Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1322: Conjecture of immortality

There is Cassia's sonic pulse monitoring the enemy, and any movement will not escape his detection. The enemy has lost the opportunity to know this action at the source, and what awaits them later will be an unexpected attack, and within a few minutes they will face a complete mission collapse and failure.

Cassia sat alone in front of the window of the hotel room. The height of the twenty-three-story building gave him a wide view that allowed him to overlook the entire landscape of the central area of ​​the city. Shrouded by lights of various colors, the faint sound highlights the different excitement of each city at night. I really enjoy this tranquility and leisure. Nothing can affect me, but I can control all the feelings. Knowing that this is a feeling that can only appear based on many foundations, Cassia understands what it is, a symbol of power and power combined. Even if it is only a small amount at present, the impact to Cassia will not be small for a while.

"Some things, some things really can only be separated from theories and books after personally experiencing them, and see the roots." While speaking, Cassia had already left the window and returned to the table to look at the map, "Be yourself, let When I make a choice, there is a high probability that I will be the same as the empire’s four forces. Let’s strengthen my own power and dominance from all aspects. Build an invisible and incomparably strong barrier to block most people. Outside. There are really not a few people who can resist this feeling. Even if they know the operation, there will be an end to death, but during the period..."

"It's still too young. At this moment, I can't imagine the group of people standing at the top of the pyramid of power. What will come to their minds? It can be said that they have stood at the top of the world, and they can say they are free. It is not an exaggeration to control the life and death of most people. There is almost no possibility of further progress in any aspect. The only thing left is how to enjoy this quiet and leisure that I don't know how to describe."

Cassia was a little surprised why she suddenly thought about this, but later changed her thinking, thinking that this would not be wrong, maybe it would be a good thing, but not necessarily. I have always known that I don't have any leadership skills, and it is more appropriate to be a fighter who is obedient to act. Does this kind of thinking mean that you have learned something in time?

Cassia thinks this is for sure, his learning ability is very strong, even if he is far worse than others, but he is still improving.

"For those people, if there is no such threat as Nuoer, the only thing they will be afraid of is death visible to the eyes, right? They are all advanced surgeons, and their knowledge of their physical conditions is like carrying them with them. Several sophisticated medical monitoring machines. It is possible that they may even know how many years later they will enter the aging period, and then how many years later, they will be in the aging period, even if they rely on any medicines and methods. After he can no longer extend his life, he will die every minute."

"That is definitely the most horrible thing in their hearts, perhaps." Cassia said, "Stay at the top of the pyramid for decades. Apart from hindering others who want to climb up, their greatest pursuit is to do everything possible. It may not be wrong to extend your lifespan. After all, second-class creatures like dragons can live for more than a thousand years at will, which is almost equivalent to the history of the entire empire."

This kind of guessing game that follows the train of thought, Cassia sometimes likes to do it: "For dragons, the second type of creatures, a thousand years should be only a small part of their lives. "Cassia thought, at this moment, he suddenly seemed to have caught something important.

A vague impression that I hadn't thought about before appeared in his mind. Cassia thought it was very, very important, but there was no information for a while, and there was no information that could be associated with it to automatically complete the details of this impression. But remember the general information.

"Eternal life? Or is it to rely on immortality in any way? Continue back and forth until there is no end of time?"

"The spirit of the first generation of knight king resides in his skull. It has probably been a thousand years since he survived. Although he has died and disappeared, it should be regarded as a means of extending life. Although it was in his spiritual world at the beginning After talking, it can be seen that he did not want to do this, but was forced to cause it for reasons I don't know. However, there are already examples. It is impossible for these people in the highest position to know some similar information."

At this moment, Cassia thought of another message. It was the gods in the empire that he would know from birth to basic thinking. Looking at it now, Cassia has always believed that the so-called gods are likely to be some extremely powerful surgeons who have the ability to develop special surgical projects, or some powerful and long-standing second-class creatures. Because no matter which of the two, the survival time must be extremely long. Long time combined with strength, amazing wisdom and experience make it easy for them to establish institutions like temples among ordinary humans. At best, they need a slow accumulation of time.

This kind of information will definitely be known by those high-ranking people. And now the second type of creatures, like dragons, their life span is already envied by many surgeons. The origin of the operation at the very beginning was because of war, which required strong power and a group of very strong people to use some powerful war-killing machines. But wars do not happen every day. During the peaceful years, the assimilation and integration of human beings brought about by surgery, the perfect evolutionary substance in Sukarius' mouth, etc., it is impossible not to be discovered.

In those times, it is inevitable that there will be no high-ranking person who will aim at the initial goal of surgery on life, or immortality. Moreover, there is still a period of ancient history where the holy sword and holy spear can be made. Only from the first generation of knight King Grot to inform about all the murals in the dragon-like tombs in the uninhabited area of ​​the volcano, the scenes they depict have been told in the post-phase continent, or the three-phase continental plate In history, there used to be a world that was more prosperous than it is now.

Not to mention the second dream that I experienced and two illusions in different periods. The things shown inside, Cassia is not sure whether they are all facts that exist today, but in a certain time dimension, they did exist, and they were preserved and passed on by a certain substance.

"That is the perfect evolutionary substance!" This may be another important point, Cassia faintly perceives, "This information is retained in the perfect evolutionary substance, which comes from different types and fragments presented by different individuals. They did not die in history. , But inherited. Can it be said that, to a certain extent, perfect evolutionary matter can preserve some things from being erased by time, or that perfect evolutionary matter is synonymous with immortality?"

"And what the first generation of knight king said at the beginning, if possible, please throw his skull into the endless sea."

For a while, I thought a little too much. When Cassia withdrew from this thought, he found that his face and ears were red, and he was emitting amazing heat.

At this moment, Waters' communication came over, interrupting Cassia's idea of ​​continuing.

"It's not necessary. These are not things that I can touch at the moment." Cassia muttered to herself, pressing the answer button.

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