Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1406: Running Grey Wolves (Part 1)

But it is true that if Soriyatura can be brought to our camp, or if he is added to some of the planned routes, it will not only go smoothly, but also a complete guarantee. That is a monster that is really walking in the world, judging from our current level of strength. Kolkova said, falling into the memory. "It is only now that I realized that when I met Mr. Soriatu in the Kingdom of Chil, the breath that he actively exuded was the real beast, like many second-type creatures. Like the rare and powerful individuals who are incompatible with the population, they will not rely on the strength of the group, but rely solely on their sharp fangs. "

"For a person like him, if there is a strong team around him behind to handle all kinds of details, it will be even more terrifying, right?"

"Of course, after all, many things do not need to show their fangs." Corqueva agreed with Monica's statement. "But after all, I think about whether I can meet Mr. Soriatu again in a long time. It's the problem. Like me, none of them can relax at any time. In this situation, everyone needs to do too much."

"By the way, sir, are you sure you won't use it for this border clearance mission?"

Corqueva shook his head directly, "The top is always watching. It is almost impossible to hide from the past. The point is to pay attention to the future trends within the league. There will be more and more opportunities for us, but these opportunities must have the strength to grab. You have to come down."


I only took a half-hour break at noon, and the day time was precious, and it was all used for driving. By the evening, Cassia calculated that the team had penetrated into the forest nearly two hundred kilometers away. The environment has become quite similar to the outer area of ​​the southern forest, but the height of the trees has not exceeded the upper limit, which is still very different from the southern forest.

It wasn't until one o'clock in the morning that the team found a better place to rest. It was Yisha and others who were on guard and guard, but compared to last night, the full guard has become a rotation, not because of a decline in vigilance. During the day's itinerary, no similar traces were seen on the surrounding ancient trees. This situation somewhat relaxed Yisha and the others.

Cassia, who was resting against the old tree in the middle of the team, closed his eyes, and the sound wave pulse had been unfolded since yesterday, helping Yisha and others observe the situation in the farther area of ​​the forest. Probably because of the tendency to be cautious in temperament, and the guesses in his head are also going in the worst direction, the subtle changes in the environment will be carefully noted by Cassia.

"There are also insects, much more than last night." At this moment, Cassia seems to be standing above the entire forest, watching everything within a four-kilometer radius with a pair of invisible eyes." There are no other teams around, and there is no abnormal state, but the number of wild animals seems to be a lot less. The base number last night was about a hundred, but tonight it was less than half. The weather will be abnormal tonight, so it didn’t come out. activity?"

Cassia wanted to see the night, the dense branches and leaves obstructed the view, there was no gap to see through. Recalling the shrub areas where trees were sparsely visited during the journey, Cassia was sure that there would be no short weather in these days. The temperature at this moment is also in line with the early summer season, so this should not happen at this moment.

Animals’ senses are more sensitive than the surgeon in some aspects. After all, they are closer to nature, and they can use many methods that the surgeon cannot control to perceive the imminent danger.

Just as Cassia was thinking about whether some dangerous creatures were walking nearby causing this phenomenon, a seemingly non-existent sound appeared faintly far away. Cassia couldn't hear herself a little bit, let alone the others around. Isha and the others were completely unaware, and they were all lurking on the ancient trees in the distance, observing the surrounding movement.

Taking a deep breath, Cassia closed her eyes, and her senses of hearing became more acute. It seems that the sound of seemingly non-existent sounds can be captured more traces.

A long and slowly passing sound wave line, pulled very long, the sound source is outside the limit detection radius, Cassia can not observe what kind of creature is emitting. But it can be seen from the sound wave lines in the head that the sound wave source is making this sound continuously.

Wanting to recognize this voice, Cassia tried to empty his head in an attempt to restore the voice. But within half a minute, this kind of sound had already had a chain reaction. At the beginning, only one sound source had become two at this moment, and they seemed not far apart.

After that, after about half a minute, the third sound source appeared in Cassia's auditory senses. After that, almost every half a minute, there will be an extra sound in the senses. It lasted for more than ten minutes, and this seemingly seemingly non-existent sound completely disappeared from Cassia's perception.

"Thirty-five." Cassia opened her eyes and looked in the direction where Isha was.

At first the sound sources were connected in a straight line and appeared one after another, but on the way, the direction and the number of appearances changed every half minute. Many times after that, three or four sound sources appeared at the same time. Cassia connected these sound sources into dots in his head and drew an incomplete circle. There is the only angle on the circle that can be regarded as a gap, but the direction is toward the flame alliance, which is the end of the border forest, "the encircling net that has been formed?"

It is already around 2 in the morning and other members around are resting. Cassia got up in the dark and slowly approached Toynby, touching the ground. "Have you heard any sound? It has been coming from a distance just now."

"Voice?" Toynby said softly, questioning. In the dark, he and Cassia could not see each other's faces clearly, "A bug? Or something else? What did you hear?"

"I seemed to hear wolves roaring in the distance, and then there was a chain reaction, one piece after another. It was all around us, as if it had completely surrounded us." Cassia said in a worried tone, "Today It's not a full moon night, it's a bit strange. I don't know if it was the illusion that came up after listening to what you said before, Mr. Toinby." As he laughed, Cassia hoped Toinby could follow along.

"That must be an illusion. This situation will often appear in future tasks. You need to get used to it as soon as possible." Toynbee let out a long sigh, but he didn't know if it was consolation or he himself was aware of it. I added a sentence, "I will pay attention to this. After all, anything can happen in this forest. No one will joke about your life. Go and rest. If it is the same as you think, we are already surrounded. It’s our only choice to break through after a good rest."

Saying Toynby stood up and walked to Isha, "I'll go and see, you can go back and rest." He said again.

Cassia turned back to the old tree, Toynbee was already talking to Isha in the sound pulse. In the dark, Cassia finally took out the blade. But what was unexpected was that the sharpness of the ordinary blade was difficult to cut through his skin. The dozen blades he bought took most of it, and it finally broke a small wound. Cassia quickly squeezed hard, dripped a drop of viscous blood on the wet ground, and then covered it with dead leaves.

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