Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1341: Newborn (above)

The latest website: "I can only say one thing. If the head of the group knows about this, I must be the first victim who is closest to her." McGerry's words are full of certainty, but how does Li Suman listen to it at this moment? , I feel that this is just a simple word of comfort.

"Is there a negative option? You know that the Holy Fathers' recent attention has been on the newly discovered cemetery. As one of the leaders, they have piled up a lot of work that must be handled. Using this as an excuse, I think It won't be difficult, right?" The more I thought about it, the more Li Suman felt that she was scared. Not only in her head, but in most of the other people's heads, they who are not sure about the relationship between the two have already imagined the whole thing very seriously. No one wants to be known about what they have done. The Knights of the Round Table who died more than two years ago in the Kira Andi family is the best example. In peacetime, except for the death of several top combatants in the Visaya Fortress three years ago, this situation is absolutely impossible in other periods.

Many people seem indifferent on the surface, but the most peak power is standing there quietly, as if waiting for others to challenge. But, the actual fact, everyone is unwilling to attract this huge trouble to themselves. The main reason is that the deterrence brought by the power of the Quartet has completely lost its effectiveness in the face of this force.

"My suggestion," McGree said with sincerity, which was heard by Li Suman, "you'd better choose a suitable time, and communicate and contact the Holy Emperor in advance, and then come quietly. Chang said that this matter is very important and involves a lot of things. There are not few things you are interested in, and the news that brings you will never let you down. Moreover, in the cemetery, the head of the team is also doing careful work for the actions there. Prepare. Don’t worry you won’t meet the team leader then. I think it’s better to advance this time instead of meeting at that time."

"Is there any news in my favor?"

"The only advantage may be that she learned from the head of the delegation that what she is most concerned about is the transcontinental trading company of the Ministry of Education. I asked you to seek resources from the Holy Emperor. Kira Andi sent out some people. Take care of this matter. For unknown reasons, the head of the delegation takes this matter very seriously. When you come here, the focus is also on trans-continental trading companies. As for other things, believe me, old friend, the more they are from the same era. Being alive is very rare for me, and I am sincerely gratified.” McGerry is like a psychological counseling doctor, not to say that it is a good way, but the comforting effect does.

"I will find time to contact the holy emperor and give you an answer within three days." After a moment of thinking, Li Suman replied, "I hope what you said will become a reality for me in the future."

"Definitely." McGlyry said, listening to the electronic noise that followed, he disconnected and sat down at the desk, thinking about Li Suman's words in a daze. However, in three years, he did see the rapid growth of his head. After the Visaya Fortress incident, he returned to the family from then on, and McGerry still remembers the scene where the head of the group reappeared in front of him. It looks the same as before, but there are other things.


I don't know how long I slept, but the thin layer of fallen leaves on my body tells the approximate time. As if floating in the air, Cassia stared at herself lying on the rock from a wonderful perspective, and the feeling of cold surrounding her passed into the spirit accurately in a way that he didn't know.

When I succeeded, my voice told myself that it seemed to be sucked into some kind of container, and the scene in front of me instantly changed. After reacting, the scene was already captured by the eyes.

The concentrated burst of pain made Cassia not want to move for a while, only his head was deflected and he looked around. A large area of ​​the rock formations around his body were corroded into pits and pits. He remembered that when he entered the dream state, a lot of blood came out. Farther away, there is a scene that only appears in the cold winter. With a radius of more than 100 meters, all plants and vegetation on the ground are frozen by a thin layer of ice. It seems to be a certain morning at this moment. The fog that appears in the mountains every day drifts across here with the breeze. Most They all became slowly falling frost powder, covering that layer of ice, increasing their thickness a little bit.

Taking a breath, Cassia clearly felt the beating of his heart and the rapid impact of blood. As he entered the dreamland, this body seemed to be frozen under the influence of the giant whale's power, and it was not released until this moment. The functions of various organs and tissues were recovered at this time, and the self-healing ability began to play their role.

The pain dissipated shortly after the heat flow from the solid red mercury turned around the body. When Cassia stood up, the first thing was to move his body. It's a fact that I don't feel that I have changed, and my pace is lighter. I saw the communicator in the camping tent, but there was no contact. The date count on the mechanical watch shows that today is three days away.

"There is enough time. In the next few days, I need to have a new understanding of who I am now." Cassia returned to the hard cushion, and when he sat down, he heard the cracking sound. The ambient temperature is very low, and it will take some time to naturally return to its normal state.

Perhaps because he had forcibly advanced the time to enter the third stage, Cassia felt the most at this moment but a faint sense of fatigue. The heat flow coming out of the red mercury has increased several times, slowly repairing this fatigue. After gently shook his hand several times, Cassia carefully experienced the changes. The perspective seems to have changed. Cassia can’t describe this feeling, as if the body, his own thinking, and also the spirit have naturally separated in these three days, becoming two independent individuals with a wonderful connection Compared with the previous increase by about half, correspondingly, in the simple test afterwards, the increase in response and speed was nearly doubled. The concentrated dragon blood in the eight alloy tanks was completely absorbed, and the swallowing method was the same as that introduced by Sukarius. The contents of the blood completely became part of him. The explosive strength that the body can withstand, Cassia has not touched the upper limit in the test, at least in the fast running distance of 100 meters, even if he uses all his strength, the muscles are proliferated due to the stimulation of the giant whale method, it is still not Will stretch the skin of the legs again.

"The 100-meter distance is close to one second, although it is just a simple straight run, if it is turned halfway, and other attack actions will significantly reduce this time, this speed is also sufficient for subsequent battles." Card. Sia looked at the footprints and the cracks around the footprints. As the price of the three stages, the side effects of getting up to half a ton in weight were also very obvious.

At the same time, it seems to be the effect of solid red mercury. At this speed, after nearly five minutes, Cassia felt a little tired and finally realized that there does not seem to be a clear limit in endurance. If a suitable balance between supplement and consumption can be found in the middle, extremely long long-distance running will become his most important method of movement in the future. After all, in terms of speed and concealment, the limo is far behind his legs.

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