Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1425: Escape and pursuit (part 2)

"Gore and the others didn't think of this situation, right." It's not just to excuse the dead. After all, they all become corpses. The only function left is to be recycled into the rations of powerful second-class creatures. "Look carefully. The position when the person died was definitely the moment after the attack. Gore and the others felt something was wrong and began to prepare to retreat. But the enemy did not give them a chance."

"Speaking of the end, as long as Gore commands the dozen black snakes nearby, their actions are almost absolutely safe. Even if the enemy uses the temperature to interfere with the black snake's temperature perception imaging, anyone knows that these things are lurking around, And will continue to follow, still in such a number, just the psychological pressure on the enemy is enough." The captain did not refute the analysis of the other person, but gave the optimal solution under this situation, "These little black snakes are just one. Ten million. Counting the training and other expenses before the formation of combat power, when each black snake can be used for combat, its value is at least more than twenty million. Gore obviously has the methods and strength to make himself fear in the heart of the enemy The **** of death, but in the end he went to see the **** of death first."

   "It's a pity that the remaining little black snake, the king snake is dead, the remaining little black snake must have scattered far around, and there is no time to capture it again." Someone regretted that he sighed. Speaking of a few people walking back to the corpse, after a short while, a few wolves of different sizes and types ran from a distance, one by one to their owners.

   There are no gray wolves and giant wolves among the five wolves, and they are not much different from ordinary wolves. It should be a different subspecies of another branch of the wolf. From the fur, some hair becomes needle-like and very hard; others completely turn into red or light blue scales. Among them, the captain's looks the most special. There are no hairs and scales, but the skin is full of wrinkles, layered on top of each other, like a sandy beach with distinct layers after a sea wave has passed.

   The five wolves sniffed around, and after writing down the various smells, they all looked in the same direction.

"In the past few minutes, judging from the footprints of the hurried retreat, there are still seven people left. They must have been injured, and some time to treat the wounds is removed. The actual distance from us is only five or six minutes, which is eight or nine kilometers." The wolves scattered in front to lead the way, and five people followed. "The other members of the guards and the beast cavalry who came here were scattered around. I signaled them, and it will take some time to get here. Lord Osnia is away. We still have more than ten minutes away, and we can achieve our goal by simply delaying the enemy."

"Understand?" The captain asked the four people around, "Our duty is just to delay, and the purpose of annihilating the enemy is never in it. I don't want to see the enemy after ten minutes. Someone sees the enemy is injured and in poor condition, so I want to solve it directly. Situation happened."

   "Understood." The other four people spoke, and then they stopped talking.

   At the same time, Yisha and others have basically dealt with injuries everywhere. After taking out the larger shrapnel, several people took out the reagent and sprayed it, and the blood was completely stopped. Cassia's treatment was like that. When evacuating, the small shrapnel was directly corroded away, and the large shrapnel embedded in it was automatically squeezed out on the way, and the healing of the small wound directly skipped the process of scab.

   After processing the breath and blood traces, everyone sprayed enough covering medicine on their bodies, and then set off again. Cassia and the other three members were surrounded by Isha and them, providing them with the last protection as adjutant and captain. The condition is not good, the injuries are small, and there will be no impact at this time. But Cassia’s experience tells him that minor injuries will accumulate, especially at this moment a few people need to go a long distance, a long long distance and continue to evacuate.

   I didn't dare to go too fast, I was afraid of encountering the situation just now and I didn't have enough mental and physical strength to fight back, but I didn't dare to be too slow. The enemy's pursuit was in a place where I hadn't noticed. Confusion of contradictions, Yisha's head is very messy, she doesn't know what to do at the moment, she only understands that her feet cannot stop.

   But it will always be caught up, this is not the way. While Isha was thinking, Toynby in the other corner of the small team asked at this moment, "Soriatu, your face is very ugly. Did the shock of the explosion affect some organs?"

   "No. I heard the sound of the enemy catching up, not very far away from us. The sound has been increasing, and the enemy's speed is much faster for us." After Cassia's expression was noticed, he immediately explained. In the sonic impulse, Cassia saw the enemy who was catching up, five men with speed and flexibility, and the other five wolves spread out to make Cassia alert.

  Because of the body shape, there is a vagueness to determine what kind of skin it is. Based on Cassia's understanding of the Flame Alliance, when the strangers among them go to the middle and late stages of the second stage, they will start to bring second-class creatures in the mission as an aid. Wolves and snakes are the most popular species in various tribes because of their size and ease of carrying. There are other types, but they are not suitable for many tasks.

   Among wolves, juvenile gray wolves and giant wolves are the most common types. Human reproduction is convenient, easy to tame, and there is almost no limit to the quantity supply, as long as the food can be supplied. There are many subspecies of wolves, and they are generally judged from their body size, skin, and eyes. The difficulty of subspecies cultivation and the limitation in number have created a common standard for judging strangers in the Flame Alliance-the accompanying second-class creatures roughly reflect the strength of its tamers. Because of the support needed to cultivate, or the money to purchase subspecies, this can explain a lot of things in terms of financial resources.

   "It may be possible to shorten the distance to within a kilometer in a few minutes." Cassia pretending to perceive carefully, said, "They should not be many in number, their voices are very few, no more than ten people."

   For a while, the eyes that gathered on Cassia went to Isha.

"Raise the speed, you can't stop. I hope everyone will know that once we stop, unless we can kill most of the enemies, there is no chance to retreat. The enemy must understand this. They are still scattered at the moment, but Soon afterwards, when they gradually come together, then there is really no chance."

