Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1397: Preparation and Road (Part 1)

   "Bird hunting!" Isha spoke before Cassia's question. She was about to park the car on the side of the road, picked up a clip-on pistol from the seat, opened the window and looked into the air.

Cassia followed the example of Isha and took out the revolver. She was about to open the window, but Isha stopped her, "This thing is too dangerous for you. Just sit down and just listen to my orders." Isha opened the car door and went outside to observe the blue-and-yellow bird hovering in mid-air.

  You can only look outside through the window, and the creature called the hunting bird can enter Cassia’s field of vision every time it circulates half a circle. The wingspan is close to 30 meters, and the blue-yellow feathers have an alloy texture, not soft objects as imagined. The overall appearance is very close to the eagle creatures in wild animals, with sharp pointed claws on the folded feet, and the tip of the head covered by finer feathers, but the mouth is not hook-shaped, but straight and sharp. Triangular.

  Expanding the sound wave pulse at the right time, in the image formed, as expected, Cassia saw a man on the back of the hunting bird. Beast cavalry of the Flame Alliance? Cassia thought that it was the most famous unit in the Flame Alliance, and its combat ability was very strong. Some of its elites were comparable to the elites of several famous Knight Orders in the Empire. But then he denied this idea. As a famous unit, the appearance of the Beast Cavalry would definitely herald a lot of things, just like this in the city's foreign trade, Cassia could not think of any reason to support them in doing so.

  But at this time, I have gained a deeper understanding of Larsa. Looking at Isha's expression that was not very surprised just now, this situation must have happened quite a lot in various regions. There will be more new things in the future, Cassia speculates.

  When thinking, the hunting bird in the sky made a sharp chirp again, and while the car windows vibrated, Cassia clearly saw an expanding horn-shaped ripple in the air stacked on top of each other, constantly squeezing toward the car. She didn't feel her body, but Isha, who was standing on the road observing, trembled obviously. It was an instant stimulus to her hearing and her body that sank slightly was also a manifestation of the impact on her balance.

  Sonic attack! Cassia is familiar with this sound wave image. Gives an evaluation that only has a deterrent effect, and the actual threat intensity will not be very large. And in this short period of time, the sharp bird chirping just now suddenly turned into a continuous chirping, and the hunting birds in the air stopped circling at this moment, their wings slightly gathered and swooped toward the saloon.

  Cassia looked at Isha, and compared to just now, she had already reacted somewhat. I must have encountered a similar situation more than once, and Isha seemed to know how to deal with it, and the birds did not show too much discomfort during the song. But those white legs began to show muscles.

   Pretending to be uncomfortable after his body was attacked by sound waves, Cassia closed his eyes and felt that he was covering Isha while expanding his cross pupils, looking for a suitable opportunity to exude his own breath. It can be regarded as active diffusion, because it usually relies on rejection to suppress itself. In the face of Adolf and Terry Weikang, Cassia had to be cautious so as not to be caught with some bad clues.

  A distance of several hundred meters can be completed in almost ten seconds under the dive of a hunting bird. The continuous crowing continued, but when the distance from the ceremonial car was less than 100 meters, the crowing instantly turned into a more powerful sound wave impact. This is a sign that the game bird is ready to attack its prey.

   Seizing the opportunity, Cassia opened his eyes and looked at the swooping hunting bird through the roof of the salute. At the same time, the body is slightly tight, because he doesn't know whether this will work. But when he traveled through the southern forest with Cassie Black, whether it was Cassie Black's deterrent as a dragon, or the oppression he gave to the surrounding creatures, it played a very good role in dispelling. And in the Kingdom of Chil, Cassia remembered that when he first met Kolkova, he could prevent the blood wolf from attacking. If there was no Kelkova as the owner, turning and fleeing was what the blood wolf would do next.

   "Bouncing!" At this time, Yisha fired several shots in the air. When she turned to the side to avoid, she did not forget to yell at the car, "Get out of the car!"

  Only Yisha left the car less than a few meters away. Seeing that there was no response in the car, she immediately turned and rushed to the car. At this moment, the bird hunting in the air suddenly spread its wings, bringing out a violent downward pressure, pulling out a sharp angle, and rushing directly into the sky, and then quickly disappeared between the clouds.

"Sorriatu!" Seeing that the hunting bird stopped attacking, Isha violently opened the back seat door, and almost yelled at the inside through the luggage, but when she saw Cassia with a confused look, she could only take a deep breath. With a sigh of relief, he turned his gaze to the direction where the hunting bird disappeared in the sky.

   did not speak. After half a minute, Isha calmed down and started the car to continue to Velvis.

  A few minutes later, Cassia seemed to be back to normal, but his face was half-red and half-pale.

"Bird hunting, a more common type of creature of the second type in the Flame Alliance." Like Cassia, Isha spoke before asking her, "The best way to see it alone next time is to stand still. Wait and see if your luck is good. If it is good, the owner of the hunting bird may not order to attack you. If it is bad, you will not have the chance to escape just as you were."

  "The cry just now was..."

"A sonic attack waits until Velvis City, and will teach you the basic ways to deal with these situations a few days ago. In addition, I will give you a general introduction to the country of Larsa. I must have bought it. A lot of information, but it’s definitely not accurate. Simply put, Larsa is roughly divided into several areas, and the situation is different according to the proportion of outsiders in each area." Yisha said, "Like just now The hunting bird probably came from a place close to the Flame Alliance. Many people from the Flame Alliance have a hunting bird. Whether it is detection or offense, it is difficult to deal with once you get to the high altitude. But you see them. There are not many opportunities. Most people with bird hunting are middle and high-level members of various forces, or elite members. And their status in the Flame Alliance tribe will not be low, because they can drive hunting birds outside the alliance, and most need Certain procedures and status will do."

  I could hear that Isha was not in a good mood because of what happened just now, but she didn't have other thoughts about the sudden suspension of the attack from the hunting bird just now. This is what Cassia was happy about. Cassia took these words down carefully, thinking about whether he needed to prepare a gun with a longer range for himself.

But turning to think of just now, Isha saw that she did not come out of the car, and turned her steps and rushed over, although it seemed like an unnecessary action, because if the bird really attacked the car, it would be the Sori in the information in Yisha's hand. Yatu, its strength certainly cannot escape.

  It’s just that this attitude at least makes Cassia have some good feelings for it, of course, this is just as a good feeling between companions in the mission.

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