Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1331: The current situation of interweaving (below)

"Be proactive. She is very clear about her future plans and understands. What obstacles will appear on the road and which will become obstacles after a period of time are all within the scope of consideration. Compared with this, I seem very passive. Cassia laughed, "It shouldn't go well, some things. I only know that after becoming a knight attendant, her first attendant mission was in the gray area, and it should have ended long ago. I don't know what the result will be. ."

"The attendant mission you mentioned is very smooth. There are thousands of surgeons on hand, and they are all very powerful. After all, they belong to the team and members of the Knights of the Twelve Round Table. Investigation, communication, combat, logistics, and medical treatment. And so on, it is done by surgeons who have been professionally trained and trained for a period of time. In an emergency, people who are not warheads can turn into a killing machine at certain moments. Ye Jielin is different from other knight attendants. People will divide the thousands of people in their hands into several parts, and start to deal with various things one by one, and carry out the scattered plan. She takes most of the people with her, and in the family, his father passed some of them before leaving the patriarch. The method was handed over to her own military airship, because the knight attendant status was also liberated and was not controlled by the family. Under these preconditions..."

Hesley sighed at this moment: "The background benefits of a giant company and a big family can be said to be very vivid in her. This is how to rationally and massively use the resources around her. She herself is exceptionally good, regardless of Is it a restraint tube in the body, or is it some people who have been invited into the team from various places, etc.. I feel how to build up a power, manage it, and then use the things in hand to quickly roll the advantage to maximize it, she really The ground is very good."

"You say that, presumably the next news is good?" asked tentatively, but Cassia still knew Yejielin very well. Behind these gains, there will definitely be many hidden dangers that have not been resolved.

Being proactive means that before Ye Jielin wants to do something, she will try her best to think about the impact of it afterwards. Who will be dissatisfied with it, and who will retaliate against it. It will cause the enemy to appear before the plan is launched. The short-term plan is fine. If it is a plan that takes time, this approach will always be interpreted by others as a lot of bad things.

The knight attendant is still in a relatively balanced state so far. Cassia knows that in some respects, the thirty-six world has gradually opened up a distance, but this distance is not irreparable. Within a year, no news of the death of any knight attendant came out to explain this.

This year can be seen as an adaptation stage, as well as an application and training stage for the team of each knight attendant. The imperial council has the same resources for each knight attendant. How to make the best use of these resources, what kind of support each family belongs to, etc., will cause variables. In addition, the twelve knights of the round table will be complemented accordingly, and three knights will be arranged next to each knight of the round table. The Knights of the Round Table's help and attitude towards his three servants can also affect many things.

It's just that this distribution list has not been announced by the Imperial Assembly so far, and no news has been revealed within each family. The analysis in this area can only become an obsession.

Hesley thought about it for a while before taking on Cassia's words.

"It's certainly not all good news. The number of uphills and downhills is the same, and there must be bad things under the good news."

Cassia sighed why Hesley suddenly said such a metaphorical sentence: "Then say the good news first, and the bad news last."

"Absolutely." Hesley was pleased. Ye Jielin must be an ally of his side. At some point in the future, he knows that Cassia and Ye Jielin will eventually join together, "Just now the mission of the attendant is completed. The specific content seems to be killing someone. People in the dark world, in short, completed smoothly. In addition, there are a few things worth noting. One is Ye Jielin’s ally, which is a semi-public matter. There are several, involving many families, as if they are mutually complementary. , The strength of the alliance can be said to be the hidden first place in the various circles of the knight servants. Of course, the first recognized is the alliance composed of the five knight servants of the Astus family, which almost represents the entire The king’s faction. The second thing is that Ye Jielin used the resources and power in her hand during this period of time. The military rank is already at the rank of major and has real power. The specific operation is unknown, but the military headquarters of various regions and some At the fortress, she has the right to mobilize the corresponding team and members."

"I think this is the most important point. It means that Ye Jielin will slowly intervene in the complex network of relations within the Imperial Army in the later time. Without the hands of the Webley family behind him, I can't justify it. I don't know. It’s bad, but rights do exist, so let’s take it as good news."

"Imperial Military Headquarters?" With a sigh of relief, Cassia has always known the gap between his power and the knight attendants. After listening to Hesley's words, there was a feeling of sudden awakening, and he still underestimated the influence brought about by the actions of the four empire forces. He is not on the same level with him at all, and the ideological gap is quite big. As early as one or two years ago, when the Imperial Army was expanding its army, Cassia accepted Delya and Waters' suggestions and trained a group of people to enter the Imperial Army through the opportunity of army expansion. Up to this moment, the necessary resources have been sent to these people to cultivate and support them, but the results obtained are not obvious.

Minimal, the effect can be described like this is restricted by many factors. First of all, the surgeon must go through multiple screenings to enter it. The surgeon in the dark world will easily be found out, and the pass rate is low. Pitiful. Therefore, at the beginning, almost all the personnel on Cassia's side were ordinary people, so that in more than two years, only one of those people who were successfully selected from the military headquarters was able to undergo surgery. Another point is that after the personnel are entered, they will be redistributed in different regions, and some people in the power will buy relevant personnel through various channels to provide permitted convenience. But on Cassia’s side, funding was still a problem at that time...

"Yeah, this kind of gap makes people feel that it can't be caught up for a long time." Hesley understood what Cassia was thinking at this time. The dozen or so military airships, large and small, now basically have the appearance of a good airship formation. It is still too far away from the fleet, but she has the idea of ​​developing towards the fleet. But even It is a formation. As long as the permission to lift into the air can be approved, at least 30% of the small and medium forces of the empire will fall into ruins under its firepower."

"After all, this is a real war machine, which is not usually seen. The restructuring of merchant ships is strictly controlled by the empire."

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