Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1348: Leisure time (middle)

There was not much time to rest. When Cassia went to a separate room to put his luggage, No. 5 went to the spacious living room of the second-story building, standing next to the communicator in the corner, holding the draft prepared in advance in his hand. When the personnel arrived, he began to explain the various facilities and machines, the time to use them, and the passwords.

The construction of the entire warehouse can be traced back more than ten years ago, and the materials used are all purchased from the three giant countries, and now it is also high-quality goods. Bulletproof materials are used as a whole. Many machines and weapons are arranged in the small building. They are common firearms such as heavy machine guns. There are also four artillery launchers and fixed small-caliber cannons, which are arranged in four positive directions. All are controlled by the analyzer in the basement. Each fixed weapon can be adjusted by controlling its position, but it has its own code. This is roughly what the man introduced, as well as the specific control methods behind it.

Not only that, there are high-explosive landmines activated by signal lines around the small building. After the laboratory base was opened, it was updated artificially. Some emergency situations can play a very good role.

By the next morning, all of them in the fifth church Kassia used programs and man-made various machines before returning to the hall. Unfolding the panoramic map of the town, he introduced one by one, which locations in the town are like safe-house-like rooms, and which dwellings are disguised by unsuspecting soldiers. If necessary, he can contact them to help himself with secret codes.

A particularly important point is that there are three red dotted lines connecting this small building, and one leading to the nearest mountain range, which is directly connected to the laboratory base. Normally the laboratory will be contacted by the communicator when there is a demand, and then the materials will be transported from this line to the designated location. There is a larger cavity at the end, and a lift is built on the side. The control of the elevator is one-way, and there are several safety doors in the middle that are tightly locked, and it will take some time to destroy by pneumatic weapons.

One extends towards the periphery of the town, towards the nearest city. The name of the safe escape route is the most appropriate. In case of emergency, you can give up here and take this route to leave the town quickly. There is still an underground parking lot at the exit, and it is just beside a road. Recently, Cassia and the others have to take time to drive their limo there so they can use it at any time.

The remaining one has no exit, but it is spiral-shaped and loops many times underground in most of the town. However, it can be seen from the points marked on this dotted line that there are probably many nearby moving entrances and exits on this route. When encountering an enemy attack, it is used to quickly go around behind the enemy, and it is also an emergency channel for calling support and transferring to the inside of the small building. It is a convenient route all over the town. However, on the 5th, it was particularly solemn to declare that this route must be closed during normal times.

"These three dashed lines are all tunnels, with an average depth of about 50 meters. Just think of them as man-made mines. The tunnels have mine cart-like moving tools and are reinforced by alloy steel plates nearly ten centimeters thick. The defense is amazing and the speed is amazing. Very impressive.” After introducing the basic situation of the town on the 5th, the scope of patrol on weekdays, the location of the survey, where the food is obtained, etc. are explained one by one. “You all know the role of the three tunnels. Here is a reminder. This small building, including the warehouse in the basement, and the tunnel, was filled with explosives. It was all updated when the base was activated, and the number was enough to blow up here more than two or three times at the moment of detonation."

"Self-destructing device?"

No. 5 nodded: "As the last resort, it is almost impossible to use it. It is not ruled out, but we cannot know the password of the self-destructing device. In the hands of another person, if you have a chance to enter the laboratory in the future You can see him in the base."

"That's all that should be said. In the afternoon, according to your information, I will tell you each of your specific tasks one by one. It's best not to interfere with each other and do your own thing. I said that this task is indeed like a vacation. But in terms of vigilance, everyone shouldn't lower it a little. Because if there is an attack here, you know in your heart that it was definitely not a team of several people."

No. 5 left the second tunnel in the evening, leaving Cassia and others in addition to information, as well as several maps, including the layout of the small building. The other three didn't mean to say hello to each other, so Cassia went straight back to her room to organize her luggage.

In addition to weapons and ammunition, Cassia also brought a lot of books. According to the scheduled timetable, every two people rotate for a week to monitor the surroundings at night. It's not himself now. After checking the room, Cassia went to the window and used the largest radius of the sound wave pulse to cover the entire town and carefully probed it again.

Beyond six kilometers, except for the irregular farmland, Cassia did not see the shadow of the nearby mountains. The distance is farther, but there is no need to worry, the sound pulse can lock the position of the laboratory base sooner or later. Cassia is very interested in what research is being done inside. Except for the Quartet forces, the empire itself has more than 500,000 dragons in captivity. Surgical material extraction only occupies a small part of the material on the dragon. The blood, scaly bones and other usefulness may be able to find more answers during this period ~ ~ 8 o'clock the next morning, Kassia Go to the living room on time and change shifts on the 1st and 2nd. Holding the revolver, according to the range and route stated in the information, Cassia returned to her residence within two hours. Going straight from the inside of the small building to the basement, the sound wave pulse quickly depicted a storage warehouse wrapped in various protections such as concrete and steel alloy.

Hundreds of alloy cans were neatly placed on the shelf, and the number of crude alloy crude embryos amounted to more than twenty. The number is indeed huge, so that Cassia at the moment is also very excited. But it doesn't belong to me, but there is a way to destroy this layer of defense in a short time, and absorb all the dragon blood by swallowing method, but there is no way to chase afterwards.

Others don't know. Cassia knows that in the distance of several cities, Adolf and Terry Weikang may also be watching here. Without other thoughts, Cassia detected all the structure of the basement, and after some consideration, he walked towards the tunnel leading to the mountains.

The basic exploration is expected to be 13 kilometers away, and the round-trip time is about ten minutes. Cassia thought, the perception is all unfolded in an instant, and the sound waves reflect extremely fast in the narrow passage, forming a tunnel drawn by a striped road, which spreads to the distance. . Two or three seconds later, Cassia's voice was completely swallowed by the tunnel.

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