Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1395: Colorful Larsa (middle)

Latest website: In addition, most of the time, Cassia frequented the nearby mountains to practice the use of high-frequency sound waves. Roughly developed, the rest is only proficiency and a breakthrough in a certain time, which makes the power of the sound beam suddenly increase. But there is no clear way in this regard. Even though I learned a lot of precious sonic data at the laboratory base, the help to Cassia is in the use of skills. The basic increase in power is only related to the structure of the throat. Related to strength.

Cassia's goal of using sound waves is very clear, because he has seen the powerful destructive power of large-scale sound pulses two or three years ago. At that time, it was still in the gray area of ​​the empire in Brino. The dragon waking up from the skeletal fossil because of solid red mercury, after rushing out of the underground station, it was just a silent roar, and the visible sound wave impact directly caused it All the acid platinum bullets in the area were reimbursed.

This is just a sound wave diffusion in a very short time. Cassia calculated in theory that if the sound wave pulse is extended for ten seconds, ordinary people and surgeons in the shrouded area will be injured by different high-frequency vibrations. .

In addition, Cassia currently has no plans to conduct in-depth research on the use of the thermal effects of high-frequency sound waves. The effects of other characteristics require a considerable amount of time for the effect to appear, and it does not compress the air to create bullet-like power, or affect the enemy's hearing and balance. Some weak enemies can completely rely on these methods to "grind" them a little bit like grinding things to lose their combat effectiveness, but against the elites of many forces, their perception and sense of smell prevent Cassia from taking risks.

During the rest of the practice, Cassia began to think about how to move forward during the operation stage. Although it is the early stage of the third stage, but the actual strength has been at the top position, this point Cassia has confidence. But it is impossible to stop there. In the task of organizing and delivering laboratory research materials, four-stage surgeons have appeared, and Cassia still does not understand the difference between himself and them. And as time gradually approaches when the red star comes, the high-level combat power of the forces in the three giant countries will become more and more active.

When a certain rule was completely crushed by the steel wheels of the times, Cassia believed that most of the enemies he faced at that time were led by high-level surgeons.

"Relying on the concentrated dragon blood of a whole truck container and the impact of the giant whale method, I finally entered the third stage from the second stage. The two stages can be seen as a long and wide gully. The necessary method to step forward is mentioned in the materials in the military school library. But the price you need to pay should be far more than that of others. The more this body grows, the less I can understand its inner things. ." The summary of thinking is roughly like this, "Like the special transformation structure related to respiration, I have not noticed it at all for so long."

"As well as the biological inductive stress field mentioned by Sukarius, I now know that he is closely related to the four stages, but it is definitely confidential information in any force. There is no such thing in the military school library. I want to advance Know some, there is no way at present."

Recently, Cassia always recalls information that was previously in his head but was not valued. New discoveries can always be found every time.

"Since I entered the third stage by relying on concentrated dragon blood, I don't know whether this method will still be useful to me in the future?" This guess comes from Sukarius's words, of course there is something in the middle. Recognizing that oneself is perhaps closer to the understanding of dragons than human beings, "the swallowing method that seemed useless at first, has now become the most likely direction."

So before getting on the passenger jet plane, Cassia set himself a big goal-when Waters and their arms business were gradually growing and the funds began to be sufficient, they set out to find one for themselves to buy. Concentrate the path of dragon blood.

During this process, Cassia thought of Cassie Black, which is still in the southern forest, more than once, which is a sustainable and regenerating blood source on the move. It's just that I can't bear it, Cassiehe looks like a child who doesn't understand anything in Cassia's eyes, so that Cassiehei's eyes and roars are always remembered by Cassie when he takes blood several times.

But halfway through, I thought of a way to choose the middle. Cassia hoped that the huge number of second-class creatures could help him. Compared with dragons, they are inherently at a disadvantage. But some powerful second-class creatures can still compete with dragons. Going back to the root, both rely on blood to transport energy and convert the excess energy during normal periods into high-energy fat or other things that can be incorporated into the body.

If you can find a good method of refining and concentrating, you can extract some concentrated blood substances from some type II organisms, and after a little experiment, you can know whether it is effective for you.

One of the most troublesome, but also the most expensive way of manpower and material resources. But when there was no way to concentrate dragon blood, Cassia knew he would experiment. After all, concentrated dragon blood cannot be purchased with money. The passing line for contact with it is very high. Cassia doesn't think he can go above the passing line in a short time.

A week later, Cassia, Adolf, and Terry Weikang took a train to the neighboring country in the Kingdom of Chil, where they boarded a passenger jet. Halfway through the airports of several countries, for nearly three days, this afternoon, the three of them finally stepped on the land of Larsa after a modest shock.

The organization has an independent liaison mechanism in Larsa, and the liaison officers only work for members of the organization in Larsa. After leaving the airport, Adolph took Cassia and Terry Weikang straight to a restaurant on the roadside, eating and explaining.

I gave Cassia a communicator and could only connect unilaterally. They did not live together, and the residences prepared for the three were all separated. When he left, Adolf took out a document bag from his suitcase. It was very thin and probably only contained a few sheets of paper.

Informed Cassia that everything should be done according to the document, and then, on the grounds that he would be busy and need to deal with the matter immediately, he and Terry Weikang called a limo on the side of the road and left.

"Is it left like this?" In the limousine, Trevikang looked back several times and asked Adolf with doubts, "This is Lalsa, not the Kingdom of Chil. Not as good as the gray area, but it's not much better . You know that he can become the mission center. It depends on that face. There is no one of his own here. If something bad happens to him, his body can only be stripped."

