Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1388: Rapid development (part 1)

Latest website: A sunny day, quite the smell of early summer, but the humid air is not liked by many people.

Cassia came out of the sales center. The sales clerk in a dress was a woman with a pretty face. Follow Cassia to the small square in front of the sales center, where there is a small man-made fountain. Although he repeatedly said no, the salesperson insisted that he wanted to invite a big customer like Cassia to dinner tonight.

After refusing several times, the salesman stopped talking, and watched Cassia disappearing to the corner of the street with disappointed eyes.

Seeing that he hadn't followed, Cassia heaved a sigh of relief.

Both Hesley and Broad went out, and Wells was busy organizing information again. Although there were about a dozen newly recruited personnel, they all followed out and have not yet returned. Seeing that the original villa can no longer be used as a residence for a group of close to thirty people, Cassia can only come over to buy a new house today.

Still walking back, Cassia put the various certificates in a bag, carried them in his hands, and walked, the speed was very slow compared to usual. It has been half a month since the villa was blown up, and all the planned tasks were proceeding smoothly. In terms of personnel recruitment, the process was much easier due to the information sent by the captain when he left.

There are close to twenty people again, and the ability and strength are not very good, but they are generally in the past, and they are completely sufficient to deal with various things in the small country. There are close to twelve or three people left, and the whole plan is complete. Just ran into some trouble here.

During this period, the management department of North Tucci Castle finally found the clue to the explosion because of the internal vibration of the association. The information collected showed that they had figured out the approximate identities of the twenty people in the villa, and the captain's villa was of course the focus of the search.

Cassia lamented the benefits brought about by the authority of the management department, because it could mobilize a large number of people from various departments, so that the bodies of the fourteen people who were thrown into the underground waterway by the captain were also found and packaged and transported away. However, the investigation of North Tucci Castle can only end here, and there have been no new discoveries since then. But the association's changes were completely exposed because of this matter, and Cassia's trouble was here.

The association became the source of the detonation of the North Tucci Fort. This area is operating peacefully on the surface, but the forces hiding in the shadow of the area have begun to act. Due to the relationship with the association, some of the remaining ten people have already decided to leave this place early. The management department contacted two or three of them and asked about the recent trends and conditions of the association. The high-levels are certainly not immune, or that their sources of information are only a little earlier than the management of North Tucciburg.

The departure of the captain caused them to completely disconnect from the family behind them. For a while, they looked like lost children with no sense of direction, and they didn't know what to do right now. However, the emergency measures were done well, and the collapse of the association was not as rapid as Cassia imagined. But this is an avalanche, or a flash flood, once it starts, any blockage will only slightly hinder the arrival of the final eruption. Love Chinese Network

It has been unable to change the final result. The interest cake represented by the association is very large. Other forces have coveted it for a long time. How can this opportunity be given up. Even if the Far Sea Common Country will come to prevent this collapse of the Association, it is possible for anything to happen in the timeline for more than half a month.

Furthermore, Cassia's own thinking is that the association will disappear, or be fragmented is the best choice. He will not allow variables to appear, because at this time it is obvious that chaos will cause varying degrees of impact and cause trouble. But the benefits of chaos seem to far outweigh the trouble.

Cassia decided to hire some people to spread the necessary information in two weeks, speeding up the collapse of the association's organizational structure, and letting the chaos last longer. During this period, without paying too much attention to himself, Cassia could make the plan go faster and smoother, and even go a little bit ahead.

Three days later, Hesley and Broad came back one after another, bringing back four new members. The number came to thirty-four members, six people less than the planned forty, but enough. Soon, when the news is disseminated, the advertising effect brought about by the influence will bring its due effect. It will not be said that the current state of the association was created by oneself, but it is contaminated with the right relationship. According to the specific level of the situation, the right person can always be found later.

At this time, Cassia contacted Waters and informed that a professional team could be sent. The arms business network in the dark world of Saint-Vicchio, the distribution of shares, the network of intermediaries, whether there is a gap in goods, if not, what is the degree of saturation, etc., plus the establishment of factories, these You need to deal with people and communicate with people in the management department. It is much better than yourself to leave it to experienced people.

After inquiring about the production line, sufficient money achieved a fast and stable speed. The production machine has been installed, and although it has not entered the debugging stage, it is only a few days later. Regardless of the raw materials, mass production and purchase of some accessories, we have found suitable manufacturers to do it.

"The trial production will start in three weeks." This is the scheduled time given by Waters. Cassia thought about it, and told Waters that I remember to contact those regular customers in advance and reveal to them that he has this. Some things will do. The investment is indeed very large from Kassia's point of view. It is only the risk of Delya bringing a group of people to the Kingdom of Chil, and the impact on the factory and business in the Tussini is already a kind of Another investment.

I hope to earn a part of this investment as soon as possible on fixed customers. There is not much lack of necessary funds within the power, but as the plan of Cassia is gradually going forward, small countries and regions will establish strongholds, and then form a network that can be linked. The cost of this plan is really terrible. Later, when the business network began to operate slowly, the transportation routes of goods, how to pass through the borders of small countries, how to deal with inspections, etc., the cost of these processes is also an invisible pothole, which requires a lot of money to go. Fill it up and build a stable road.

A few days later, Cassia read the information booklet that Wells had initially completed, and after consulting with Hesley, he grouped Broad and the others. They were not immediately sent to the planned regions. In the next one or two weeks, except for the spread of the news, Broad and the others followed Cassia to the uninhabited suburb of North Tucci Fort, which was a foothill. Position, they started their memorable practice.

During that time, Cassia was very happy as a coach for the first time. The new experience brought him a lot of freshness. As for Broad and others, Kassia thinks that they are also happy, because while they have indeed learned something, they have really seen some gaps. Gaining insights, cognition, calming the inner self-feeling good, and also bringing them a goal of hard work, this is a good thing.

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