Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1342: New life (middle)

Latest website: The growth of power, speed and responsiveness is entirely within Cassia's expectations. It can be regarded as the most direct basis. On top of this, with combat experience and skills, as well as subtle control over them, a very high increase effect can be achieved later. After all, in most battles, the head is still the most important thing, although Cassia knows that for a long time recently, the enemy he faces does not need to use any other strategies to deal with it.

When I finished testing the data in the normal state, it was already evening. Many items will be repeatedly measured in order to get a number that is closest to the true value. The value of the limit state is also recorded, and Cassia strives to have a detailed understanding of his current self as a new life. The future plan will be faster and faster, the mass production of artillery and shells is also close at hand, and the enemies that may appear in the competition have been arranged by Cassia on the simulation schedule. The focus in the future will focus on this point in the future.

After the operation reaches the third stage, the growth of strength in the stage will become relatively slow. I have been a surgeon for less than three years, and the assimilation and fusion time after the operation will only get longer and longer. The fourth stage is still very far away from him, and Cassia understands this, so he won't be anxious for a staged improvement in strength afterwards.

"At present, the ones that are enough for use and can pose a threat to themselves, except for the large number of regular troops with reasonable equipment, are some surgeons with special surgical development capabilities." But the special point, Cassia himself did not want to understand. Biological toxicants hardly cause life danger to themselves, and other forms of surgical development are not a threat in the scaly state. Even if there is an attack in the form of high temperature or extremely low temperature, as long as it can be judged, relying on scaly and the giant whale method seems to be able to respond well.

Originally in the late stage of the second stage, this abnormal body was able to resist most of the third stage surgeons. To this day, Cassia understands what position he occupies among most surgeons.

"Whether it is the dragon blood being swallowed now or the batch intercepted from the volcano base, long-term use is not simply the use of consumables. Many of them are left in the body, but the previous perception cannot be found. they."

At night, Cassia collected a lot of dry leaves and branches and simply laid out a place, lay on it to sort out all the harvest today.

"The increase in weight is both good and bad. Using cold weapons like the second-generation holy sword, or pneumatic weapons, relying on power and weight bonuses, is often the first one without knowing my own situation at all. Most surgeons can be defeated by one attack. Most of the increased weight is concentrated on the bones and corresponding muscle fibers. With the development of muscle twisting surgery, relying on the hands and the correct posture, the strength can be transmitted to each one. Under my feet, the weight that I can bear may be tens of tons. After the whale method completely shields the pain, I really become a ruthless steel killing machine.” Exclaimed that in time, I really became an army. The original intention for the establishment of the Ministry of Education. But many of the reasons are that I am moving in this direction step by step.

But the abnormal weight affected Cassia's flexibility, not specifically in combat. When fighting, the weight will increase the body's sense of stability in many cases, which is a positive gain. Apart from fighting, most of the negative effects are concentrated on life, detection, and assassination.

You can still ride in a regular limo, but you won’t be less likely to receive strange glances. Starting very early, when I go to restaurants and hotels, Cassia sitting in a chair can be seen as exercising. The legs will always use force to balance part of the weight to prevent the chair from suddenly falling down at a certain moment. In detection and assassination, the shoes must also be taken off, relying on the softness and toughness of the soles to reduce the sound of footsteps.

At the beginning, you can use special shoes designed and manufactured for surgeons, with a style of hidden dagger. The further it goes, the lower its practicality. Insufficient weight-bearing performance, Cassia’s weight illustrates a simple jumping action. At a certain moment, the power concentrated on the shoes will be several times that of others. Often a jump will completely destroy the shoes, this is the status quo of Cassia.

If you want to develop the corresponding surgical ability in the past, there is such a record in the military school database-similar to the soft cushion under the limbs of cats. There are few people developing it, and a surgical project is better than nothing. Most of the assassins choose to finely control the intensity and use all the surrounding sounds to cover up the sound of footsteps.

