Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1386: Alarm and completion of the group (middle)

Latest URL: Opened his eyes at 9 o'clock in the morning, Cassia actually woke up from a semi-sleep state very early, but thought that he was buried under a grass and would have nothing to do all day today, so closed Keep your eyes open and think about things.

The outside world is presented in Cassia's head in a neat and staggered sketch line. Observing ordinary people's daily life in this state, there is a unique feeling. Then, Cassia thought about the end of tonight's affairs. In addition to the finishing work, there was only the recruitment plan for Saint Vichu Junior High. Although it will involve two or three neighboring countries of St. Vichu, Cassia is going to leave it to Brod to do the recruitment there. The first task, whether it be inspection or training, in short, from now on, these people must use it as soon as possible in addition to daily exercise. Every year’s salary will be paid in half in the near future. The amount from the captain eases Cassia’s financial difficulties. You don’t need to ask Delya for it. Instead, you can use an extra part to speed up the shells and artillery Paving the production line.

Last night, I asked the captain to step up time to write an announcement for himself, which roughly meant to cancel the previous notice of the association, and in the name of the association, send some information to those whom Cassia liked.

In addition, tonight’s explosion will surely shock the management organization of North Tucci Castle. After the news spreads, it can also be foreseen to cause vibrations in a large area. After all, the scope of the association is very broad. Cassia had the idea of ​​sending another person to invade the inside of the association and take advantage of the chaos to take over some areas. But there must be many forces who know that there are such ideas. In addition to changes in the times, it is still unknown whether the family behind the captain will let go of the association.

So Cassia thought, since he got the benefits of the plan, and also got the surprise benefits, following the plan step by step is the most correct route. As for the chaos caused by the Association here, maybe it will cause a chain reaction between the various forces, and the arms business will get better at that time. In this chaos, it may not be necessary to find a foothold in St. Vicchu.

Waiting is really boring for Cassia, and I can definitely bear the boring feeling, but it feels like a waste of time. All the time since then, Cassia has been sorting out the expansion plan, and is also thinking about what criteria should be used to screen out those who may be admired after the association’s business has been published.

"Unconsciously, time seems to be entering early summer." By the evening, Cassia suddenly realized this. St. Vicchu is a landlocked country with lakes and several rivers, but it does not stay long in spring. Now I recall that from the time I received the **** mission to obtain concentrated dragon blood, then went to the warehouse, and now I walked step by step according to the plan more freely, roughly five months have passed.

For Cassia, this period of time really seemed to pass by something in front of his eyes. During the period, I did a lot of things that made Cassia feel oppressed. Even though I did a lot of things, I always felt not enough. The timing of the plan can be seen with the eyes, but there is no clear time for the specific results. I sighed in my heart. At this moment, I have left the knight attendant assessment for a year and a half. Looking back, if I return to the empire, Cassia knows that he can use it as a help. It seems that he is the only one.

Soon after, Hesley, who was more than 2,000 meters apart in the sound wave pulse, made a signal action. In a sigh, Cassia walked out of a bad mood and began to observe the surroundings.

A total of seven limo cars, divided into two convoys, drove here some distance apart. Three of the extended limousines did not go directly to the parking lot of the villa area at the end. Instead, they parked near the residence. When other people came over with their suitcases, the driver would get off. All the materials filled with the entire gift car were moved down one by one and brought into the living room of the villa with the rest of the people.

Regardless of the luggage box or the three lengthened limousines, the contents except for the necessary communication equipment are almost all types of weapons and equipment. When most of the people entered the residence, Cassia recovered the sound pulse in a timely manner, and the perception that he had not actively escaped was converged into the body. The body quickly fell into a sleepy state. From my own perspective, when everything has been moved in, the next step is to observe the entire room and make a short answer to the surroundings to understand the general situation of the surrounding environment. , In order to deal with emergencies.

Give these people half an hour. Worry-free Chinese Network

Half an hour later, Cassia was awakened by the biological clock in his body, opened his eyes, and it was dark. The breath is full of the damp smell of mud, and the sound pulses are unfolding. Twenty people are now quietly staying in the villa. Some are drinking the wine that the captain bought last night, some looking at the information prepared by the captain in advance, and some Rest, and the rest is tidying up the weapons in the living room.

The time for investigating them has passed, and since nothing is wrong with them, Cassia is also lazy to cheer up against these people. Sitting up from under the turf, Cassia walked away from the villa. No one could catch him in the dark.

"Although the direction of the explosion was taken into account when the bomb was placed, the huge amount of power can still reach more than a hundred meters away." Cassia said to himself, "Fortunately, this is a villa area, and each house is far enough apart. Even if the impact of the explosion will spread to the surroundings, it will just shatter the glass products, causing ordinary people to lose most of their hearing in a short time."

While talking, Cassia walked more than a hundred meters away and sat on a wooden bench on a path. His eyes reflected the gentle light from the villa in front, and in a sincere "Welcome to you" words, Cassia pressed the detonation switch in his hand.

Maybe it was a moment, Cassia thought, expressionless, even feeling accustomed to seeing explosions and fires, and no sense of expectation for the next scene.

Large expanses of flames expanded in the darkness gathered into a mushroom cloud, which rose only tens of meters high, and quickly transformed into dense smoke in a few seconds. The huge villa instantly shattered into fragmented shapes, and countless flames burst out from these instantaneously split openings, spewing out in the shape of tongues of fire.

The rubble splashed farther than Cassia imagined, but the intensity of the shock wave and heat wave was not much different from the results he calculated. After closing his eyes, Cassia simply sat on the wooden chair, standing still like a solid rock, no matter what the shock waves and air waves, or the impact of sound waves, there was no feeling at all. The only change, perhaps only a large area of ​​scorching on the clothes.

Half a minute later, although there was no pit formed by the explosion at the location of the villa, because the explosives were all placed separately, it was completely blown to the ground.

Cassia pulled out the revolver and walked over, still burning flames in his eyes.

Standing more than fifty meters away, Cassia emptied three drums into the ruins, and then shot a signal flare into the sky, speeding up his pace to the place where Hesley met.

Soon after, Cassia and Hesley returned to the captain.

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