Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1410: Drive, safe area and memories (middle)

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"They should have been evacuated together." This voice echoed in her heart. When Isha saw the harmless face of Cassia in the crowd, this mood became even stronger. Originally, I wanted to use this mission to train the newly deployed adjutant, and let him have the ability to use the adjutant as soon as possible, but based on the current situation, the unknown things that happen in the border forest will be very important to the team and myself Danger.

Although she is completely unclear about the situation, through the information given by another team, Isha also guessed some trends that will happen in the future. All speculations did not carry good news, except for the safe area, which is currently the only unknown variable in Isha's thinking.

No longer wasting time, Isha called Toynby and Muriel, and the captain of another team went tens of meters away, and exchanged simple information. Although the faces of the few people remained normal when they returned, they could feel that something had changed in their bodies.

Reaching some kind of agreement, or whether Isha and another team understand the current number of teams will help a little bit. The two teams were less than tens of meters apart, and rushed to the nearest safe area together.

The team also changed in Yisha's order, divided into five squares from a whole, maintaining the five-pointed star formation. Toynby and the three captains all left the team, went to Yisha, and watched behind the team while discussing important matters. Cassia was in the corner of the five-pointed star, while watching the surrounding members, incidentally, even the team that went with him also observed it.

It is necessary to get more detailed information about the strength of the team, and when is the team's last line of defense when in danger, this is very important for Cassia.

At 5:30 in the afternoon, the light in the forest began to weaken, and the surrounding darkness eroded everyone with breathing. The atmosphere is a bit wrong, and some people are beginning to worry, and from time to time there are fine conversation sounds scattered in the team. What everyone expects at the moment is probably that the evening comes later, at least before reaching the safe area.

But in just ten minutes, several sharp bird sounds came from a distance, with full deterrence, as if they declared their territory to all the surrounding creatures. The birdsong sounded one after another, becoming louder and louder. At this time, Yisha had to order the team to stop. After half a minute, all the members went to the old tree, leaning on the trunk, and at the same time grabbed a few dead leaves to cover some of the body.

The branches and leaves block the view from the sky down, but Yisha and the others know that the source of this sound is an adult hunting bird, and to a certain extent, the hunting bird has the ability to locate the sound waves of a bat. Staying close to the trunk has a certain chance to avoid the detection of hunting birds. Half a minute later, the hunting bird flew across the sky above the team with a faint sound of wind, leaving behind a few sharp cries of trembling eardrums and quickly disappearing into the distance.

"Inspectors, there are four in total, and they seem to be looking for something." After the team moved on, Isha, Toynby, Muriel and others went together, "Something happened on the border that we don't know yet. , The inspection team is definitely more than this one team, there are more in other places. This time, perhaps it can only rely on the protection brought by the safe area."

"Deputy Chief, there may be one thing to think about in advance." Toynby's tone was deep, he decided to say these words after thinking for a long time, "Assuming special circumstances, safe areas and payment The high cost can’t guarantee our safety. So whether, even if the patrol team takes money, if the number of opponents is enough to match a team, I don’t think the final result will be good. There is such a guess. It’s because of us, there are corpses encountered by another team on the route. As the other team said, both the quantity and the processing time are abnormal."

There were a few words in the middle, but Isha and Muriel knew what Toynby wanted to express.

The sound of regular breathing occupied a few people for a short period of time. Soon after, Isha breathed gently, "After reaching a safe area, notify all members and allow attacks on inspectors in some cases."

I don't know what Isha and the others are talking about, Cassia has been thinking about what he sees in the sound pulse since the hunting bird passed by. The size of the four-headed hunting bird is much larger than that seen in Larsa, but the focus is on what is mounted on the hunting bird. Three hunting birds were planted in each of them. They were similar to aerial bombs, but they were bigger, and one weighed more than half a ton. Because there is no propulsion device, Cassia judged that it should be a weapon for direct throwing, detonated by the touch switch in front of the warhead, or it may be detonated by a time switch. A very dangerous bomb for bombing, the destruction caused by falling among the crowd is absolutely deadly.

Cassia believed that the people on the bird hunting hadn't noticed the team below. Starting from the action, the four of them seemed relaxed, not looking for something at all, and at the same time they would not be chasing the target or supporting.

It was like spreading on his own territory, making the sound unsure of what it was for, but Cassia gave birth to a feeling of being driven away. From the roaring of the thirty-odd places that formed the encirclement, to the chirping of the hunting birds, the description of the inspectors in conjunction with Toynbee, and the countermeasures of most smuggling teams, Cassia had a certain guess.

These sounds seem to be deliberate. In the forest, when the field of view is restricted, sounds should be the means by which all teams obtain first-hand information. The other party clearly knew this, so he took advantage of it. One of the most important factors is that the smuggling teams in the forest are all independent individuals. They are all in the unknown darkness and do not know how many people from other forces are around them. Unless they are very close, in this huge forest, the team based on fifty people is really small and it is difficult to meet other teams.

Cassia roughly determined that the other party might have used this factor, using sound as the medium of information, similar to hunting dogs driving the flock, gradually driving the scattered teams in the forest to a specific area.

When choosing these areas, being a safe area that everyone knows naturally becomes the first choice.

And Cassia also believes that this would be a very dangerous idea-assuming this is a planned operation, choosing a safe area that can provide smugglers with safety protection as your goal can only show whether it is in strength, status, or status. In terms of forces behind, the opponent is stronger than the owner of the safe area.

"What should I do in this situation is the best choice?" Cassia thought. Instead, he would choose to turn around and leave the trap created by the enemy. But this choice will definitely cause the death of most of the members, and Isha will definitely not give up these people. At present, the safe area seems to be the only option, even if it is a trap, when the capacity of the trap is not enough to hold all the prey, it will be another situation.

As the evening began to fall, the vision that was not broad enough was reduced again. At this time, the third team appeared aside. After a brief conversation, this team of about forty people became a companion. It's not something to be happy about, everyone's face is already serious.

Soon after, less than ten minutes away from the safe area, the team of colleagues increased again. Until the end, I went to the general location of the safe area and took a brief rest. The number of teams reached 13 that made everyone feel that something was wrong. This is just the number combined in one general direction. The number in other directions may be less, but it is still a number that will not make people The evening comes down completely at this time, close to Baishuqiang The flashlight lights up everywhere. Nearly more than 700 people around remained silent, and each followed their respective team slowly.

Soon, a flame appeared in front of him. It was a flame of burning grease, and even a little fragrance could be smelled around.

"Hello friends from Larsa, welcome to the fifth safe zone. This can provide you with a place to rest, provide warm food, and more importantly, it can provide you with the necessary safety!" At this time, a loud voice was emitted around the firelight, and a fat figure was left with only a thin black shadow in the firelight mapping, "Please line up in teams, don’t be crowded, and don’t panic. There are still vacancies. Many, many. Here is a reminder that according to the current situation in the border forest, the charging standard is 1.5 million Flame Alliance currency per person! Thank you in advance for your care today!"

I knew this would be the case for a long time, but Cassia in the crowd listened to these words with the tone of selling goods, and there was always a sense of familiarity that was difficult to express.

"I don't know if it is a good or a bad memory." Cassia exhaled, and the look in the man's eyes changed for a few moments, because he thought of many bad things.

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