For other problems, such as some fragile buildings, thin walls, and poorly growing trees, Cassia lost the opportunity to climb them.

This issue was quickly put down by Cassia and turned to speed up time to sort out other information.

"Because of the increase in blood flow rate, the explosive power in a short period of time is more than twice as powerful as before, as expected. I just don't understand how much the biological poison has to withstand compared to before. Although Corkva's nerve poison is not for me It was fatal, but it still paralyzed me for some time, and was completely unable to act at that time. It should be improved accordingly and can be tested again when I go back.” Remembering the unused nerve agent in the vial, Cassia added a need on the schedule What he did, "The ability to feel the airflow has been greatly improved because of perception. If I can more accurately grasp the subtle air flow around it, and after some training, maybe I can quickly become a better sniper?"

"So far, I have injected and swallowed a lot of dragon blood. Although I don't know the proportions of the substances in their blood, they must also contain some extremely metal components. They should be their own bones. In the past, pneumatic weapons couldn't directly cut my bones at the first time. At this moment, their toughness should be increased accordingly."

Thinking of how to test, the initial idea was to ask Waters to buy different grades of alloys and use pneumatic weapons and the second-generation holy sword as tools to compare his hand bone tests. After adding it to the schedule, Cassia began to focus on recording the next information.

Sonic pulse and low-sonic attack methods, they are currently the two most used abilities of Cassia. It is important, and it is also the ability that Cassia has been thinking of various ways to improve.

During the three-stage operation, Cassia’s biggest feeling is that the sound wave pulse seems to have a certain degree of fusion with his own perception. No longer do it deliberately like before. It's as if it's your own cognition, and you know it is a cup when you see it. You don't need to think more, just search for what it is in your head. It's just that the range of this sound wave pulse is less than 100 meters, which coincides with the range of perception that is usually scattered around.

What is more surprising is that when the acoustic pulse is actively used, the limit range does not increase significantly. About six kilometers in radius seems to be a bottleneck area, and Cassia is happy to do so. During the test during the day, the spirit at the moment could not control the six-kilometer limit well, and the flow of information was too much. The only change is due to the improvement of the spirit. At present, the detection in the range of four kilometers has become very easy, and the detection in a smaller range is more accurate. Combined with the scattered perception, some detailed information can be obtained.

Cassia spent a lot of time experimenting with sonic pulses, and like endurance, he found a balance. The result is a boundary point of four kilometers, which can be used for a long time without affecting itself.

As for the low-sound attack, because all the surrounding creatures disappeared half a month ago, Cassia could only compare it from previous memories to see that the energy contained in it was indeed strengthened, and nothing else.

"For the second-stage operation, the two-minute time should be reduced to just over a minute. If you are in a scaly state, the time should be reduced to between thirty and forty seconds." The theoretical time value gave Cassia a surprise , This ability to deal with a large number of enemies should have more and more opportunities to be effective in the future.

But it also extends to other problems. The possibility of low-sound attacks being detected will be frequent in the future, and the perception of the third-stage surgeon is sufficient to detect something wrong before the problem of their own organs. If they have the corresponding knowledge reserves, it may be possible to find a countermeasure immediately. . But it is still practical, the enemy is not from a big family, and only has three stages of strength, nothing else.

"The development of high-frequency sound waves needs time. It has been said for a long time, but the results have been almost ineffective." On the one hand, Cassia was distressed that he did not have time to calm down and exercise, on the other hand, he also dealt with the accumulation of things that needed to be dealt with. Feel helpless. Record it on the schedule, but whether it will actually happen at the scheduled time, Cassia himself is not sure.

On high-frequency sound waves, Cassia's current preparations are all theoretical knowledge. The actual application is limited to detection, and the means of attack are very lacking.

She told herself comfortingly that there would always be opportunities and time afterwards, and Cassia could only immerse herself in this comfort. The remaining branch-like information was quickly sorted out, and Cassia sorted it all out again before entering a semi-sleep state.

