Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1393: Undertake (below)

The latest website: "Going to work in other countries?" Cassia opened his mouth wide, surprised partly from the truth and partly from the exaggeration of the performance. "The place is far away?"

Adolf and Trevikang on the opposite side looked at each other, and both of them were full of an aura of trouble and helplessness. Because Cassia leaves the Chil Kingdom, it means that they, as the protection and training personnel, will definitely leave with them. Adolf's mood seemed to be much calmer. In the organization, there was no fixed residence all year round. For most of the year, he had been obedient to orders and went to various places to perform tasks. Adolf likes the task very much now, easy and simple, although sometimes he may be overly worried because of some things.

But General Pullman got used to living here, and he was reluctant to leave with him. And this time the destination is not a good place in his opinion. Even if he followed Cassia, he hoped that the next stop would still be a small country without any disputes, but he couldn't help it.

General Pullman understood that this step was necessary, and as time went on, as a training plan for Cassia, the environment and location would change. It's just that he didn't expect it to be so fast, it was a bit beyond his imagination. But even if there are a lot of reluctances in my heart, compared with Li Suman, these reluctances seem to be less uncomfortable.

"Small Nations League, should you know? It's probably because you performed well in the last mission. The organization is now lacking the necessary manpower, so the opportunity just fell to your head." Adolf said. It's the same as cheating a child who is still playing with toys, but everyone knows the truth, no one refutes this argument and is willing to accept it.

"It is one of the seven coordinating countries, which is very close to the territory of the Flame Alliance. It is called Larsa." Adolf saw that Cassia had no other opinions, and then introduced, "It is also known as the country of trade among small countries, because in In the relatively narrow territory of the small countries, four of the few nine large rivers pass through Larsa. It is a country with almost no mountains and a fertile plain. There are many high-speed roads and the most railway lines. In addition, The distance to the Flame Alliance, and it can be considered to be at the angle formed by the Flame Alliance and the Common Ocean Country, so it has created such a country with a very good geographic location."

Of course, Cassia has heard of Larsa. When the Flame Alliance bordered the Far Sea Common Country, an angle of about sixty degrees was formed, and Larsa was in the center of the angle. In fact, they are closer to the Flame Alliance, and some people in the small tribes have had a history of migrating to the Kingdom of Larsa, resulting in the overall atmosphere in their country being more towards the Flame Alliance.

The plains have greatly reduced the construction cost of roads and railway lines. Because there are not too many mountains, the protection at the frontier location is not so strict. The four large rivers passing through him are regarded as upstream areas, and the downstream meandering into the endless sea, passing through dozens of small countries during the period. As a result, Lalsa also has natural advantages on the waterways. The construction of dams, the development of the shipbuilding industry, and the large number of airports on the plains, the combination of various transportation advantages, make Lal Samoa is more like a transit point.

Among them, it is not only the transfer of goods from small countries, but because of the distance, many products of the common countries and the flame alliance also use Larsa as the first point to enter the small countries. It is also called a country of trade, which also means that black market business is flourishing. Checkpoints on various territories are simply not enough to prevent smuggling of all kinds of goods.

When initially discussing with Delya and Waters to enter the arms and weapons market of a small country, Larsa was chosen as a candidate location. Later, due to various reasons, the Kingdom of Chil, which was still undergoing internal wars, became Cassia’s first large stronghold in a small country.

There was some embarrassment and reluctance on his face, but in his heart, Cassia didn't feel much about where he was. The factory of the Kingdom of Chir got on the right track very early, and the only thing that worries Cassia is the arms sales network centered on the Kingdom of Saint Vichu. In the state of a baby who has just learned to walk, it is necessary for him to stay aside as a protection if he wants it to grow rapidly. But Cassia knew that Adolf and Terry Weikang could not decide this matter. All choices were made by the people behind them.

"This is the information you found temporarily. Take Soriatu back and take a look." Adolf threw a pile of information after he said that, about ten centimeters thick, "Compared here, Larsa is not a peaceful place. The organization has many organizations there, and there are also many actual businesses. When you go this time, one side is to manage certain businesses and operate as usual, and on the other side to protect them from damage. It is just a less important part. I used to be in the organization I have done it, very simple and easy."

When Adolf had said the last sentence, Terry Weikang on the side remembered the bad memory and looked at Adolf. He wanted to insert a few words, but finally shook his head and swallowed the words into his stomach.

Seeing this, Adolf understood what Teli Weikang meant by shaking his head. I wanted to justify a few more words. Maybe it was because I thought of the same thing as Terry Weikang, but in the end he didn't say anything, but repeated a few times "this time is different from before."

After telling Cassia that they would leave in a week, and making preparations, the two told Cassia to go back on their own.

"What happened?" After Cassia left, General Pullman suddenly asked, "You know that Soriatu was originally a small arms For this reason, I also made a special trip to find a lot of black market Arms dealers, let them meet to improve some relationships. This time, the business impact may not be big, but what I have done before is almost in vain, Mr. Adolf. I don’t know if Miss Tavier knows about this, but I think this time The decision was probably made unilaterally by your side, right?"

Adolf waved his hand, also thinking, "I don’t know the details, but a major event that changed the organization should not escape. Larsa has always been managed by another adult. In recent days, Not only Soriatu, but also many people have received notices of temporary transfer of positions and regions."

"Mr. Adolf, you are no exception?"

"Yes, I have become one of the main persons in charge of Larsa." In a helpless tone, Adolf looked distressed, but he smiled immediately, "Fortunately, Mr. Li Weikang, you are here. Later, please ask Help me a lot with things. Master Hongmang informed me that he would give you something as a reward. I think Miss Tavel will inform you of this in person in the near future, right?"

"I hope so." General Pullman replied, but other aspects were already in mind.

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