Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1362: Ending, Going and Screening (Part 1)

   Half an hour passed quickly in Li Suman's thinking, so that she who was thinking was disturbed by the vibration of the communicator.

"It's not too smooth, mainly because the time is not right. However, it's all resolved." McGerry replied, "I just wanted to go out for a walk. The head of the cemetery led the team personally. I will stay in the family to deal with it. Affairs, you can get out. There is a condition here, the other party must first pay half of the reward."

   "I want to know the number and the list of members first." On business matters, Li Suman has always looked serious and serious, "Only when I discuss with the other side can I find a good point of discussion."

"You know all five of them. Except for me, one is the head coach of the military academy—Biao, although he is not anymore, he is a Knight of the Round Table. The other two are left and right under the Spider Knights. The two brothers on the right, the group leader will not take them to the cemetery this time, it happens to come in handy in this matter. The identity of the last person is a bit special, as an action investigation and information collection interaction, half of the combat ranks, wireless Soroat from the communications company, shouldn't he have an impression?"

"The communication machine between us came from his hands, right?" Hearing the name of the wireless communication company, Li Suman responded and said, "The last time I was invited by your delegation leader, I used to discuss the cross-continental trading company on the mainland. The person sitting at the end of the matter."

   "He is in the team and will make a lot of things easier. After all, at this stage, there are not many people who have the right to mobilize the super analysis machine within their own family." McGerry spoke highly of Zoroat.

   "Is there something wrong with the super analysis machine of the Kira Andi family?" Lisuman suddenly thought of the same without receiving McGree's words, and suddenly asked, "The reason for the previous patriarch Tovelest?"

"It will be solved soon. Don’t worry about it. There is Tovilest’s reason, but it’s only a small part. Here, you don’t have to worry about the super analyzer. Even if she is completely damaged, don’t forget about it. There is also the Avalon organization behind the leader. The Avalon organization uses a dozen super analysis units to form an array of computing centers. If the leader has the will, he can definitely get a large part of the right to use it."

   "It's really convenient." McGerry didn't know whether Li Suman's words were lamenting the Avalon organization or the relationship that the head of the team had there.

   "Understood, the next contact is probably tomorrow." Li Suman said immediately, "The detailed information about the action and the goal should be given to you at that time."


   Edmila and Kingsley got out of the car and stood in the not-so-deep snow on the side of the road, looking at a black and white rock in the distance. The strong sunlight did not dissipate the surrounding mist, and the diffuse water vapor made the temperature even lower.

   "Will it be useful?" Kingsley asked, stepping on the surrounding snow, instead of making a "Gazi Gazi" sound as stated in the textbook. He looked a little disappointed, but he was also satisfied. It seemed that after a few decades, he finally remembered it suddenly today, and then verified the problems hidden in his mind in the past.

"No." Admiral replied simply, "I just wanted to just come up and have a look." Without paying attention to Kingsley's words, Admiral stepped forward and continued to move forward until it was covered with snow. Stopped in front of the bushes, took a few deep breaths, as if wanting to feel the cold air here, "After the green tree thing, what are you going to do about the black crow? Continue to borrow assistance from Li Suman, or Choose other ways of doing things?"

Kingsley went to Admiral in a few steps and shook his head: "I don't know. If you can't think of a good solution, you will be even more hopeless if you count on me. Li Suman... Green Tree’s actions are feasible, but there is no guarantee that it will be applied next time. Don’t forget which force Li Suman belongs to in the empire. It’s been a long time since I discovered the secret of the organization. You and I believe in the organization for more than 100 years In history, it is certainly not the only two of us who have a brain that can think normally. However, senior personnel like us can be considered to have experienced two or three generations, and there are still previous senior personnel alive. They have never treated us. Having said these things, I do not deny that there may be unknown transactions in it. However, no matter what the situation, no one has taken the initiative to pierce this fragile layer of paper. There must be a reasonable reason."

"Reason?" Admiral sighed, "I really can't think of the reason. In the past, technology and materials can be regarded as reasons. But now, with the mastery of the ultra-super alloy purification technology, raw materials are no longer available. There is another problem. It may be reasonable to say that it is a kind of protection from the enemy. I think there is only one reason for not breaking it."

"Yes, there are enemies who know our foundation. Protection looks more like building a captive pen where only the enemy can come in, waiting for the things in captivity to be killed when it matures. Think about it as a growing up. The source of great threat." Kingsley said, "But, whether it is a captive pen or a protected city wall, it is all established at this moment. I only know that if the black crow is dead, the organization Losing a point of contact with that side will bring more benefits to the organization than the immediate disadvantages."

Admiral looked over and looked indifferent, "Not necessarily, the contact point is like a communication machine. As long as you know the password used by both parties, you can communicate normally. I think if you change one, no one will care. This There are too many things involved in it. If the black crow is concerned about the future of the organization, at the beginning, I would not have been investigating the green trees, and he would also investigate."

Speaking of this, Admiral stopped abruptly, "Speaking too much, at a certain time I will tell you the detailed plan. Or, because of the lack of some information, I really don't have it. Think of a better way."

   The two returned to the car. Kingsley turned the front of the car because he started the car. Edmila pressed the answer button of the communicator.

   "I don't know if this is good news or bad news for you."

"If you mean the quantity, that's all good news." Admiral said with a smile, "Don't worry that we can't pay the corresponding compensation. The rest of the time, let us talk about cooperation. The details."


   "Can you help the experiment?" Adolf's words were all surprised, something he hadn't thought of. Soriatu is just a puppet that has been cultivated, and has no effect other than that. His strength is not as good as the middle team members in the organization. This is his evaluation of Cassia. At the beginning, he received the task of Lord Hongmang. After obtaining the information, he has been having a headache about how to train him into a qualified elite.

"That's great. Just continue this momentum, and leave the rest to me and Mr. Terry Weikang." Adolf added later and said some recent plans, so that Cassia had a mental preparation. Cut the connection.

   Cassia put down the communicator and opened the window, took a look at the peaceful town streets in the afternoon, and then sat at the table to continue learning about sound waves.

  The potion still has an effect, although the actual effect may be less than one-twentieth of the normal level in the eyes of Cassia. But at this moment, it is very rare for him to be able to improve a little by easily obtainable things.



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