Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1339: Source (middle)

The latest website: Existing in the vortex of the extreme sea for too long, here is like its private domain, under the powerful spiritual action, the range of perception cannot be ignored. Waiting quietly, those eyes were closed again and no longer opened. It takes some time, it can be said that it is often down. I have already thought about what I need to do afterwards, the most important thing is my new body.

"Is there a way to break these chains? I can only rely on myself to find the necessary equipment. Before the last time, some things can't be told to these people. After all, I am the only one, and all the others have become fossils, or together with fossils. It won't happen, it will disappear forever." I sighed inwardly, remembering what happened a long time ago. This memory that should have been deeply imprinted in the head also began to blur under the erosion of time. In order to avoid such things from happening, I will fall asleep for a long time every time, but the time of cross-domain is too long, and the world has changed, the original power has long been lost. It is very difficult to stay awake, and some memories are indeed forgotten naturally in the process.

"In the end, who would have thought that I have survived soberly to this day, all relying on the things that imprison me." Not feeling ridiculous, thinking that the gods could also be killed at the beginning, the rare agitation in my heart suddenly became calm a lot of.

On the other side, after the Pope and Stent dived less than 100 meters, they searched for a deep-sea submersible fixed in a position in the sea. Although the body does not need to breathe like ordinary people to maintain basic physiological activities, and the strength is enough to resist the pressure of the seabed more than 10,000 meters deep, it seems that it evolved from ordinary humans, and some thoughts and habits are still retained. With.

The diving speed is not fast. In the control room of the deep-sea submersible, the gear counter rotates evenly. At this moment, the number 9875 is displayed on it, which means that this place is already 9875 meters deep below the sea surface. But it still didn't reach the bottom of the ground, there was still some distance.

The surroundings were pitch black, and the light could not reach them very early. All that is left is the sound of the deep-sea submersible being squeezed continuously under extreme pressure, and the uninterrupted slight vibration of the entire submersible. In the perception, there are rare creatures swimming around, and they feel the intruding submersible, and they are all watching in the dark. It's just that no deep-sea creature will come close. Without vision, they can only rely on the fluctuation of sound and the extremely keen sense of origin to capture the surrounding things. Feeling dangerous, they swimming around more like guards without clear orders. And for a long time, the creatures here have long been eroded by the spirit of the dragon in the dark. It's not unreasonable to see it as an extreme area that only a few people know about. Hundreds of years ago, these creatures were captured on a planned basis as research objects.

At that time, many researchers wanted to find some information about the dragon left behind from these second-class creatures, but they all ended in failure. Over the millennia, these second-class creatures have undergone many changes, but the only thing that remains unchanged is the giant dragon.

When the number on the counter moved 15567, the pure darkness was no longer full, and the temperature display began to rise slowly at the same time. Soon after, the dark red light outlined the outline of the deep-sea submersible in the deep sea. Stent and the Pope sensed something and looked down somewhere through the cabin.

Soon after, an unknown bright red field appeared under the deep sea, which was the light of magma continuously erupting from below the rock formation. The boiling sea water is full of extremely tiny bubbles under extremely high pressure. The deep-sea submersible has become extremely bumpy when it arrives here, but it is not the first time. Stent and the Pope have become accustomed to this.

These tiny bubbles carry a huge amount of energy, and each floating surface can instantly turn into an explosive high-temperature gas bomb. But among them, there is almost no chance to float to the surface of the sea. In the middle, this temperature will take away heat from the sea water and pressure flowing in the extreme sea vortex, and then lose this energy, and finally be fused by the sea water.

"You are here..." the old voice suddenly rang in his ears, and the deep-sea submersible stopped at this moment, almost suspended on the huge underwater magma lake.

"I have to come here once for such a big thing." The pope said, and Stent stared down at the same time. During the perception, both of them saw the calm flowing magma lake instantly become boiling, and a huge head lifted from the magma lake. It is full of sharp barbs, but it is more like a hard **** body that has accumulated like stalactites over a long period of time. Perception cannot penetrate it for a while, and both of them understand that these ferocious long-horn-like substances are almost composed of pure ultimate metal.

The huge head is about an irregular triangular shape, and each scale that fits on it is adult-sized, and the black-red color is like being soaked in magma for a long time. It's just that this color is constantly changing, with the mood of the dragon, and with the infinite energy accumulated in the dragon's body. The huge eyes opened again, and the scales on the skull became bright. At this moment, the magma lake suddenly has a tendency to rise. While a huge bulge appears in shape, the magma slides down like a waterfall. In the end, the huge dragon body with a length of more than two to three kilometers is revealed in the magma lake. Go to The lava flowing down from the body caused a series of miniature explosions, but it still couldn't cover up the crisp sound of "clang" and directly hit the brains of Stent and the Pope. Numerous giant chains pierced directly into the dragon's body, one end locked its bones, and one end plunged deep into the deep rock bed below the magma lake, confining it here for a long time.

Under the erosion of time, the wonderful lines on the chains have been eroded to the point that only a tiny trace remains. The appearance of the chains is the same as the scales on the body of the dragon, full of scars that cannot be healed, as well as the aging of time and the unchanging taste.

"Novissas, Stent, you know what it is, there is no need to come here specially." The dragon said, and the voice spread into the heads of Stent and Pope Novissa, "The group of giant whales have not left yet. Far away, they come back, I can’t help much. Besides, I’m tired, and it seems difficult to stand up to welcome you."

"You know that we didn't talk about this here." Novissas replied, "The spiritual world should be yours not long ago? I saw an interesting scene. We want to know more detailed information and at that time. How many people have been pulled in. This is very important, and it is also part of our agreement."

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