Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1389: Rapid development (in)

Latest website: But Broad and the others are very hard work but it is visible to the eyes. Cassia is indeed in a state of anxiety in terms of their strength. The standard for training is the level he himself had when he entered the military school in the second year. In terms of methods, because there is neither a well-equipped training ground, nor a corresponding environment and corresponding tools, we can only use the way we used to help carry building materials in the school.

How big a rock at the foot of the mountain, and a tough rope can be bought everywhere. Everyone tied a stone weighing half a ton. Although they were heading towards the top of the mountain, they came down several times and only Cassia managed to reach the top. Afterwards, they always set the mountainside as their destination. After Brod and the others got there, they completed the basic warm-up exercises. Often at this time Broad and others have no strength to do other things. Because of time constraints, they carried the rocks on their backs, and they had to exert all their strength if they wanted to arrive within the stipulated time, not to mention that Cassia had reached half of his own speed in the early days.

Endurance training will have some effect after a week, after which Cassia will teach combat in the afternoon. It's just that Cassia himself doesn't think that is what kind of teaching, most of them share the experience gained when fighting with others.

After the actual practice, Cassia finally understood why the students of the Imperial Military School will be called the killing machine when they grow up as long as they graduate successfully. It’s not just that students who can enter the military school are members of many forces with great potential and talent. They don’t feel anything at all in the school, but they come out and see Brod’s fighting posture and methods, Cassia Know that all previous conjectures are correct.

The influence really affects everything, including itself, subtly. In the military school, everything is taken for granted. Now, looking at Broad and the others, not to mention the basic data such as power and speed. It only refers to the thinking of combat and the point of attack. There is already a long difference. cut. The idea that the heart, head, and neck are deadly in their heads, but once they actually fight, the idea falls into the thought, and the reality falls into the reality. Will not deliberately pay attention to these points, and will not rely on constant fights to create opportunities to attack these positions. During the battle, Broad and a few people were okay. Most of the remaining people gave Cassia an illusion-as long as he hits, there is a way that he was not hit by the enemy, but he hit the enemy. Punching is the idea of ​​earning.

Furthermore, Cassia has also been briefly tested on firearms. It may be that I usually rely on sound pulses, strong perception, and fine control of power, which can make the revolver shoot most of the effect of a sniper rifle. For Broad and their use of firearms, the hit rate was so low that Cassia had imagined it.

But the extremely low shooting percentage from two to three hundred meters away is good news for Cassia. He asked Brod about this matter, and got an answer that the level of gun use in Brod's circle was almost the same as his.

Perhaps there is a reason why the ammunition business in a small country is very good, because Cassia believes that in real battle, everyone has never thought that a bullet can solve an enemy. Relying on the fierce firepower network to suppress, if the distance is far, then let the sniper do it. No sniper? No matter how fierce the firepower is, clusters of bullets are shot out without eyes, and they will not deliberately avoid any target. You can always meet someone with luck.

During the break, Cassia made a special trip to ask everyone carefully about these questions. They came to the conclusion that it was for life, and also for the money to buy weapons, equipment, tranquilizers, and medicines. They usually don't have much time to exercise alone and at ease. And after becoming a surgeon, almost everyone relied on their physical strength to make money. Whether it is before or after surgery, firearms exercises and combat skills exercises are rarely involved. Not to mention later cold weapons, such as swordsmanship training.

"This is a sharp weapon. With its own strength, as long as it hits an enemy, the enemy will probably not be able to bear it no matter where it is?" This surprised Cassia answer also appeared at this moment.

"If there are pneumatic weapons, vehicles such as ordinary cold weapons, armored vehicles, and tanks will no longer be a threat. When you encounter an enemy, you are inherently superior. I personally think that weapons and equipment are good for everyone. The strength of the impact is great." Everyone did not have to be pressured to say their thoughts, so Cassia also got the answer about the equipment.

The answer itself is half correct and half wrong. It’s just that the speaker’s perception of this matter made it clear to Cassia that many people are good at fighting, in other aspects, or the knowledge contained in their heads, the gap between them and the enemies he has encountered is not short. It can be made up in time.

It is true that when encountering the surgeons in a small country, Cassia can let Broad and the others pass better weapons and equipment-in this regard, Delya and Waters have already taken care of it and bought a batch of standard empire systems. Weapon return-to form a certain gap with most of the surgeons in the small country, so as to win the battle.

But when encountering enemies with the same weapons and equipment, Cassia believes that it is only a matter of time before encountering such enemies. Faced with this situation, the factors that can make oneself survive, except for a thinking head, are skills and experience. These people are different from him, and Cassia knows this very well. They can't crush the enemy with pure strength and speed, so the foundation is especially important.

