touch screen. At this time, the transmission of information is completed with a high-speed camera and a matching transmission machine. Winifre is very good at transferring information between the two, which seems to be his job.

1,500 meters away, Winifred is monitoring the effectiveness and stability of information transmission in the pit dug in advance. This situation is not like testing whether a biological agent is effective, but more like testing a new type of bomb.

"Half an hour, that is, at eleven o'clock. The whole process may only take half a minute. After that, with the sound of'bang!', we can sit in the fire cloud of two small low mushrooms that merge together. The car returned.” Cassia just jumped into the pit, and Winifre said while checking the machine, “There should be no big problem with the explosion distance. I have been exposed to the explosive data of this type of shell, although the three countries have their own explosives. A set of theories, but roughly the same. Some fine particles compressed by a special process, like salt, have a much higher density. When filling, they are pressed again, and the power of detonation is... The soil quality, I think it should be able to open a pit with a diameter of more than 150 meters."

Soon after, Winifred left his small console and built a simple shelter with Cassia.

"It's all ready, just wait for time." Vinifer said afterwards, looking at the mechanical watch, there were less than three minutes left.

Just a few dozen breaths, three minutes is not long for two people. Although the weather has the taste of winter, the stars on the night-time curtain indicate that tomorrow will be a sunny day. In the night, I don’t know how long it will take until there are no insects, so the surrounding is unusually There is no wind tonight, not far behind, an empty road is blurryly slow under the cold moonlight Slowly crawl into the distance.

The sudden time, accompanied by a dazzling bright orange fire, suddenly illuminated the land, the ground under the feet of Winifred and Cassia began to shake violently, breathing became difficult in an instant, and the air was also in the blink of an eye. Then it becomes an extremely dry and scorching sticky substance. The impact expanded towards the surroundings a step earlier, and the shelter that was built sank a little at the same time. The air wave came immediately, and the pressure difference squeezed the eardrums and lungs of the two. Losing gravity, both of them felt that they seemed to be floating in the air at this moment, and the huge power of perception in the explosion was almost completely invalid. It took a few breaths to adapt, and it was already half a minute later when perception returned.

From covering the gap between the shelves, the two only saw two clusters of orange burst clouds that almost merged into one shape instantly, constantly surging like a fountain, turning into thick smoke with sparks on one side and expanding toward the night sky.

After the dull explosion sound, hearing is also affected. "Swish!" A large amount of mud that was lifted into the night sky fell like a torrential rain, hitting the shelter shed built. After a full few minutes, when the impact of the explosion subsided, Winifre held the monitoring machine, and Cassia took the built shed, stepped on the soft falling soil with the smell of gunpowder, and went to The limousine stand three kilometers away.

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