Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1420: Slaughter and being slaughtered (part 2)

Latest website: Since it is the smuggling team from Larsa, the captain of the bird hunting group understands that some of the people below must have been prepared and not affected by the sound waves. In addition, for adult hunting birds, the intensity of the sound waves mainly affects the opponent's actions. With bombing and the indiscriminate shooting of the triple barrel machine gun, high-frequency sound waves are not expected to cause fatal damage.

Under the command of the captain, the hunting bird flock ended its circling, preparing to throw forty-two bombs in the second round for range bombing. The arc formation turned into a huge semicircle. In the communication network, the team leader used signals to suppress firepower from the members of the two wings. However, in the range visible to the eyes, three more members suddenly lost their heads, and even exploded a huge piece of body. Hole.

It was still one member with two bullets, and only a few breaths from the beginning of the bombing, six members died one after another. While the captain was still thinking, a huge explosion from the flanks forcibly pulled him from thinking. Instinctively raised his head, the explosion impact carried the heat wave on him, and the water on his lips was immediately evaporated.

An irregular fireball was extinguishing. When the sight caught this scene, a hunting bird corpse that was almost exploded from the middle of the body slowly fell out of the smoke, carrying a long smoke belt, and was swallowed by the forest below.

"Disperse all, throw all the bombs down!" said the captain, and immediately turned the direction of the hunting bird and flew farther. But the flanks were affected by the impact of the explosion, and several hunting birds were still finding their balance. It only takes less than three breaths, but this time is too long in the eyes of the captain.

"Shielding the flanks to evacuate, the machine gun fired, and the triangular area was suppressed!" Hovering in mid-air, the captain had to change direction and dive to the target area. The two sides of the hunting bird's body sprayed two tongues of fire close to one meter in length, dark red The trajectory moved out of two thick lines, blowing up the green moving fountain all the way through the forest below.

Immediately, more hunting birds followed the captain, formed a formation quickly, and a firepower network was formed instantly. The continuous birdsong sounded again, covering a large area. The forest below produced green waves in the gusty wind, and the clattering sound had a tendency to overwhelm the roar of the machine gun.

The second round of bombing began at this time. With the sound of "click", the metal brackets were opened at the same time. Forty-two bombs were released from the restraints and walked through the arc under the attraction of gravity. They did not wait to be submerged in the green forest. The sound of several "ding-ding" metal crashes appeared extremely harsh in the chaotic sound. A shimmering spark lit up on the top of several bombs, and the space immediately below the group of hunting birds suddenly twisted.

The fire light coated the hunting bird group with brighter colors from below. Not all the forty-two bombs had a chain reaction, but half of the bombs were still detonated in the explosion. The spherical shock wave then quickly merged into one piece, like a soft jellyfish swimming towards the surface of the water, blinking an eye and chasing the hunting bird group that is urgently raising its height.

The feathers on the wings of the hunting bird had burnt marks at the moment of the impact, and the huge body could not resist the power of the high explosive bomb prepared for the enemy. Unbalanced hunting birds hovered in mid-air, and the communication channel was all "whooping" for a while. There were brief fainting buzzing in the heads of several people who were closer, and they were still trying to pull several tough control ropes in their hands, trying to retrieve control of the hunting birds that were affected by the explosion and began to scurry.

In normal training, it is an exceptionally good result to return to a stable state in half a minute. But in this state, time will only increase, and the random flight of the hunting bird cannot achieve the effect of avoiding attacks. Several bullets found the most suitable angle and time, and penetrated their bodies one after another.

At this time, the wing personnel finally returned to a stable flight state. The smoke from the explosion was blown away in the air. The remaining bombs from the second round of bombing finally exploded in the forest, and the thick smoke rushed straight up. The dense branches and leaves overflowed.

At the same time, all the hunting birds that were still under control raised their heights to a range of two kilometers. The captain looked around, and less than two minutes had passed since the start of the attack. A group of forty hunting birds had lost 17 people.

The captain believed that the number of deaths in the forest would be several times the number of seventeen, but the positioning of the two was different from the beginning. They are the absolute dominant party occupying information, firepower, detection, and height difference. The captain originally planned that after several rounds of bombing, he could clean up the opponent to about 20% with the wide coverage of the machine gun, and remove the ammunition by himself without losing anything. Obviously it cannot be done now.