Afterwards, in accordance with the original recruitment agreement, Cassia and Hesley spent some time together, and formulated a short-term training plan for these 30 people. Because of the different methods of becoming a surgeon, they are divided into two types: empire and common country, so the ability of a small part of the personnel is delayed. In this regard, information is needed to clarify the surgical system of the Far Sea Common Country.

It was not a difficult task. A few days later, Cassia basically understood the general process-organ and tissue replacement is the focus-mainly about money, resources and purchase routes. So this kind of thing was all thrown to Waters and asked him to help find a doctor to help establish a path for follow-up surgery on the far sea common country.

Cassia's training as a coach lasted for about three weeks. During this period, Broad's strength must not be suddenly increased, but in terms of mentality, he has the confidence to completely change it.

The training did not end, but Cassia got out of his coaching status afterwards. The professional team dispatched by Waters has been here for some time. After the survey results are basically available, the business and factory work has begun to proceed in an orderly manner. At the same time, the changes in the association caused turmoil within the North Tucci Fort, as expected. In other small countries, the situation in the association branches is roughly the same. Some of the main leaders of the branches of the association began to declare independence, while others were dying out at a rapid rate. Among them was the influence of Cassia spreading the news.

The initial effect of the advertisement was one week after this. Cassia gave a way to find himself when spreading the news, but it was hidden in a slightly more complicated puzzle, which was the first step in screening. Wells was responsible for recording the information of people who came here to join, while Hesley took Brod and them in rotation every few days, investigating the background of these people, and doing actual inspections.

Cassia knew that not only the management department of North Tucci Castle, but also other forces here would definitely be interested in the news that they had spread, so it was certain that they sent someone over to investigate. I just don't worry too much, because the people who joined in later because of the advertising effect were arranged by Cassia alone, and they will be given about three months of inspection time. In the middle, if there is any trouble, Cassia will leave it to these people. Free labor can be used as an investigation mode, and it will not affect anything.

When the summer is fully entered, one month has passed. There were many accidents during the period. What surprised Cassia was that the shock caused by the association's changes was completely suppressed in a short time, so that now, the forces that were at friction with each other suddenly became quiet. The original association, after several branches declared their independence, finally ushered in the people from the Far Sea Common Country at this time.

However, the development of the matter did not follow Cassia's expectations. After the captain's family re-entered the association, the investigation of the captain and the first support team was not concerned. Limited intelligence showed that after the new support team came, they immediately contacted the management department of North Tuxi Fort. It was not clear who took the initiative between the two, but after contact, they did nothing other than stabilize the collapse of the association. It gave Cassia an illusion of what the management of North Tucci Castle did.

Is it a threat? Cassia thought that he had recently received news that San Vichuo was approaching the cycle of transfer of managers across the country. During this period of time, no big things can happen inside North Tuxi Fort, the management must think so.

Cassia followed up the progress of the matter, but has never received a more prepared answer. After half a month, the location of the factory has been found. First, a warehouse was established, and then Waters found a not-so-good route and began to transport the weapons and ammunition stocks of the Chil Kingdom for initial sales. The high cost of the route and the preferential purchase price established in the early stage in order to seize the arms market have made the business of North Tuxi Fort destined not to earn profits in the recent period.

On the contrary, like the Principality of Inans, which borders the Kingdom of Chil, the distance allows the establishment of strongholds quickly, and the simplification of the route allows considerable profits from the beginning after the goods pass. At this moment, Brod, who was divided into groups, also began to garrison between each stronghold.

The internet took shape, and Cassia finally felt a sense of relaxation.

During this period there was good news from Waters. The first batch of shells and artillery have been tested, and their power and stability have all reached the standards of that technical document. Mass production has begun, and it will be less than one or two weeks before the first batch of finished products are delivered to customers.

Waters briefly explained the profit of this shipment, because the production of shells and artillery was only started, and the yield rate was not ideal. But because the gap in this kind of goods in the dark world is indeed huge, and the number of forces that can be created is visible to the eyes, the price is absolutely huge profits.

The profit is very high. If you say that a standard box of bullets, depending on the gunpowder and warhead, you can get 3,000 to 20,000 sacred coins profits. Then compare the standard box of shells to the difference in gunpowder, type of ammunition, and warhead. Its profit is between 60,000 to 200,000 sacred coins. They seem to be similar, but in their respective standard boxes, there are roughly 5,000 bullets per box, while the number of shells is 10 per box. The difference in the quantity causes the profits of the two to be completely different.

And the most important point is that for the sale of shells and artillery, Waters does not allow arrears, and must pay the entire purchase cost at once. Compared with weapons and ammunition, most of the time, they only pay half or even less. The sale of shells and artillery can indeed see profits enter their pockets faster.

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