Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1325: Win-win (below)

Doesn't match the data recorded in the materials, Aipley thought. It can be judged only from the surrounding scenes. Afterwards, her gaze was placed on the second-generation holy sword held by Cassia, the fire reflected from the silver-white sword body was a little dazzling. At this moment, April again looked at the corpse whose head was cut off by a sword, and she felt more in her heart. Other ideas.

"You wait here first." April came out of her extremely brief thoughts, and when she wanted to reply, something had already been thrown on her head. After taking a step back to catch it, I unfolded it and found that it was a city map with a red marker on it, which was very detailed. The landmarks on both sides of the road, as well as how many meters need to turn, how many meters to go straight, etc., are clearly written on them.

"After you get out from here, you will follow this route. The total distance is about five kilometers, the sooner the better. At the end, someone will naturally meet you. As for whether it is Winifred himself, I don't know. In short, you will see him soon, don’t worry.” Cassia also motioned to April to stand still, “Is there any power to move?”

"Five kilometers should not be a problem."

"That's good." Cassia took the revolver and walked to the stairs to answer, "I will always look at you, so don't worry about the safety of the road. If possible, I want to wait here, and there are some things. It needs to be done as the final finishing touch for your safety and Winifre."

"I tell you to come up, and you come up again." After speaking, several steel bombs that fell from the stairs exploded, and the sound drowned Cassia's words. A short burst of gunshots and collision sounds followed, and April estimated that it would be less than five seconds. The words that Cassia reminded her just now were still echoing in her head, and a shout came from the stairs.

"You can come up now, Miss April."

The four corpses were scattered around Cassia, and the ground under their feet was also damaged to varying degrees. The clothes rotted a lot, and the damage from the explosion and bullet seemed to have all been transferred to them.

"You probably have less than a minute, but I will try to help you procrastinate. Remember, just follow the route and don’t worry about the others. I will keep watching you, Miss April, until you reach safety. Position." In a gesture of request, Cassia threw a small-caliber pistol to April and moved her body to make room.

Aprili said "thank you", immediately cheered up and ran to the exit. When she disappeared behind the building, Cassia looked around. After a few seconds of thinking, she went to the third floor of the office building and took a chair out of it and sat down in the corridor. Said to sit down, but most of the weight is still supported by the feet.

The range of the sonic pulse now extends to four kilometers. The enemy who has come to support and the evacuation of April, both are revealed in his eyes. Obstructing the battle plan is very successful. It is not a complicated pull operation. With Vinifer's help, he knows when to continue the attack and when to retreat in advance, so as not to let his side be seized. Come.

Not all the enemies were dispatched, only about 30 enemies were seen. It should be that the four people stayed at the residence and brought a few people to protect them. At this moment, it has moved to other places, but the distance is not too far. The location they think is safe is also within the range of Cassia's observation.

However, the enemy's combat effectiveness somewhat exceeded Cassia's estimate, all due to the modification of vehicles and kinetic armor. It is less than one kilometer away from here, and listening carefully can catch some gunshots and explosions. The casualties were in single digits, six people, or it was because the bomb exploded just below the car, which overturned the car, causing the enemy inside to come out.

The conditions of the rest of the enemies are okay. Except for some consumption of ammunition and minor injuries, Cassia does not think that hindering the combat plan will cause them any great trouble. Although the acid platinum bullet is used, the enemy's modified ceremonial car obviously has the level of a Weber high-end vehicle, and its defensive capabilities are all built on high prices and alloy materials.

"It's less than a minute away." Cassia muttered to herself, then looked up at the night sky, thinking that after tonight, we should set aside two days to deal with the affairs of Winifre and April, and try to get They joined the Knights. It's really not possible. It is a good result to let them help themselves to manufacture, design and research something in some time through agreement. Next, he will spend all his time on the experiment, this time with the third stage of surgery as the goal. As for the future, Cassia has already planned, but there are many premises. At that time, the things between Trevikang and Adolf should have come, and there will be enough time for the completion of the future plans.

While thinking, there was a roaring engine and brake noise outside. A line of five limo cars parked on the street outside the repair center. Twenty-six enemies got down from the salute car, divided into three small teams, and quickly surrounded here. After waiting for less than ten seconds, in a command, the kinetic energy armor of the three teams directly violently broke through the walls and entered the repair center. At the office building the lights are still on, and a chair is placed on the corridor of the three-story building, facing the front sheltering canopy, but there is no one on it.

The entire office building was quickly inspected. At the entrance of the stairs leading to the basement, four corpses were like reminding signs, so that all 26 enemies gathered there stopped at a time, and no team entered the basement rashly. Go inside.

"Probably because I am afraid that there will be traps set up in advance." Knowing the enemy's thoughts, Cassia patiently concealed himself, not letting his breath reveal a trace. He is waiting for the opportunity, the number of enemies is still a bit too large, and he has to cut some more. At that time, there will be a chance to achieve a win-win situation for yourself, for Winifred and April, and for the enemy.

The air was deadlocked for several breaths, and the enemy captain seemed to have made a decision. In the sonic pulse, the two teams quickly found a cover at the entrance of the stairs and built a defensive firepower network. The other team carefully entered the basement inside the defensive network to check the specific conditions inside.

At this moment, Cassia determined the position of the five kinetic armors in the two teams at the entrance of the stairs by sonic pulses, and then looked at the weapons that everyone was carrying. After roughly estimated their destructive power, he waited for the one in the basement. The team has a chance to go further a little further.

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