Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1330: The current situation of interweaving (middle)

King Astus, the royal family of the Mano Kingdom, the predecessor of the empire, the establishment of the empire can definitely be said to have contributed to it alone. Not only that, the current twenty-three major public families have an inseparable relationship with them in their initial establishment. Together with the seven giant companies within the empire, at the beginning of the establishment of the empire, without the support and help of the Astus family, it would not have been possible to get to where it is today. They complement each other, but they are like the unsolvable troubles they have created for themselves, but without them, the empire would probably not have the appearance it is today.

Needless to say, the background of the Astus family itself needless to say. Since the Mano Kingdom has always existed, its history is much deeper than that of the other families of the empire's Quartet. There are a lot of secret materials, some ancient ruins and things related to ancient history, etc. As the first leader of the Astus family, it is naturally very clear in my heart. But how long did the decline begin? I am afraid that not many people can clearly say.

"However, the knight attendant assessment gives the Astus family a good opportunity to rise up and carry out their plans. The five knight attendants do need to consume huge resources within the Astus family, but they seem to I don’t want to give up even one of them. I have to say that I am very ambitious.” Hesley thought and said, “A lot of information is now considered semi-public. As far as the king’s faction in the Quartet is concerned, it has not been The royal family and the five prince families that have not come together seem to have a tendency to twist together at this moment. It is not clear the reason for such a change, as a party of the four forces, when it has cohesion, the combined strength I am afraid it will be very scary."

"Do you want to restore your original glory?" Cassia interjected in the middle.

"It should be. The entire empire was theirs at the beginning. Whoever it is may have such thoughts in my mind. However, I think it is not very likely. The times are already different. Not to mention the twenty-three major families. It’s the Saint Royal Hall side that needs to involve too much energy in the past."

"By the way, it's not just that Astus's actions within the empire are getting bigger and bigger-the open cooperation with the Imperial Mineral Resources and the Tricolor Group, regarding the solid red mercury project they developed by themselves. Not long ago, the Holy Emperor Hall was also uncharacteristically. One is to convene a large number of envoys from numerous churches to the holy imperial halls of different regions to be distributed and converged. The other is to issue a reduction in the number of incumbents of sacrifices in Yuanjiang. This means that more recently Powerful surgeons have returned from the fortresses, important frontier locations, and extreme regions. These people will probably go to various important regions of the empire to sit in some branches of the Holy Palace in the near future."

"Correspondingly, within the twenty-three major families, including Kira Andy, according to the internal information of the Weber family, they held a large meeting several months ago. The heads of the families and the members of the presbytery Participate. The content of the meeting is unknown. I don't have the level of authority to know, but this big change in the internal situation of the empire is probably caused by this."

"Is it because the Chira Andi family also participated in the meeting?" Cassia looked at Hesley after pondering for a while. "Now there are only seven giant companies."

"Don't count on the specific situation. I have met, but it seems that it is not happy in the middle. After all, everyone in the bones is a businessman, everyone is extremely shrewd, and no one wants to give up anything. The most powerful ones are the Imperial Mineral Resources and the Three Primary Colors. The group is established. The successful development of solid red mercury imitation products and the achievement of basic mass production will surely make them the focus in the next period of time. However, only those high-ranking people can see clearly whether it is good or bad."

"Even if there are disadvantages, there are definitely more benefits." Cassia said, "Businessmen never let themselves suffer."

"Perhaps, but I don't know. There are too many people in the empire who have built their own companies, and not many have succeeded."

"The nature of the two is completely different from the starting point, Hesley." Cassia smiled, "Improper metaphor."

Hesley did not refute, and nodded: "From now on, the only thing that remains silent is the Imperial Assembly. The Avalon institution has always been like this and it is not considered. In the case of the Imperial Military Department, the interlaced network inside is too complicated. , It’s hard to say what the situation is. In short, for those of us who have not experienced war, there will be too many things to learn in the future, and our actions must be more cautious. Just like the small wheels that go with history. Insects, not only have to keep ample energy at all times to chase the fast steel wheels, but also have to be careful not to turn the steel wheels suddenly and run over them all at once."

"The time is really not much. The four forces have a lot of resources in their hands, and talents in all fields have reserves. For many things, they only need to make corresponding plans and then they can smoothly implement them. But we ",,," Cassia sighed, "It's not that there are too many constraints in various aspects, but that it is too weak and has to consider all aspects, which leads to continuous changes in the plan, and the final result is not as I thought. It's all a pity."

"How do you say this, you can always exercise yourself from all aspects." Hesley smiled, and at any rate Hesley found an optimistic point. "There are many opportunities in it. If you grasp it well, the speed of development will be extremely rapid. Just Just like at the beginning of the empire. The arrival of the red star is special. In a few years, no one can say what it will be like. In short, we are small and we have both disadvantages and benefits."

"The disadvantage is that it may die The advantage is that because it is small, it can be drilled anywhere, and even if the red star falls one day, things like the Quartet will be at the forefront."

"But despite all these things, everyone still restrained each other. The friction that occurred was all in our invisible places. No one wanted to be the one who ignited the fuze. It's just that everyone can say exactly how long it lasts. Since a year or two ago, many unallowed situations have slowly become the norm now. The situation is getting worse and worse. Before the arrival of the red star, something big will definitely happen. In short, just as you said, the head of the group. Time is really running out. Another point, if time permits, I suggest that you better change your face, change your identity, and go back to the Empire for a walk. One or two months will do."

"Are you afraid that I won't get used to it?" Cassia asked, "I am definitely not used to it. Compared with the three giant countries, the small country is completely comfortable."

Hesley nodded, agreeing with Cassia's words: "Go on, among the remaining people, all are the group leader you are most familiar with. Yejielin, Ato Ring, Selmer, etc. It’s a lot easier for the members of the Webley family to know their situation. Ye Jielin’s character is not enough, and some information has chosen to erase it."

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