Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1424: Escape and pursuit (part 1)

Latest website: A dozen members were lifted into the air, their bodies twisted into irregular shapes under the impact of the steel bomb. The shrapnel directly penetrated the field uniform, exploding large areas of skin into a bright red paste. The enemy's offensive did not stop, and there was no break time in the middle of the connection.

Muzzles in several directions aimed at most of the people who had not found cover in the chaos, and fired directly. Several crossbow arrows also traversed a distance of forty to fifty meters, reaching several people or under their feet accurately. After half a breath, it exploded. The power is only one-third of the steel shell bomb, but it can still turn the small half of the body into flying fragments.

"Disperse!" At this moment, the voices of Isha, Toynbee and others came from the front, and at the same time, several groups of flames ignited around the team. A bright red tongue at the moment seemed to be pinching the time when the flames were rising, and suddenly stepped a dozen meters away from the side, and the moment after pulling the two away, the sound of "chichi" was the ground where the enemy was attacking. Under the dead leaves, a few thick smoke suddenly rushed out, forming a solid white smoke wall in the blink of an eye, completely blocking the vision. Several unordered bursts of fire broke into the smoke, and did not cause any slight waves. The discussion was good, and the counterattack stopped at this time. Cassia also put down his hands, shaking off the six white-smoke shells from the drum, thinking about something, and reloading the bullet.

The smoke is like a signal, and the enemy’s attack all stopped at this moment. Except for the movement of Isha and others and the painful voices of some people, it fell silent in an instant. If it weren’t for a vague body on the ground, it seemed that there was nothing The same happened.

The few remaining members of the team were a little lost at this moment. Only a few seconds later, someone woke up from the attack just now, and quickly took out the fuel they were carrying, using the flames around the team as the node, and quickly made a fire. The ring surrounded the wounded and the rest.

At this time, Isha gestured to let the living people drag the wounded behind the old tree as soon as possible. In her perception, dozens of meters behind the smoke, the enemy seemed to have not gone far, it should be a team of four. After appearing suddenly just now, the breath disappeared one after another. It seems to be stopped by a few old trees. There is no action at the moment, are you preparing for the next attack? While thinking, Isha looked at the ring of fire surrounding the team, called "Muriel" and did not get a response. She wanted to repeat it again, but suddenly hesitated, and her words became Toynby.

The ring of fire burned more intensely after a few seconds, and the wounded were also moved behind the ancient tree. Toynby went to Yisha at this time, and when one person was observing one direction, he spoke softly, "There are still seven people and five wounded, two captains, and ..., Mulil..."

Without finishing his words, Toynbee let out a sigh of relief, and there was some silence for a short time. Half of his body is still embedded with more than 30 pieces of shrapnel, and the blood seems to have stopped, "The first wave of black attack is close to 20... The attacking enemy is not the captain of the inspection team, but the beast cavalry. ."

Isha did not respond, but simply cast her gaze to her side. The blood from the corpses stained a large area of ​​dead leaves, and the expressions on many people's faces did not change until they died, and they remained in the way they looked when the team stopped. Muriel's corpse remained on the flank of the team, unable to even turn around. The hole in her chest was the size of a fist, several times larger than the others.

After staring at that face for a few seconds, Isha took a deep breath, her expression dumbfounded. At this time, the remaining captain walked over and shook his head at Isha.

In fact, the rest are wounded, but the injuries are limited to the shrapnel of the steel bomb. The other five people were affected by the enemy's blast, with several bullet holes on their bodies. When the captain came over, three of them had died, and the remaining two were in a coma. Death was only a matter of time for them, but at least they would not feel pain anymore.

"Mutual cover and evacuation!" Isha said, looking at the seven people around her, her expression was as calm as if she were completely frozen at the moment, "I will break."

Toynbee wanted to talk after hearing it, but Isha looked over, her eyes sharp and terrifying, and suppressed all his words.

Relying on the cover of the smoke wall, several people shuttled among the ancient trees. When Isha left, she looked at the body of a member behind her again, and the person who had lost her life behind the old tree holding the bullet hole. Finally, she looked at Mulyl and muttered something that no one could hear. , Then carefully evacuate.

After more than a hundred meters, the smoke wall dissipated a bit, but the enemy did not pursue it. The speed of the seven became faster. After running for several kilometers, they stopped and began to urgently deal with the large and small wounds on their bodies.

At the same time, on the other side, a team of five people stopped at the corpse. One person swept away the dead leaves with his feet more than ten meters away, and one black arm was curled up together, still struggling weakly. This person bends down and lifts it up, only to find that there is a tightly wrapped tactical knife between the black curled body, penetrating its deadly part.

"The enemy has a good timing. It should be when the Black Snake is preparing for the next attack. This tactical knife just flew over and inserted here." This person's mouth imitated the sound of the tactical knife flying in. , Said to the other four people.

"Where are they?" Among the four people beside the corpse, it should be the captain who asked. One of them pointed to the side. Then five people walked over, and then stopped among the old trees.

Along the way, there were five corpses, all of them in the shape of a tripping over something suddenly while running, four humans, and a huge lizard with weak breathing. Taking the bodies of the members of Isha’s team as a starting point, the nearest two were no more than 30 meters away, and then the bodies of the lizards, more than 40 meters away, and finally the two corpses around the five people at the moment ran past before their deaths. The distance is about eighty meters.

"Except for the lizard, which has two bullet holes, the other four were shot and killed by the enemy." Someone squatted down and watched the horrible holes exploded in the head and chest of the corpse ~ ~ large-caliber weapons. "

"Warhead." The man who went to the front and looked around came over and threw two deformed bullet heads. "It's exquisite manufacturing technology, but it is not the usual manufacturing method within the Flame Alliance. Probably from two other giant countries. Flow into the small country, and then go to Lalsa high-quality bullets bought by the enemy."

"Looking at the preparations made by Gore and Bulls around them, after they met the captains of the two inspection teams, they captured the traces of the enemy, probably wanting to wipe them all out here. Gore has close to twenty. Black Snake, a sudden attack can kill a dozen people without precautions. With other preparations, without this tricky guy in the team, Gore and Bulls might really succeed."

"But now the bodies of both of them are getting cold." The captain snorted, "I told them both in the communication. It's okay to delay the enemy's footsteps, but don't have other ideas. The enemy first notices our encirclement, and then Remind other safe areas that the effect of all bombing plans is less than one-third of the expected; after that, it will be something in the blood of dragons not long ago. If the two together cannot make them sober, there is nothing we can do Achievements are indeed very important to us, but you still have to consider yourself before you have an idea, otherwise the result will be what they are now." The captain kicked the corpse next to him and shook his head.

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