Adolf shook his head and looked out the window. "If you are worried, I should be the one who is the most worried. After several missions, I always feel that the direction of things is completely opposite to what I said and thought. But this time I can be sure. Everything will go on normally, so don’t worry about his safety."

After talking and checking the time, "have you already contacted the people here?"

"Anyone to answer him?" General Pullman asked.

"Of course." Adolf's face was full of self-confidence. "The master in the communication said that after Soriatu came to Larsa, he would try not to interfere with his position here, and there is no need to explain to the others here. Quan regards him as someone transferred from other regions, so that he can exercise."

"I don't think this is a good way. Soriatu will probably become weaker the more you exercise." General Pullman never had a good view of Adolf's words. At this time, he missed Li Suman's time in the small country. Although he has always been the oppressed party, at any rate many things can know a general history or plan from her.

Now I feel like a blind man, I can only follow my feet step by step.

With a sigh, General Pullman let out a sigh, not thinking about these things anymore. After the limousine stopped on the side of the road and the two got off, General Pullman asked Adolf, "Then your job here is..."

On the other side, after watching Adolf and Terry Weikang leave, Cassia opened a file bag on a quiet street corner and pulled out three thin sheets of printing paper.

One is written with his identity code here, one is written with the location of his residence, and the other is the position in the country of Larsa. Auxiliary lieutenants of a different nature mean to help deal with basic affairs while learning all aspects of knowledge and skills from their chiefs.

The information mentions that his work is related to various goods. It should be because the previous tasks were glued to the goods, Cassia thought.

In addition to the three printing papers, the identity card of Larsa and the keys to the residence were quietly lying in the file bag. With that unilateral communicator, everything is like this.

After repacking things into his suitcase, Cassia suddenly looked at the front in a dazed manner, a street that was not very busy in the afternoon. This is outside the airport. Except for the intersecting roads, there are only passing vehicles and passengers who are as confused as themselves before getting off the passenger plane. I could only return to the roadside restaurant just now. After asking about some things, Cassia got into a limo and went to the nearby city in the driver’s unusual eyes.

The location of his residence is in an adjacent city. Cassia has the feeling of returning to the previous military school mission, so he bought several versions of maps and travel guides, both in Far Sea Common Language and Flame Alliance Language.

"Vervis." When Cassia found the place of residence and was inquiring how to get there quickly, the unilateral communicator in his luggage rang.

"Soriyatu?" asked in a female voice.

"Hello, may I ask..." Before Cassia finished speaking, there was a harsher sentence, "Answer my question first!"

"Yes." With a smack, Cassia felt that the surrounding atmosphere was a bit wrong.

"Where are you now?" "Nordrie, the city by the airport."

"Do you know how to get to the colorful gift hotel in Norder?" "I don't know."

"If you don't know, immediately buy a map, or ask a passerby, or find a car, and give him some money to send you directly to the colorful gift hotel. I will wait for you in front of the hotel for an hour. "

"Know..." Still didn't wait for Cassia to answer, and it was too late to even ask who the other party was, so the contact was cut off. Cassia always felt something was wrong, but according to the other party's words, he called a car on the side of the road, and stepped on the time to go to the hotel.

The colorful gift hotel is just like its name. The twenty-story high-rise building is decorated with a large number of colorful lamps and lanterns in a changing rainbow. There was a lot of people in front of the door. After getting off the car, Cassia went to the small square in front of the hotel and stood by the small fountain. Waiting for about three minutes, the communicator directed Cassia to a black car.

The window opened and the palm was wide. As soon as Cassia looked in, a scent of blood came out from the gap in the palm of the car window. The person in the driver's seat is indeed a woman with short black hair, wearing summer attire, short sleeves, and a pair of shorts. His eyes were very natural, and he stayed a little longer on the exposed snow-white arms and the two white legs that were just right. Later, his eyes were attracted by a pair of high heels placed under the passenger seat. In the limited field of vision, Cassia saw the uncoagulated blood on the long heels of the high heels.

"Where are you looking?" the woman in the limo asked and looked over. The eyes were sharp, and in the eyes of ordinary people, they were murderous eyes, but for Cassia, they would only increase the chance of exposing himself. If you observe the target with this eye during the mission, it is no different from standing in front of the target and saying that I am an enemy.

"Look at the shoes." Cassia answered honestly, but he still said something really keen observation in his heart. With that, Cassia motioned to open the The woman shook her head, "There is a corpse inside, and the luggage is in the back seat."

After a moment of stunned, Cassia put the luggage according to the woman's words, and sat on the back seat.

"Isa, your direct officer." The woman started the limo and drove towards the outside of the city. "You can think of me as the deputy chief. We will follow Master Savina together. In addition, there are other deputy officers just like you. You two, in a few hours, you will get to know each other. Normally, you only need to do things according to my orders. Savina-sama rarely deals with small daily things."

"In addition, our job in Larsa is to manage the purchase of necessary goods and commodities." Deputy Chief Isha glanced at Cassia in the rearview mirror. "The information given to me by the organization liaison says that you have a wealth of Has experience in managing, transporting, and protecting goods, and has been praised by the person in charge of a laboratory base somewhere?"

Cassia was stunned again, he wondered again that Adolf wrote this information for himself?

"Well,,, probably,,,, right." Cassia replied, looking at Isha's profile.

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