Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1422: Snake and wolf, animal riding and organization elite (middle)

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Reaching out to stop Toynby, in doubt, Cassia saw the team go tens of meters away, and then said what he thought, "I have a way to take the team out, there is a great risk, but compared with The current situation should be the best choice to break through. Do you want to give it a try?"

The doubts on Toynby’s face did not alleviate. Cassia took him to keep up with the team and kept the distance within a general range. “Some conditions are definitely needed, but this does not prevent the breakthrough as a last resort. There will be one more. Hope, you can talk to the Deputy Chief Miss Isha. And you must know in your heart that with the strength of the enemy and our current situation, whether someone can escape the forest in the end is unknown, right?"

"Hoo,,," Toynby sighed, the doubt on his face turned into a sad expression, very unnatural, "As a newcomer, you shouldn't have just come to perform such a task. I'm sorry. , But I still hope you can understand, especially the feelings of Miss Isha, the deputy chief. Recently, the staff is really not enough to deal with too many tasks. Miss Isha really wants you to share some pressure after one or two months. of."

"I know, after all, I am also an internal member of the organization." Cassia said to speed up. In the process, he explained to Toynby a few points that need attention, and then went back to the team wing. Soon after, Toynbee, who had come back, nodded to himself, and Cassia also thought about a reasonable explanation after the team was out of danger.

The wolves were less than three kilometers away from the team and could catch up with them in half an hour. In other parts of this area, other enemy teams, with the cooperation of the hunting bird flock, began to clean up the smugglers scattered everywhere. In the face of the enemy, without the help of Cassia, the situation tends to be one-sided. Impossible and incapable of organizing a powerful resistance and counterattack. Most people have long lost the feeling of resistance under the bombardment and the hunting flock of birds. As smugglers, they have never had the idea of ​​confronting the inspection team. This is also an important reason.

He fled blindly under the chase of the ground troops behind him, not knowing where it was safe or dangerous. In the end it evolved into an endurance race between the two, or more like a short-distance race. Except for individual personnel, there is no team that can surpass the wolves.

After a period of acceleration, the team's speed remained stable. This state was maintained for less than twenty minutes, and the endurance of a dozen people in the team could not support such a high-intensity run, and reached the end of the team. Reluctantly raised a little bit of strength to keep up, and one minute passed, and they were no longer in sight.

The others seemed more silent at this time. Several members of the three assisting teams next to Isha were in the same situation, but the three captains shared all the weight on them, leaving only one pistol. At this time, twenty-five minutes had passed since Cassia's calculation, and the wolves were only one kilometer away from the team.

Feeling carefully that they could catch the slight vibration caused by more than five hundred wolves running, Yisha and others began to look back frequently at this moment. They sensed that the enemy was catching up with them. .

"Boom!" The gunshots dissipated quickly, before they rang, they were replaced by a few slight pops. The ten or so people who left the team didn't even have the power to stop the opponent. Accompanied by a long but clear wolf howl spreading from behind, the avalanche-like response turned the multiple moments of the howling into a sound wave, passing through everyone's body instantly.

At this moment, Yisha also gave orders in secret words, and the members who had identified the information immediately deviated from the direction of travel. After a distance, they quickly prepared for battle. Looking at the other disabled teams, the pace of a few people slowed down for two or three seconds, but then they speeded up suddenly and fleeing farther.

"It was used as a broken team." Toynbee said when he came to Cassia.

"Yes." At this moment Isha came over. Behind her, Muriel and three captains were all there. In front of a few people, the pedaling sound of the wolves could be caught by ears, but within a few seconds, the pedaling sound completely surrounded them. "Come" Isha said, her perception had caught the wolves, and her expression changed several times within a few seconds, and she was finally frozen in a state of half despair and half relief.

"You don't have to run at the beginning, I think, it made me tired for so long." Later, Toynby said, taking a few deep breaths, "Soriatu, how long will we need to give you a try? test?"

"If the wolves rush to us directly, there will be no time. But if they stop, they will succeed, I think."

"Everyone listens to my orders to shoot, and be prepared." After Isha's voice fell, among the ancient trees in front of me, a giant wolf and gray wolf lined up close to two hundred meters, and the bulletproof alloy plate was on the body. The cold light is also reflected in the forest. In the blinking red eyes, Cassia knew how the opponent coped with the blood aura.

With every breath, the distance is suddenly reduced by a hundred meters. After two or three breaths, the atmosphere driven by the running of the wolves has hit Cassia and their faces, full of restlessness and warmth.

"All members,,," When the distance was only two hundred meters, Isha, Toynby and others began to agitate a muscle. The last breath became longer and longer. In this short period of time, the world seemed to be only breathing, "in,,,"

"Hoo,,," was left unsaid after all, and huge pressure suddenly fell from everyone, bringing their hearts to beat violently for a few times before returning to peace.

The wolves stopped, and two giant wolves walked slowly to the front of the team, looking at the people behind each ancient tree, "I hope you can understand that there are too many people on the way who want to live by this identity. No matter what method, just You can prove the identity, and I can guarantee that we just passed by here because of chasing and never met you!"

"Here." Cassia went to the two giant wolves, "because of some reasons that can not be told, the situation now appears, thank you for understanding." As she said, Cassia clenched his fist, a few drops of sticky pale green blood Fall on the dead leaves along the fingers. A burst of white smoke floated, and the two red-eyed giant wolves stepped back a few steps uncomfortably.

The four people on the back of the wolf looked at the corroded dead leaves, and then amidst the screaming of the giant wolf, their eyes were all focused on Cassia, "Thank you, you must be able to leave this forest as soon as possible. There is only one chance. If we meet next time, even if we have the deterrent power of the dragon knight status, we can't defy the above orders." After speaking, the giant wolf let out a howl, and the stopped wolf pack tore a gap in the middle as it marched. After avoiding Cassia and them in the middle, several breaths were cut by the ancient tree without leaving a shadow.

"Soriyatu, what's going on?" Soon after, Isha, Toynby and others went to Cassia.

"Before I came to Larsa, my last mission location was at the laboratory base." When she said a good remark, Cassia pulled up her sleeves and squeezed her arms to reveal the cylindrical outline of a suppression tube inside. "Because I am better, the person in charge of the laboratory base gave me such a small gift."

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