There are still four days before Delya and others arrive, but there are still many things that have not been processed

On the schedule, Cassia is going to spend a day to test various data in the scaled state, one key point. It is possible to enter this state without the use of concentrated dragon blood, as if one of the restrictions has been missing. Later in the battle, a series of response levels will be rearranged.

In the remaining few days, it was the dream that Cassia expected. It's not clear whether other people were drawn into the dreamland halfway through the last time, but this is not important to Cassia. The scene seen inside made Cassia think of a lot of things at once.

Early the next morning, it was nine o'clock in the morning when Cassia woke up. The thin ice on the surrounding vegetation still has no obvious changes. It is not an ordinary form of freezing, and the degree is equivalent to the ice that has been deposited for decades in some cold regions. It will take some time for them to completely melt.

Taking off his clothes, Cassia went to a position far away from the camping tent, adjusted his body to a proper state, and then recalled the feeling of using dragon blood. A sense of tearing suddenly spread from all over the body. Looking at his hands, the black scales seemed to start from several positions, and within a second or two, they had spread all over the body.

The lack of a noticeable increase in heart beat and blood flow made Cassia more surprised. After thinking about it, perhaps this is the manifestation of a normal scaly state. The various characteristics of the past are probably inseparable from the concentrated dragon blood. It is like the invasion of foreign objects into the body. On the one hand, the body produces its own defense mechanism. On the other hand, dragon blood may intensify the degree of rejection after the cross pupil is opened.

Because so far, every time Cassia enters a scaly state through dragon blood, at the end, there will be different degrees of side effects. The length of the initial period of weakness to the negligible short period of weakness afterwards all indicate the imperfection of the scaly state at that time.

The body is forced to enter the state of overloading the airship, which will always cause damage to some parts of the body. The weak period can be regarded as the process of self-healing ability to repair these parts.

The test items were no different from yesterday. With this experience, by 4 pm, Cassia had completed all the tests. Brings many surprises to myself, and some of them are expected.

The overall increase is 30%. However, as in the initial calculation, the changes brought by the black scale defense capabilities are not only in defense, but its main function is to completely change this state. A change in the way of fighting. The biggest difference in normal times is still this, not too much concern can make many things different in nature.

The black scales returned to the exquisiteness of an artwork, and after the roughness disappeared, Cassia always felt a little deviated. However, by performing high-frequency sound wave penetration by itself, the black scales at this moment are indeed different from before.

Material level transformation? Cassia thinks so. Two-thirds of the number of a whole truck, and the concentration is higher than intercepted by the volcano base. Under this condition, the black scales can indeed change.

Thanks to the spiritual improvement, Cassia can control the tail after the scaled state. Changing the basic form is one of them. The barbed tail can change itself into a zigzag shape on both sides of the scales. Compared with pneumatic weapons, there is still a big difference between the two. But in the afternoon test, Cassia used the memory of the test body No. 0 when the knight attendant was evaluated as a basis ~ tried to make the surface of the black scales appear red lines, and the will drove them to gather towards the tail.

In the end, although he failed, he almost couldn't restrain the strong feeling of breathing, but he got a route to go down. Breath now doesn't need anything else to stimulate catalysis. Cassia wants to find a no-man's land later to calculate the approximate consumption of Breath. The rest, how to control the red lines on the black scales has become the direction Cassia needs to learn at present.

"At this moment, I thought about it. I was lucky to be able to fight with Experiment No. 0 in the assessment, without being fatally injured. I am now gradually exploring and learning things, and I have mastered No. 0 at that time. The past year If he fills up his lack of combat experience and instinct during the period, and puts enough knowledge in his head, he will definitely get a huge improvement." From the bottom of my heart, through himself, Cassia determined that at the time, the body of size zero The intensity is stronger than himself, and he has mastered the method of controlling the red lines. It's just experience, how to use it, and the timing. Zero is too far away from himself.

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