"The investigation information is wrong!" The captain can only attribute the loss to this point. In the information he received, although there are two or three powerful Lalsa smuggling teams in this safe area, the "powerful" explanation is after all Take Larsa as the standard. They can be regarded as a regular team in the tribe, not elite, but also a permanent force in various regions to handle most things.

Order to throw the remaining dozen bombs at this height, whether it can cause damage to the enemy is no longer in the captain's consideration. At an altitude of 2,000 meters, the triple-barreled machine gun's strafing is useless, but at the same time, the effective range of the enemy's firearms is basically so. No one can do anything, the captain thought, unless the enemy is carrying a sniper rifle. However, the smuggling team is usually located in forests. Who would wear a sniper rifle in this environment?

At least in the captain's cognition, the use of sniper rifles in the forest, or in the virgin forest, there are such people, but most of them have some mental problems. Simply put, their heads are not working well. There are old trees hugged by several people everywhere, and special bullets can penetrate at most three old trees and lose all their power.

The captain took a few deep breaths, and a dozen bombs accelerated to fall at this time. He ordered all captains to pay attention to the movement below and provide useful information for the ground troops afterwards.

Turning on the communicator, the captain activated the function of assisting in noise elimination. The report of "Master Yas... The painful birdsong not far from him made his whole body tremble.

A hunting bird was on the verge of losing control. There was a hole with a diameter of 20 centimeters in its body, which completely penetrated the body from bottom to top. The blood spattered from the hole formed a large blood mist in mid-air, which was quickly taken away by the high-altitude wind and melted into the air.

"How could it be!" In the self-confident muttering, another hunting bird not far away wailed the same. The sound lasted even shorter, and it was penetrated by the bullet along with its manipulator, almost broken in half. The two hunting birds lost the power to flap their wings in a few wailing, and then struggled to fall.

"Evacuate! Evacuate!" Regardless of other things, the captain did not think about why the people below would be carrying heavy sniper rifles, or how the opponent captured himself at an altitude of two kilometers. Just drive the hunting bird to fly away, as far as possible from here.

"What's the matter?" Yass could hear the movement here. After failing to find someone close to the dragon knight, Yas then received a message from the correspondent of Lord Osnia. When I learned that Osnia-sama’s personal guards and a large number of beast cavalry would rush to him one after another, every bad message or sound from each team would make Yas’ heart beat uncontrollably. Down, it feels like a nightmare when I was awakened when I was young.

I'm afraid there is something bad here. Yas's intuition is also a simple judgment.

"Master Yas..." After a few breaths, the other side finally heard a weak voice, "The loss is more than half, the intelligence is wrong, there is something bad in the fifth security zone, I don't know if it is. Which smuggling team. We carried out the bombing as planned, but more than half of the people died within three minutes back and forth, and the hunting bird also lost six heads."

"Evacuate first." Yas wanted to ask about other things, but in the end only said these three words. The captain finally let out a long breath at this time, he was afraid that Yas would let him go back to assist and suppress firepower. He had a kind of fear. When he evacuated just now, several bullets once again penetrated three hunting birds like eyes. The captain didn't feel safe until the distance was three kilometers away. It was too abnormal. He thought he had performed several missions. He was not considered a proud newcomer with excellent training performance in the shooting range. He was a person with experience and affordability. The current situation made him feel scared.

Putting down the communicator, the captain looked around briefly, ordered the evacuation and then looked back at the smoke-filled forest, "I hope that the ground troops can win the victory by accumulating their numbers."

At the same time, inside the forest, large forces were separated by bombing. The smoke of the explosion spread across a wide area, and painful moans and calls for help continued from not long after the bombing until now.

In a simple attack, the death toll is close to 70. Half of the personnel were affected by the impact of the bombing and several rounds of machine gun fire. Internal bleeding and bone fracture were the most common injuries. If it is a battle between the two sides in the forest, whether it is Cassia or Isha and other captains, they think that is the best hypothesis at present. At that time, the wounded had the opportunity to go to the rear battlefield hospital for simple treatment.

But now, loss of mobility, or loss of mobility caused by injury, is tantamount to more desperate than direct death. Their result can only be waiting for the enemy to catch up with them in fear, that is, waiting for death. But before dying, it has the effect of buying some time for others to hinder the enemy's footsteps.

There is no time to control the mutilated corpse, all he can do is take away the still-usable ammunition. The wounded were quickly gathered together. Several captains went to them and, with the assistance of other members, took half of their ammunition, but left a larger number of steel shell bombs.

