Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1382: Human Forms and Advertising (Part 1)

"Alone?" Cassia was a little puzzled, looking at the expression on the captain's face, after thinking for a while, he got up from the sofa and said that he would wake you up later. If you want to complain, complain about your captain. The other fourteen people were knocked out again in order.

   "Okay, now I can speak alone." Sitting back on the sofa, Cassia looked at the captain and said, "What is the important news, can't you let the other team members know?"

   Captain shook his head, his face was still surprised by the action of Cassia knocking out the others, but he felt a funny expression: "There may be a lot of words, I hope you can give me some patience, sir."

"Before noon tomorrow, this period of time will be fine. I will stay in the villa. But if the alone time lasts for such a long time, your team members will suffer more. You will have to pat it again in three or four hours. So as not to wake up suddenly halfway."

The captain shook his head, took a deep breath and slowly said: "I don't think you will let us go after you ask all the information you want, at least not all. The gap in strength allows me to see a lot. Regarding the lives, especially the lives of surgeons like us, I think that as long as I am a surgeon, I would never have pity for anything. Sometimes we may give birth to ordinary people, even some cats and dogs. A feeling similar to pity, but this kind of mood hardly appears on the surgeon."

   "Well..." Cassia nodded in approval, "But with friends or allies, I think some normal feelings still exist."

"I'm only referring to the enemy and people who have nothing to do with me." The captain explained, and then looked at Cassia, "So I don't expect the information in our mouths to be used as a bargaining chip to exchange lives from your husband, and It's still fifteen. This kind of sale is really not cost-effective. From your sir, it will be extremely troublesome to deal with later, because the base is very large."

   Cassia thought for a while, and suddenly understood the captain's intentions. He motioned the captain to continue.

"So I was thinking, if the base number is reduced and the chips are increased, whether a transaction can be completed, even if it is unfair, there is no guarantee, but I want to try." The captain said, spitting out the heavy air in his heart "Sir, you know that we are stayed here by the family because the average strength is indeed higher than that of people in a small country. With the addition of brain and education, and better weapons and equipment, most of the small problems can be caused by our own Digestion. But the point I want to say is not on this, but on our'stay behind and here' itself."

   "Sir, do you know how long we stayed here again?"

   "At least five years or more, judging from your vigilance. In the Common Country of Far Seas, if you dare not be so slack, the impact of the environment on most people is enormous and difficult to detect." Cassia said his own judgment.

"The average time is seven years." The captain said, falling into memories, "The fifteen people were divided into three batches. The shortest was six years ago, and then it was eight years ago. The earliest should be ten years old." Not so sure, the captain sighed, "I am the first batch. Five people came, two died, and the remaining two were recalled. Only I was left, waiting for the family’s notice. Let me go back."

"It's not that it's not good here." The captain said, as if he was defending with Air, "There is no pressure. The danger is rarely encountered several times. Most of the things handled are handled with hands and mouths. The benefits of the association are also very good. As far as personal expenses are concerned, you can have a lot of money to use by just doing tricks on the accounts. In the first more than two years, this kind of life is very good, and they are all addicted to it. After that..."

The captain shook his head, "I don't understand what the mood is. My body naturally starts to feel uncomfortable, whether it is good for the environment, people around, or whatever. I can see that here and my own country at a glance. Gap. When I was left alone, two years after I came here, I thought that my abilities were not as good as others, so I started to work hard. The association did develop rapidly during that time. The association points A major expansion of the ministry happened at that time. However, after so many years, I still haven't waited for the result I wanted."

"Ten years, I don't think I intend to wait any longer." With a disappointed face, more disappointed smiles, "I must have been given up by the family. Although I have been thinking about it, I can't think of the beginning. Around the time I got here, I had offended someone in the family. But now it doesn’t seem to matter."

   "I don't know if you can realize this feeling, sir?"

"Probably I can imagine most of the feelings." Cassia said, and then asked, "However, some things have not been figured out. Abandoned by the family probably means that resources and identity will be greatly affected. But here in a small country, the identity is temporarily Not to mention, in terms of resources, the benefits earned by the association every year will definitely not be less, right? There are more than a dozen small countries involved. This coverage can be imagined the amount of money each The captain nodded. Yes, "Sir, can I ask you a question?" "Cassia nodded and motioned to the captain to speak directly.

"Sir, you recruited the bounty hunters and mercenaries from the association. Are the conditions just pure money figures? Some things can’t work or they can’t work. If you can’t find a way, you can’t find a way. Things, the surrounding environment can change all at once. I have known this for a long time. I know that there is a black market and there are many ways to buy. But in the eyes of those merchants, I am the last customer after all. Many. As soon as something appeared on the black market, they contacted their primary customers. When it came to me, the remaining things..."

"Furthermore, I have been reconciling the bills, but the action will not be very big. I have always wanted to knock on a door of my own with a huge sum of money, but it won't work. The family investigation has not stopped. Distance strongholds, like associations, are not generally comparable. Small countries are small countries after all, and things that are easy to do in their own country require several times the price here."

Cassia pondered for a while, looked at the captain, and said: "You know your purpose. Then, let's talk carefully about your plan and the corresponding bargaining chips. One of the important points is the official support Team. Whether it is to me or to you, they will feel uncomfortable when they appear in Saint Vichu."

"Indeed." The captain breathed a sigh of relief, his tone lightened a lot at this time, "I believe that the chips will definitely not disappoint you, sir. Because this is based on the association's existence and destruction, which have nothing to do with me. "

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