Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1359: The beginning of the turmoil (part 1)

Waiting in the laboratory base until noon, but Professor Mosier walked out of the laboratory, his face was tired. Seeing Cassia, Professor Mosier smiled slightly.

"Let's go see something first." But Professor Mosier said, picking up the communicator inside the base that was connected to the local area radio network, and called Bennett together. As the passage approached more than a hundred meters away, Professor Cassia and Komosir stopped in front of an alloy door. But Professor Mosier skillfully used the passcard to open the alloy door, and a wide underground cavity appeared in front of the two of them.

The cavity has only undergone basic construction, and in some places, yellow-brown underground rocks can even be seen. There are traces of the hurried transfer of various machines on the alloy floor. At the bottom of the cavity, a simple experimental platform has been set up. Several machines with invisible years and old and new are placed there. There is also a huge spliced ​​table next to it. In addition to the necessary documents and papers, Cassia also saw some various potions carefully packed.

While observing, Bennett rushed over with a stack of thick papers. After saying hello, the three of them entered the cavity and sat on the edge of the table.

"You will have to wait for some medicines for a while, it is estimated that half a month. The theoretical knowledge related to sound waves is very simple. There are many, many in the database. According to your needs, with the help of a few old friends, we will soon screen Out."

"These are all materials." But Professor Mosier took the stack of documents in Bennett's hand and pushed it to Cassia. "This cavity is the site for our experiment. It's a bit simpler, but it won't affect anything. I usually rest. You can sit here and read the information when you have any questions. Bennett and I can answer your questions. The research direction is purification and separation, but our initial direction is to use sound waves to achieve our goals. But later The performance of machinery and equipment can’t keep up, so I chose another direction. So there is still a good understanding of the knowledge of sonic waves. But when it comes to difficult issues, you don’t have to worry, just raise them. There are several related in the organization Experts, when the time comes, post the questions and answer them for you."

But Professor Mosier said as if introducing the situation, "The first test is this afternoon, be prepared. We also need a little break-in. This venue is enough for you to play, don't worry about destroying anything."

After talking for a while, Professor Mosier received a call and then left with Bennett. Cassia began to look at the information. It's really different from what I bought, and it's a lot more profound. Even though there is a lot of foundation on sound waves, the speed of reading slowed down quickly afterwards.

"Sure enough, some of the core information will not appear directly in the books on the market." Cassia sighed while looking at it. It wasn't until 3 o'clock in the afternoon that Professor Mosier and Bennett pushed a whole cart, and another monitoring machine came over and officially started the experiment.

Cassia didn't know what the experiment was, but Professor Mosier didn't mean to explain, and he didn't ask. The content of the assistance has been known for a long time, and the intensity and stability are up to the standard, but the uncertainty is just how long it can last.

After that, every two or three days, Cassia would go to the laboratory base once to assist Professor Ke Mosier's experiment. The standard is constantly increasing with each assistance, and the intensity and stability are increasingly requiring Cassia to spend a lot of energy to improve and control. The information played a huge role during the period, and the various application methods and the interpretation of the principles made Cassia become more proficient in the use of high-frequency sound waves.

After several tests, Cassia has been able to conduct high-frequency sound beams up to 100 meters away without spreading. The diameter also goes to about 20 centimeters, and under the blessing of huge energy, the high-pressure air beam formed by the high-frequency sound waves at this moment can be called an air cannon. The power is not comparable to ordinary steel bombs, but the gap is not very large. The power that can impact a rock formation into a depression is enough to pose a huge threat to many enemies in battle.

After half a month, the medicine reached the laboratory smoothly. There were also several other professors' answers to difficult questions on sound waves, and several surgical project development guides for reference. Cassia returned with the medicine and instruction book, and began to develop the corresponding surgical project that day, to test whether the medicine was effective for him.

On the other side, Waters and Delya carried out all the things that Cassia arranged in an orderly manner. On Hesley's side, the things Cassia discussed with him have also entered the actual operation stage. According to the country where the stronghold belongs, the list of mercenaries and bounty hunters with good evaluation and decent strength has been in his hands a few days ago.

Because you want to receive suitable jobs, apart from looking for middlemen to do this kind of business, or some introducers, all rely on your own reputation. So these mercenaries and bounty hunters are very easy to get information. He was very satisfied with the level of detail of the information, which was specially commissioned by professionals.

Screening work is in progress. Hesley proposes a simplified version of the standard from the private army of the Webley family as a basis. In addition, these employment bureaus and bounty hunters can find certain mission records, etc., together with these people Perform preliminary grading.

In addition, Hesley also commissioned many middlemen and full-time introducers to provide them with some false and fabricated tasks to obtain a large amount of information. The price was only some employment fees, and Hesley didn't care at all. The sum of the information of the two, UU Reading has become the database that Hessley filters.

In less than a week, the basic screening was completed. But this is only the first step, and there is a lot of work ahead. Hesley pays attention to personal strength, and Cassia's standard is relatively high. After screening these personnel, the next step is to search without restricting the area, and strive to find some powerful surgeons to invite into the forces. This is the focus of this work. The environment of the small country is not as good as the gray area, but it can still give birth to the people Hesley and Cassia want.


"Is it convenient to talk?"

"There is no one around." Answered here.

"According to the original agreement, I now seek your help. The content is about killing a mid-stage five-stage surgeon. One is to ensure the smooth completion, and the second is for concealment, so the necessary people are in my hands. There is only one person involved."

This party did not answer immediately, showing that he was surprised by the blunt words, "Is it just recently? Or, you just want to inform me that I have such a plan and I need to be mentally prepared for the future?"

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