Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1355: Uranium, Destiny and the Great God Declaration (Part 2)

The latest website: "Bathed in the light of destruction, we can find hope." But Professor Mosier was obviously a little excited, his face became a lot ruddy, "It is strange to say that the way to obtain peace has always been Strength and deterrence, other things such as establishing alliances, signing various terms and agreements, etc., are just a piece of beautiful looking paper in the end. Can't stop bullets, can't stop sharp swords, can't do anything, put it in one place Maybe it still takes up space."

The mood calmed down quickly, but Professor Mosier took a few sips of water before he looked at Cassia who seemed to be meditating and yelled softly. Returning from thinking, Cassia nodded, indicating that he could continue.

"The status quo of a group of small countries is like this. No matter how many agreements we sign with the three giant countries, it will not help. On the surface, many small countries are united and have formed their own alliances between small countries. This creates some power. But in front of giant countries, there are piles of ants. In the past, one foot could be trampled to death. Now, maybe you have to step on two feet. It's just a matter of stepping on a few times, and the result will not change."

"So after the establishment of the organization, you want to use uranium bombs to end this situation?" Cassia said, after listening to what Professor Mosir had just said, he was indeed lost for a moment. At that moment, my thoughts turned rapidly and various clues were intertwined. Suddenly, something like lightning under a thunderstorm weather suddenly surged in my head, gradually grabbing many fragmented clues and twisting them into a strong one. line.

But Mosier replied with "Yes", and then sighed: "This is reality. The other party is a giant and will surpass us in any aspect. They have no reason to maintain equal status with us. For so many years, everyone understands this truth, but There has never been a way to bring the two back to the same level. This method was found when the organization was established. As for whether this is the founder of the organization or someone else thought of it, it doesn’t matter anymore."

"In the organization, including researchers like me, everyone has never seen the power of a uranium bomb. But just a few high-level officials, as well as two or three principal researchers, have been there in an opportunity. A uranium bomb test site in the St. Dorag Empire. On an island in the endless sea. According to their description, while bringing destruction, it does bring hope. No matter how you think, it reveals a kind of Deformed. Only after going to that big island, we can feel their firm belief in the uranium bomb."

"Is there no description, or some witnesses' records, etc.? The empire has existed for a thousand years, and the time when the uranium bomb was researched and manufactured should have been a long, long time ago. For a long time, no matter how confidential, there will always be Some traces were caught, right?" Cassia asked tentatively.

"Of course. The scene when the uranium bomb exploded was described as another sun rising from the ground, but it opened the gates of **** and released its destructive power. Like death silently and invisibly descended by the side and took people away. From the introduction, it can evaporate the ultimate metal, indicating that the moment of the explosion, it produced extremely high temperatures. And the range is extremely wide, and the impact is everywhere. There is no specific data in hand. As far as the current research is concerned, The destruction of the uranium bomb lies not in the destruction caused by the explosion, but in the large-scale impact."

"Extreme region, a general term for some regions on the post-phase continent that have an abnormal environment and are not suitable for ordinary people to enter. The area affected by the explosion of the uranium bomb has actually become a limit region. It is clear that the three-stage The surgeon will be affected before it adapts. This is the terrible thing about it, not to mention the power of the explosion, and the five-stage surgeon can't bear it. The uranium bomb is called the declaration of the great god, which means the gun that must be hit. It can penetrate and destroy anything it hits. What this sentence says is not how accurate it is, but because the spread of the explosive power is too wide, as long as it is targeted, it is impossible to escape the range of influence."

"All in all, there is a lot of information showing that the reason why the superpowers on the other two continents dare not use extraordinary means against the Santorage Empire is because of the existence of uranium bombs. Even if they really broke out between them, a trans-regional continent I don’t think there will be a chance for uranium bombs to play in the war. But as long as you master that kind of thing, you have a deterrent that no one dares to ignore. What we need is the deterrence brought by this destructive force. Only in this way can we have the true freedom of our own and can develop with peace of mind and stability. Otherwise..."

But Professor Mosier did not continue, and Cassia understood what was behind.

"It's really not easy, whether it's organization or a group of small countries." When he sighed, Professor Mosier sighed and shook his head. "Organization is a rat. Everything has to be done in secret. Every generation of high-level leaders bears huge burdens. The pressure, after a long time, without results, really makes people feel most discouraged."

Looking at Cassia, Professor Mosier laughed: "Soriatu, the uranium bomb is just like what I said before. It is not just an organization, but many small countries with some strength know the specific principles and manufacturing methods. But ,,,"

"The technical level involved is too broad, too many aspects fail to meet the standards." Cassia replied, "It should be the raw materials, and there are gaps that cannot be crossed in some of the intermediate processes, right?"

"You are very smart, roughly so." Professor Mosier said, "As the name of the uranium bomb, you can think of it as a very powerful bomb. Bombs must require gunpowder. There are too many types of gunpowder on the market. , But the uranium gold bomb cannot be used as gunpowder, it would be more appropriate to regard it as the ultimate energy material."

"This kind of substance is called'uranium gold.' It can be excited by a rational detonating device. Even a small amount of this substance can explode with great power. One of the purposes of many laboratory bases is to use various methods. Purification of uranium gold. It’s just that compared to the purity of uranium gold bombs that are almost 100% pure, with our current technology and strength, 75% is the limit. What can 75% do? Nothing can be done. So, at best, it is another way to store raw materials more conveniently ~ ~ uranium and gold?" Cassia muttered. But when Professor Mosier said the "uranium bomb", he had a guess, because the name must be commensurate, but almost exactly the same. But when the professor really said the name, Cassia still inevitably felt shocked by what was hit. Professor Bruce of the Military Academy did not want to tell him the information, but at this moment, he conveyed it in another way. And as the suddenly connected thread in his head tightened, he seemed to have foreseen something.

"Yes, Uranium." But Professor Mosier replied. He had seen a lot of Cassia's appearance at the moment and didn't feel what was hidden underneath.

But for Cassia, the inner shock may be the first time since he came out of the military school. Too much information is gathered together, and too many conjectures come to mind. To him, it seemed like he was suddenly returning to that small town, back to one night, when he was reading a book under a kerosene lamp.

"Fate is an invisible hand, where we don't care, it changes the direction of progress little by little, and guides us into a swamp that cannot be broken away..."

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