Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1357: Guess and practice (medium)

It's as if everything is waiting somewhere, and it happens to be met when you walk over. Cassia doesn't believe that this is someone's plan. There are too many variables and too many possibilities. The super analysis machine cannot control these variables and finally get the desired result.

It can only be seen as an arrangement of fate, thought Cassia. Many people have received attention from others since they were born, and the same goes for themselves. The difference is that this time has been delayed for more than ten years.

Cassia thinks that he has an absolute core clue, which is something he was still in military school. Regarding the saints of the Holy Palace, there is also the first generation of knight king Grote. At this moment, thinking of the words of Saint Doris, Cassia felt that the holy royal hall had established the post of Saint, probably from a long time ago, he had been preparing a plan about uranium bombs, and it was only his own uranium bomb. .

Within the empire, Cassia believed that no one of the four forces had the right to directly use the uranium bomb. The only possible place for this kind of right to exist is only within the imperial assembly, and the probability may be very small, and it is not unreasonable to be controlled by the Avalon institution alone.

However, the Avalon organization cannot prevent the people of the Quartet from knowing the information and data about the uranium bomb. With a uranium bomb in his hand, the existing balance within the empire is bound to collapse in an instant. Each is using their own methods to study this weapon, but as far as the Holy Royal Hall is concerned, they can get closer to the Twelve Knights of the Round Table and the Knights of the past generations by virtue of the rights and rules that have been inherited from history.

The Holy Royal Hall has always wanted to get something from Grote, and Cassia is basically certain that it is the uranium gold in the dragon tomb in the volcanic no man's land. It is not clear where the purity is, and whether it can be used in the production of uranium bombs, Cassia is also uncertain. But the purity must not be low. The relationship between Grote and Avalon’s institution must be very deep at the time. The first knight king in the history of the empire, many experimental data and experimental materials, the researchers at the time would definitely try their best to learn from Get on his body.

From this point of view, there seems to be no relationship between the Imperial Palace and the organization. But the sudden sixth sense told Cassia that in the things experienced in the past few years, if people from the Holy Royal Hall participated, they would definitely be connected. Even though many things seemed irrelevant, after learning about the source of uranium and gold from Professor Ke Mosier, many memories that had never been thought of in the past popped up from the bottom one by one like boiling water.

At the volcano base, he intercepted the first batch of dragon blood at that time. In the Brino area, on the surface, the Tricolor Group and the Imperial Mineral Resources united to trade with mysterious personnel. At that time, people from the temples in the surrounding area also participated, although I didn't know the final result.

Cassia's conjecture is to be very bold in linking all these things together with unfounded lines, and the lack of information can only be compensated by imagination. If there are people from the Saint Royal Hall who are involved in it, it is the plan of some people, then in this way, the state of the organization should be said to be doomed to a sad ending from the beginning of its establishment. It is still said that after that, the other senior members of the organization had already foreseen this link and did not take the initiative to break it. They just wanted to use their plan to counterattack at the last moment and obtain the result of a long-term development.

The information on the uranium bomb is definitely available to the Saint Royal Hall. The long-term resource support, with the energy of the Holy Emperor Hall, is not something worth noting. The only doubt, Cassia was thinking about so long that even the surgeon would die. Are there any personnel from the Saint Royal Hall in the current senior level of the organization, and who do they contact?

Or in other words, since the beginning of the organization, there were no people in the Saint Royal Hall. The organization is a controllable place for holding, waiting for it to successfully research the uranium bomb.

There is too much information missing, and Cassia can't think of a reasonable explanation. And this route is just one of many conjectures. But Cassia believes in the veracity of this conjecture. Compared with the three giant countries that were established in about a thousand years, none of the small countries can last for a hundred years without extinction. Frequent local wars have led to a lack of resources, and they are simply unable to catch up with the three giant countries. Only with the help and guidance of some family powers and some careerists in the three giant countries can we get out of the path of organization.

"Without huge turmoil, perhaps the small countries will never be able to get rid of the current situation." Muttering to himself for no reason, even if Cassia knew that he didn't have much contact with him, it was only a very small part of the empire. But this part is deadly enough for these small countries.

After a round of patrol, Cassia walked in the frosty moonlight. It took some time to continue practicing the use of high-frequency sound waves before he returned to his residence. The continuous excitement of the spirit and the inability to actively stop thinking made him not want to rest. When he knew that he had uranium gold in his hands, and its purity might be enough to be used as a raw material for uranium gold bombs, Cassia did feel a shock from his heart.

But the shock left quickly. When leaving the military school, Professor Bruce's words are also clearly remembered at this moment. That thing is too far away for me now, but Professor Mosier is also right. After some information is even if I am only dust in the whirlpool, I have to be burnt again. There is a chance of landing.

Besides, Cassia knew that he was not dust, but something in the center of the whirlpool.

Turning to thinking about other words of Professor Mosier, the special structure used to transform uranium and gold in the second type of organism has made Cassia pay attention to it. Because up to now, the only people who can perform dragon-like breath surgery in a scaly state except themselves are the perfect test body zero.

"Obviously, because Sucarius, he and Zero have formed this structure unknowingly. When in the volcano no man's land, he was infected by'germs' without major problems, but instead entered the scales. After transformation, you can forcibly support the past. In addition to the intensity of the scaly state itself, this special structure probably also played a role." The gathering of information made Cassia understand her body more and more, "It is very likely that she was in a coma at the time. During that period of time, this body absorbed some uranium and gold substances on its own. According to Professor Ke Mosier, if my blood is used for testing and purification, some uranium and gold substances can also be obtained."

"But, can I produce uranium gold on my own? Or in the end, when that special structure grows to a certain stage, can it be said that I am a walking uranium bomb, the less powerful one? Kind?"

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