Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1411: Drive, safe areas and memories (part 2)

As in the earliest memory, this kind of selling once happened around me. But that is based on the price of the empire, treating people as goods and calculating by weight. Now it is based on the whole, but calculated, the price is much higher, like the appreciation in the past few years, Cassia thought. The mood is general, not happy, nor discomfort.

After the sonic pulse, no trace of hunting birds was observed, but the teams gathered from everywhere found many.

According to the request of the man by the fire, more than a dozen teams were turned into a whole under the command, led by their respective captains, and under the command of the man to the fire, and he counted the numbers one by one. Although it is 1.5 million people per person, the man knows that many teams certainly don't have that much money to pay, so they can only use some weapons to mortgage them, and sometimes cut off the fraction and take a whole number.

They are all anonymous bank cards, and which banks are also limited. Seeing the fat man accepting the bank cards with a smile on his face, Cassia let out a sigh of relief. The face of the fat man was all distorted by excitement. For a long, long time, there has never been such a scene as a grand occasion in the border forest. All the fat man knew was that the inspection team passed by. He probably attributed all the reason to the bad luck of the teams in front of him, and he didn't think about it, because the tribe office didn't send him any danger signals.

On the one hand, I feel sorry for the man and the staff in the safe area, because soon this almost distorted excitement and joy may turn into fear. On the other hand, Cassia believes that instead of letting these bearer bank cards be burned to ashes by the explosion of flames, it is better to let some people play their due value. Some people can be me, Cassia thought, the strength to carry the weight of dozens of bank cards is definitely there.

While thinking, Cassia followed the team slowly forward. After the fat man counted the number of people, Cassia also recorded some characteristics of the man in the sound wave pulse, which was convenient for later observation and tracking.

Isha was in front of the team, taking out the prepared bank card without expression on her face and handing it to the man. I wanted to ask something very much. I could see that excited face, and Isha knew nothing from him. If you want to get the necessary information, go to a safe area and exchange information with other teams is the best choice.

At this time, the team continued to move forward for more than a hundred meters, and a door opened on the ground appeared in front. Behind the door is a downward staircase, but it is three to four meters wide and a depth of a few meters down. When the front team completely disappeared at the end of the stairs, Yisha let the three captains and the other members walk in, and she and Toynby followed them at the back.

The so-called safe area, after Cassia entered, it was discovered that it was just a simple basement constructed by man. A very wide basement with a length and width close to hundreds of meters, with vertical rows of load-bearing columns in the middle dividing this underground space. Pieces of steel plates no more than five millimeters thick rely on these load-bearing columns as simple walls, dividing the underground space into blocks of rooms.

At this moment, half of the rooms have been occupied by a team. Maybe it was a bit late to come in here, the rooms at the several exits of the underground space were all occupied, and Isha could only choose a location close to the exit.

The height of the underground space is four meters, the ceiling is built and fixed by reinforced concrete blocks, and the untreated joints between them can be seen. Cassia can penetrate it directly to the ground with only sound pulses. After calculation, the depth of the ground to reach here is only about five meters.

"At a depth of five meters, more than four meters of which are made of soft soil, and only concrete blocks less than one meter thick can be used as defenses. There is a big problem with the fixation. When constructing this underground space, the builders probably did not think about it. The ability to rely on it to provide substantial protection is just a psychological comfort to those who come here. The real protection of the safe area is probably all in the trading relationship between its owner and the inspector management."

After entering the room, Cassia found a place to sit down and collect the necessary information. The so-called safe area, as well as this underground space, seemed to him an extremely ideal tomb, allowing unknown enemies in the forest to easily and effortlessly bury most people. Cassia calculated the three bombing bombs mounted by the hunting bird, one of which fell on the top, it could directly open a hole in the underground space with a radius of several meters.

There is no defense at all, and the opponent chooses a safe area as the final destination. There must be data to estimate how many people will gather here, so the preparation of the corresponding weapons is also expected.

"It's not a good thing to stay here." Cassia said in his heart. He had encountered the same thing in the Brino area. Hundreds of aerial bombs were lifted off, and the tail flames directly stained the sky. Blow up and become burning ruins. At that time, Cassia didn't think he would survive if he hadn't followed the gap created by the steam explosion to the bottom of the station.

Now, the sound waves show that there is no other layer here, and the soil under the feet is too thick to fill people. Once a large-scale collapse occurs, a small number of people will survive. But when they climbed from the ruins to the ground, they would face a situation more difficult to deal with than bombing, with enemies from all sides.

The original intention of coming to the safe area is that a large number of surgeons gather here, and the deficiencies in quality can be made up for some gaps by a considerable number. But now the structure of the underground space made Cassia dismiss this idea, he wondered whether he needed to find a suitable reason to bring most of the team back to the ground. At least you don't have to stay here and wait for being bombarded by the inspector's hunting birds before you suddenly understand your situation.

Isha didn't stay long in the separate room before leaving with Toynby and Muriel. The three went to find other teams, hoping to gather information about most teams. There are other people doing the same thing in the underground space, and Cassia expects that their ideas will come true soon.

Soon afterwards, Cassia made a decision in his heart. He stood up and informed the three captains as the new adjutant, and went out to see Yisha and the others.

Leaving the room, while continuing to lock Isha and the others, Cassia went to several exits, because there were the most teams. He pretended to be an intelligence merchant, with a sad look on his face. He saw people as if he had lost the hope of living. He told them that he had seen swarms of hunting birds flying by in the sky, and the hunting birds carried power on them. The huge bomb drove a team to a predetermined area like a flock of sheep, and only waited for the time to start dropping bombs and bombing in an orderly manner.

Ignoring some people with strange and suspicious eyes, they stayed for a few minutes at each exit, and it took less than half an hour to walk through all the exits. At this time, Yisha and others have joined most of the team captains to exchange their own guesses and intelligence.

There will be no clear results in a short time. Cassia once again went to the exits and circled, and found that what he said just now had begun to spread among the teams, so that someone else would tell him the same thing. Once again During the spreading process, other people added something into it, but it didn't affect the point-the other party would bomb this place, and the underground space would definitely not be able to resist. In addition, this time, the safety zone may not be able to guarantee the safety of each team.

Unknown is really a good thing. Seeing various claims, panic began to spread in the underground space. Cassia returned to the team and went to a corner to think quietly. In the sound pulse, besides Isha and others, Cassia also continued to pay attention to the fat man. At this moment, he was still in front of the exit, sitting down against an old tree, waiting for other teams to arrive.

There was no abnormal situation. Seeing that there were four other teams rushing around, Cassia was ready to wait until the early morning before making plans. The bombing will not come tonight, Cassia does not know how many teams have not gone to the safe area close, but after tonight, there are probably only a few. Even if you haven't rushed to each safe area, the distance from it will not be far.

"The action will probably start before noon. At around three or four in the morning, the other party will send a few personnel who are good at investigating over here. It is not necessarily." It took Cassia a lot of time to simulate this situation, until he withdrew from this simulation. , Yisha and their discussion seemed to be over, and the three were walking towards the team at this moment. At the same time, the information that Cassia spread out also entered the ears of each team captain.

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