Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1372: Pleasant screening experience (medium)

The three of them concealed into the darkness between the corridors and went to the straight street.

"I'll slow down first, and gradually increase." Someone said, there was a sound of wind, and three dark shadows that were thicker than the night flew across the street. After three breaths, like Broad, they jumped into the residential building. Inside the wall.

   Like a blind pursuit, the three shadows then became a triangular formation. No matter how the two of them increased their pursuit speed, it seemed that they could not be improved. However, the two of them have become accustomed to this situation in the past few days. At this moment, they are only thinking about how to adjust their own state in subtle ways to achieve the best.

"Turn left at fifty meters ahead." The person in the front will give a prompt in some places that are not easy to handle, "After another 100 meters, you will enter the street. After the past, if you have a corresponding surgical project development , You can use it. You don’t need to hide it. It’s not a good thing for you or me."

   Then the two replied without speaking. No extra energy, no extra strength. Just as ordinary people would seriously disrupt their rhythm and breathing when they were running, the two faced the same problem at this moment. There is a whistling wind in my ears, and the surrounding scenery is flowing by, just referring to the person in the front, I feel that I have been running in place, and have never advanced a little distance.

   At the same time, another place. Brod calculated the time he would run away. Judging that the other party came prepared, he thought that the farther away the better. After coming out of the residential building, Broad plunged into the alley visible to the eye, trying to avoid places where pedestrians would gather.

   The general direction is always towards the outskirts of the city. Many woods and some abandoned buildings can be a good cover. Broad's speed gradually weakened after five or six minutes, and the muscles that swelled up all over the body had a certain atrophy at this moment. These are all within Broad's monitoring, and he has conducted many experiments on this state, and he is very clear about the stages and the situation in each stage.

   The speed is still one-third higher than usual, and this increase has been retained even after the weakness in time. The footsteps are no longer explosive at the beginning. As the span of each step shrinks, Brod adjusts his breathing and heartbeat. The body's heat dissipation function allows sweat to evenly ooze from the swollen skin surface, regulating various functions in the body.

   About ten minutes, Broad returned to his normal body shape. After experiencing a peak, his relatively rapid breathing gradually calmed down. There are no lights around, except for the vehicles passing by on the road not far away. The destination was a dark shadow ahead, and Broad remembered that it was a construction site that had been stopped for several months.

   Looking over the simple fence built by steel pipes, Broad found a place to sit down, and while breathing slowly, he looked at the place where he started.

"Does this matter have anything to do with the association's announcement of the termination of the mission?" Brod's keen sense of smell quickly linked the two together, "If so, Sivi and Tretek may have been attacked. I am ranked last, most likely because I just showed up recently. However, in this case, the association has to provide us with even a little information. There may be some unclear points in it."

   looked at the time, fifteen minutes had passed since then. Broad estimated that it was close to twelve to three kilometers away. In the middle, he deliberately circled the streets a few times. In addition to the environment at night, it is very likely that all enemies behind him have been thrown away. It's just that his vigilance hasn't been relaxed because of this. What is he thinking about the enemy?

   The conflict with the association shifted to people like me? Or is it that they are regarded as a force that the association can mobilize at any time, so they began to eliminate them one by one in a planned way?

   Broad thinks this kind of conjecture is the most likely. He exhaled, and the rapid running just now seemed like a strong warm-up, and his body became more active at this moment. Standing up, Broad didn't think this was a good place either. He had to move as soon as possible and several times.

"In some time, there should be news from the association." Brod thought. With a keen sense of direction, he looked at another city. "Go there and wait. The enemy wants to track me again. It takes a lot of time.” After speaking, he went to the simple fence in a few steps before turning out, another jump, turning in, and immediately went to the unbuilt three-story building next to him, and hid it. .

   "You can just follow, but pay attention to the distance. There is no light in it. If it is found, he may not recognize the two of you. It would be a waste of time to be injured by mistake."

   "Can I use the flares? If there is light, he can show his strength better. So the boss can have a deeper understanding of it." The female voice suggested, and the corresponding things were also prepared.

   "Yes, yes." Someone replied, whispering something to the two people next to him, and then quietly entered the construction site alone to see the second floor of the building phantom. Without even thinking about it, a gunshot suddenly sounded inside the construction site. Then, several flares slowly rose up into the sky from several angles, providing a short-term illumination for the construction site.

   Broad, hiding on the second floor, did shake when he heard the gunshot, because he didn't feel anything at all, which gave him the illusion of being frightened. The moment the flares rose, his body skyrocketed again, without thinking of resisting. Since the enemy chased here, there was definitely more than one in role of the flares was largely to spread the firepower net. Provide vision.

   There is no doubt that this place will be covered by heavy fire in the next moment. Broad jumped from the side window frame to the second floor. After a few steps, he smashed the iron sheet of the simple fence and went to the open space beside the construction site. The light from the flares enveloped this place, and Broad's figure was very fast, almost dragging out a shadow like a stream of water. When it was about 30 meters away from the area covered by the flares, another black shadow slammed into Broad in a straight trajectory not far away, making a "boom" sound, and even the ground was slightly light. shock.

   Brod turned his head too far, and felt unbalanced, and his body fell forward. Immediately supporting his body with his hands, he turned to make himself stand on the ground again. Brod then withdrew a few steps away. After taking a deep breath, he saw the phantom of the enemy moving from the side in the rising flares. He rushed over. The slight pain in his legs tells Brod that if he wants to run away smoothly, he must get out of the entanglement of the enemy in front of him. But he didn't want to waste time, because in any case, there is no benefit to him if no second has passed.

   still turned around and ran, and the speed was faster than before. Broad didn't care about rushing to his enemies, he saw a direction and sprinted with all his strength.

   ",,," there was a sigh, but the falling black shadow did not pursue it. After one or two breaths, the other two rushed over and sighed together, "Probably because of the pressure."

   "You'll see the flare chase up later, I'll follow and see how long he can keep running."

  :. :

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