Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1344: Warehouse Clerk (Part 1)

The six red stars are the key point. Cassia has always believed that for physical reasons, he can come into contact with these sights in various ways, not simply looking back in the distant historical memory. It is a phenomenon where there is a guiding ability. When there is such a trend in the surroundings and the environment, I will see the corresponding things.


   It's not so much the history that exists in the past, it is better to regard it as an impossible memory of the entire world. At this moment, perhaps in the future, something is stimulating the surrounding environment, affecting this seemingly peaceful world that moves forward evenly with time. Therefore, at such a time, the scene at the corresponding point in time can be urged.


Cassia has been thinking in this way. The work of historians and archaeologists is not only to solve the dark mysteries that lived in the past, but to learn from the mystery and the history, and to predict what is. Their most important job.


"The two red stars are also observational errors? In more distant places, the remaining four red stars may be rushing towards here, at an incalculable speed." In the self-talking, Cassia's thoughts Gradually approaching the last huge whirlpool in the dream.


  The whirlpool has the power to destroy all living things, but combined with the stone paintings in the uninhabited area of ​​the volcano, the huge whirlpool seems to be something that all living things are looking for at that time. The group of humans who can be transformed into dragons on the stone painting definitely does not regard the whirlpool as a source of danger. In the dream, the distance between the creatures and the burning world tree, etc., all explained one thing.


  Before the explosion occurred, that is, before the huge vortex had shrunk and finally returned to a point of pure black, they were all targeting the vortex. It seems that there is something extremely alluring in the whirlpool, attracting all the powerful creatures at that time to want to enter it. However, looking at the results, it seemed that most creatures had failed in the end. As for who became the ultimate winner, Cassia did not have this impression in his memory.


   "Will it be the world tree?" Suddenly this thought came out on the other end of the head. The world tree was completely wrapped in flames. At that time, it was the greatest enemy of all living things and the first threat to be removed? But in the end, other things seemed to have failed, because until the vortex contracted and the explosion occurred, Cassia was convinced that the World Tree was destroyed, folded into several sections, and the lush roots were all overturned.


   But what was the result? Why did all the powerful creatures at that time behave like this? At this time, it seems that there is no substantial connection with Cassia. It is just right to say that there is nothing to do. The time between the ancient history and the present cannot be described as distant.


   I just always felt that the content in the third dream was not selected out of thin air, this short-lasting scene must be foreshadowed. The six red stars were firmly remembered by Cassia, and the huge whirlpool of what all creatures wanted from them also retained a deep impression.


After   , Cassia focused on sorting out the second dream and what he saw from Cassie's memory.


   The product of the connection between himself and the dragon should be the red crystal obtained from the uninhabited volcano. Cassia did not understand the principle of this connection, but he had basic guesses. Similar to a signal generator that is completely integrated into the body, only when this body produces some violent "reactions", the "signals" that are emitted can probably be tracked by the powerful spirit of the dragon. As for other powerful surgeons like Nuo'er being pulled in, it should be that their spirit reached the corresponding limit, like a signal receiver, which can capture this huge mental power.


   for what? Cassia thought about it. The first generation of knight King Grote had swallowed such crystals, but he hadn't heard this information in his spiritual world. I knew such a thing, but thought it was not important, so I didn't tell myself, or said that my own experience did not happen to him.


If it is the first type, Cassia can only think that he was weak at the time and did not have the qualifications to know these things; but if it is the second type, Cassia combined his own interpretation of dreams and guessed that Grote did not have a similar experience, it is probably because Time does not correspond.


The dragon is likely to be a creature left over from ancient history. What he is waiting for, if it weren’t for the six red stars to bring to the environment and change the world at the same time, it can only be in dreams. Something in the huge whirlpool.


   Later thinking made Cassia realize that his power is still too weak. A lot of information is enough to make a huge change, and six red stars are just that. But I have to admit that at present almost all of this information is in the hands of big powers, and only they have the energy and resources to support several scientific research teams, or the huge expenses of archaeological experts.


   Two days later, Cassia came down from the mountain, cleaned up all traces and empty alloy cans, and then drove the car back to his residence. On the way, he remembered Hesley's words, if the time is right, he should change his identity and go back to the Empire to take a look.


   It is very necessary to do this. Only from Shake, Cassia currently has an eagerness to know the progress of the translation of those strange texts. Unfortunately, there is not enough time and no chance at all.


   I didn't think much about it. At about 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Cassia came out of the shower, went to the room and did a simple cleaning, and immediately contacted Waters. After getting the specific arrival time of Delya and others at noon tomorrow, and after all the preparations have been prepared in the past few days, he turned to Hesley and told him that he would come here if he had time.


Putting down the communicator, Cassia thought that the next plan was about to be implemented and picked up the communicator again, and told them Adolf and Trevikang in a teacher-like manner. The latest situation. Of course, if I have enough time to accept the task of protecting and supervising the laboratory base warehouse, it is also expressed in another way. In the end, Cassia asked from the side whether this task could bring some benefits to herself in a tone of sweetness.


   Adolf just hummed, and a few words changed the subject completely. However, Adolf warned Cassia that all the benefits are nothing compared to the scientific research scholars in the laboratory base and their research.


   Because of these words, Cassia has a little expectation. It was also at this time that Hesley knocked on the door of Cassia's residence with the dinner bought in advance.


   "Is there something important..." Halfway through the conversation, Hesley, who was keenly aware, was convinced that he had observed something unusual, "In a few days, it seems that a huge change has occurred?"


   Cassia nodded, "It is because of something that I want to discuss an important matter with you." Cassia motioned to Hesley to sit down because he felt that this conversation would take a long time.



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