Some of the wounded stood up and begged to take him along, but only in exchange for cold silence. Most of the wounded were pursing their mouths, and occasionally some people coughed a few times, but when they chose to stay in the breakout team, most people were prepared for this.

"We will continue to move in the original direction. If someone is unwilling and wants to follow up, we will not stop." A captain said in a deep voice, "I'm sorry." The people behind and the captain turned towards the wounded. Sorry, but also thank you.

Isha wanted to leave with a dozen wounded, but both the wounded and Toynby and Muriel stopped her. Taking a deep breath, Yisha wrote down the faces of the dozens of people, silently turned and led the remaining people to follow the dozens of people who had already begun to move forward.

More than 300 people were reduced to 127. Except for the more than 30 people who were able to move in the sound waves at the beginning, most of the other people survived because of luck. Cassia walked on the flank of the team, with a dozen wounded on the tail of the team struggling to keep up, but after a minute or two, they were no longer visible.

Ahead, the captains began to discuss countermeasures in the future, or sort out the information about the enemy's attack just now. Cassia dripped blood all the way on the flanks. Judging from the information announced by the enemy about the Dragon Knight not long ago, Cassia believes that blood has no effect on the enemy and the opponent has a countermeasure. After all, the opponent is a member of the Flame Alliance, and their relationship with second-class creatures is like the relationship between an empire and steam power.

The success rate of the breakthrough has dropped to one percent in Cassia's heart. Surely there will be someone who can leave the forest alive. Will it be a dozen or a single digit? Cassia is not good at judgment.

When the hunting bird flocks attacked, with the help of high-frequency sound waves and explosions, without being noticed, Cassia did eliminate half of the enemies, but the result was indeed the current situation. The quality and abilities are poor. There are too many regular teams. Except for Isha’s three teams, the loss of the other teams is more than half.

Equipment, information, cooperation, and important team configuration, etc., all imaginable places are weaker than the enemy, Cassia can't think of a good way. The current understanding of the enemy is still in the guessing stage. Cassia also thought that even if he lifted many restrictions and created a gap for the last person, but with the enemy’s ability to act,,,

"It still depends on the enemy's consideration, half the probability. I will create sufficient deterrence to the enemies that make up the encirclement network. After the information is transmitted, it will go to the commander. At that time, there will be two choices before the commander, one is In order for a dozen people to lose a geometric multiple of their own team; the second is not to do this exchange, just clean up most people, and maximize the benefits. It's just that the initiative lies with the enemy." After the simulation results came out, Cassia’s sound wave A creature with considerable speed appeared within the pulse range.

There are only two ends, and the influence of distance and ancient trees weakens the sound wave detection effect, but a few seconds later, a few pulses still depict the appearance of the two creatures.

It is a giant wolf with a height of nearly six meters at both ends and a body length of about 13 meters. The body is equipped with dozens of metal bullet-proof plates, without hair, and the feedback of sound waves tells Cassia that they are clinging to large scales on the palm. There are two people on each giant wolf, one is responsible for control and observation, and the other is always holding the communicator. The giant wolf carries only a heavy machine gun, no other weapons. Every time I passed a certain distance, Cassia found that the two giant wolves would repeat an action-waving their paws at the nearby ancient tree.

"Mark, the large group is still Cassia glanced at the time and continued to observe. At the same time, the speed of the two giant wolves was calculated.

Thirteen minutes later, Cassia expanded the maximum detection radius of the acoustic pulse, and the two giant wolves were at the extreme edge. Ten minutes later, the giant wolf had disappeared within the detection radius. At this time, he didn't immediately return to the normal state of four kilometers, and waited for about half a minute, two giant wolves appeared. Preparing to shrink the distance, another type of wolf with a dozen heads reduced by one-third compared to the giant wolf appeared next to the giant wolf.

Immediately the number began to increase, twenty, fifty, one hundred, one hundred and seventy, three hundred...

After a team of wolves all entered the sonic pulse, the number also stopped increasing and fixed at five hundred and fifty.

Cassia stopped as if tired, and calmly looked at the team that quickly passed him.

"What's wrong, Soriatu?" One could not breathe, and the team went forty to fifty meters in front of Cassia. Toynbee on the tail sensed something wrong with Cassia and ran to him and asked.

"Nothing." Cassia replied, "It's just that I feel a little tired suddenly."

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