Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1391: Undertake (on)

The latest website: I feel a little strange about myself now. I have never thought about similar issues before. As the power continues to grow according to the plan, and his own strength begins to approach the high class on the mainland, Cassia found that these things are being cared about. It is a natural state.

In military schools, those teachers have said about the same situation-in the corresponding stage, people's thinking is absolutely different. When you really enter a certain field, many things will not pay attention to your own will at all. That is the most primitive instinct, which cannot be controlled by anything, and it will make you think about the various fields in the corresponding field.

In the next few days, Cassia held a meeting with Hesley, Waters and others in the newsletter and discussed the issue of shells and artillery for a long time. In the end, centering on the group forces that were fostered by one's own side, they were first provided with such weapons and ammunition. For other customers, you need to start a detailed inspection again. Just as a formal company accepts various qualification certifications from the management department, it is mandatory for customers to provide necessary information. Waters later proposed a similar model. Not only will various rules of use be signed in the contract between the two parties, but also a special training team will be formed to respond to these forces on the black market and the intensity of the control of shells and artillery in various regions. Teaching.

It may not be useful, but it must be implemented. It is not the first time that Cassia has felt this kind of helplessness, but compared with before, the current helplessness has a more positive feeling of moving forward after the power has grown.

"Many managers in the four forces of the empire probably experience this feeling every day." On this day, Cassia finished cleaning up in the villa room, sitting in front of the window and thinking, "There are things they need to consider and care about. Many, many, I am on my way to that state."

Two days later, Cassia and Hesley received the personnel information recently compiled by Wells. The effect of advertising has caused a surge in the number of people who want to join recently.

"The big powers from the three giant countries have deep backgrounds and powerful strengths, and their treatment is three or four layers higher than the others." The information is rolling like a snowball and getting outrageous. There is also a black market. Come to the intelligence dealer who connects personnel information to Cassia. Let Wells and the others don't care, just organize the information according to the given standards.

On the other side, Cassia found Hessley and raised the screening level again. Cassia originally wanted to investigate and screen the recruited members with Hesley in the next time, but after less than three days of this work, Cassia received a communication from Trevicom.

The serious tone let Cassia know that he and Adolf have a new important plan.

After thinking about the time, several months have passed since the task of organizing the protection and management of the warehouse, and the freedom during this period is indeed enough for Cassia. Can think of Miss Tavier behind Trevikang, and the big figure behind Adolf who is not yet known, Cassia has never felt a headache. He knew that his clue was in the empire, and Tawil and Adolf must be inside the empire. But the period of entering the organization made Cassia understand that the two are definitely the ones standing at the top of the pyramid.

To obtain their information, it is impossible to rely on black market intelligence merchants. The only feasible way now is in Hesley. However, the authority should not be enough, and once such actions are taken, Hesley will definitely be investigated within the Webley family.

Without thinking about this matter, Cassia recalled Hesley, who was undergoing screening work that day, and said many things until late at night. Regardless of the details of the next plan, all kinds of worries and reminders, in short, Cassia felt that after returning to the Kingdom of Chil this time, the time he was delayed by the organization's events would be longer and longer.

"You can't participate in anything in St. Vichuria's country, especially the recent spread of a wide range of positions between different regions. A time for the transfer of power in the country will be coordinated, and all forces and figures will be involved. Only when they came here We lack too much information, and stepping into it will only become the first cannon fodder."

"Just look at the arms business market." Hesley understood this very well, "I will control the gates during the screening. It is an important basis for the sales network and there should be no problems."

When Cassia was packing his luggage, he thought about it again. After all aspects were filtered once, he boarded the train the next morning and started a six-day return journey.

However, there are other means of transportation in the coordinating country, but the Qier Kingdom has been restricted due to the perennial internal wars. Something called a jet plane, a vehicle that uses high-energy liquid fuel. Cassia has read the corresponding information and compares the airship, which can only be called a child's toy.

In addition, in a group of small countries, relying on the seven central points of the seven coordinating countries, there are ultra-long-distance railway lines that run through half of the countries, and many of them pass through the mountains to form a ground transportation network that can reach all over the world. Although this thing is a toy in comparison with the relisting route within the empire, Cassia has seen it in San Vichuo, and it is considered to be a major embodiment of industrial technology in a small country. No shock, but not bad.

In fact, the situation in a small country is not very similar to yourself? On the train, Cassia suddenly thought of this after retracting his gaze from the window once. So with this mood, six days later, Cassia once again set foot on the land of the Kyr Kingdom. After several different transportations, he returned to the residence that was already full of a mild musty smell.

After boiling a pot of hot water for himself and simply eating food bought from the side of the road, Cassia picked up the communicator and contacted Trevikang.

"I went to other countries and looked for some technical partners. Because I got the technical documents, I wanted to make it my own as soon as possible." Cassia said that he had already thought about it in his head. The rhetoric, perhaps because the next thing is very important, Teli Weikang has no plans to go into it. After asking Kasima Mountain to go to the nearest park and saying that he and Adolf would also rush over immediately, they cut off contact.


"It's been over half a month and haven't come out yet? It's not like you." The rough voice coughed several times. On the commercial airship, in a luxurious room, Biao snorted. After feeling much better, he extinguished half of the cigarette in his hand, "I will leave for a while after I go back. The investigation is not over yet. With your latest information about Red Star, I think they will be active during this time, and they must have roughly the same reason."

"The Chillies family..." McGerry sighed and responded with a beating.

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