   After Isha finished speaking, she seemed to be making a difficult choice. After that, she calmly said "Adjutant Toynby". Toynbee looked at it and replied "received". This is the signal that Toinby needs to stay alone when the enemy catches up.

   Eight minutes, a clear wolf howl sounded behind him. Yisha and others seemed to be frightened, with obvious tremors all over. With the other four screams, the five wolves suddenly accelerated at this time, just like when wolves cooperate to hunt their prey. They dispersed, and within a minute, they surrounded from behind.

   are more than 100 meters apart, and the five wolves can be clearly seen among the ancient trees. The howling turned into a communicative whine at this time, and the five wolves immediately pulled in the distance between Cassia and them, and knew how to use the ancient tree as a cover, just like a well-trained special soldier, running changed at this moment. It became a jumping assault among ancient trees. It is much smarter than the blood wolves on the front described in the book, and they are completely humans in wolf form. When rushing between the ancient trees, they even know how to pay attention to the time difference each time they walk out of the cover of the ancient tree, and Isha and others will not find the law.

   And it was very clear that the other party could not understand the whine of their own kind, and their communication never disconnected after they got closer. This kind of whine also has the ability to provide information to the five people behind, as their tamers, and this is also a must for many powerful strangers in the Flame Alliance. It is also the talent that the Flame Alliance has given itself for a long time-Beast Language, An indispensable ability for everyone to reach the higher stage.

  Even though the language expression of each type of second type creature is not the same, there are some similarities.

   A red wolf with needle-like hair suddenly accelerated and went in front of Isha and the others. The other four wolves have their own actions. When they move, the five wolves form a five-pointed star shape and frame Isha and the others. There is still plenty of room for movement, speed, and endurance. In the face of attacks from Yisha and others, with the help of ancient trees and the formation that can be pulled at any time, bullets have no effect at all.

  The ancient trees at a distance of 100 meters did not completely block the view, but as Isha and the wolf moved each other, it was much more difficult to capture each other.

The speed of Yisha and others was unknowingly depressed a little, and the five-headed wolves were driving the flock, and the formation of the five-pointed star was contracting and unfolding irregularly, so that whether the opponent would really attack became necessary. Judge and observe carefully.

   The seven had to spread out to form a rough triangle, placing their vision in three major directions. Later, attacks on wolves became more frequent, but the desired effect was not achieved.

   At this moment, it is like continuously inhaling poison to commit suicide. Everyone understands this.

   "Deputy Chief!" The last captain shouted in a deep voice.

"I know!" Isha at least kept her mood calm, "Listen to my order, prepare to increase speed, and rush out of this encirclement. Pay attention to the surroundings, the enemy has not yet appeared, and I do not see their shadows in my perception. ."

   After finishing speaking, Isha caught the wolf shadows that appeared intermittently in the field of vision. After their formation expanded, she decisively gave the order to assault. The seven accelerated together, and after a few breaths, they narrowed the distance with the red wolf in front of them within 40 or 50 meters.

   The red wolf immediately deviated from the direction and gave up position. But the other four wolves were also closely behind him at this time. After the red wolves merged with them, all the five wolves exploded at an astonishing speed, surrounded the seven in a semicircle, and began to kill. At the rear, the five enemies accelerated together and entered the range of perception of Isha and Toynby. The advance of Yisha and others was directly forced to stop and had to slow down to respond.

"Huh!" The five wolves attacked almost at the same time, and the explosion of their limbs directly set off the dirt. The wolf shadows completely turned into streamers. When they pounced on the team together, they saw that the speed of the seven people slowed down, and they changed their directions temporarily. Distance opened. The strafing bullets followed them, but they could only blow up dirt and pieces of ancient wood chips.

The five enemies in the distance immediately dispersed and retreated. Several whistles sounded. The five wolves once again became a five-pointed star formation, but this time the distance was close to two hundred meters, and they stopped like Isha and the others. In the sound, I watched every move of Yisha and others.

   "A bunch of rascals." Toynby's voice was bitter, and his bleak smile was helpless. Everyone else understands that this is the enemy's countermeasure. You don't need to completely stop yourself from walking, just delay your speed and stop it when you want to advance. The team will definitely be dragged down and slowed down, and will continue to consume energy. But this is not the case for the enemies who are constantly rushing over. Over time, they will gather more and more, and will not launch a real attack until the number is sufficient. At that time, he had lost the strength to deal with it.

   Even if I understand, there is no way. The few enemies behind him did not show up at this moment, and had been from a safe distance to obtain information through the whining of wolves. There is no idea of ​​confronting Yisha and others head-on. Their role, in addition to delaying the footsteps of Yisha and others as much as possible, is to always obtain real-time location information.

  The disadvantage of pulling is that it consumes more time, but they are willing to wait and consume time.

   When the team marched again, Cassia began to think about it. The five enemies are five to six hundred meters apart and can catch up at any time. It takes ten to fifteen seconds to enter the attackable range under the sprint. And five wolves, in the same direction, their own shooting speed can be solved instantly. But they will not attack the same target, it is too difficult to disperse, and it takes time to turn around. In the end, they can all be killed, but then one or two people will inevitably die between the teams. Even if you don't die immediately, as long as you are touched by a wolf, it is no different from death. Originally thought that the enemy who had caught up would attack directly, but it became the situation he least wanted to see. Without the cover of ancient trees, he was sure that a few shots exploded one person's head, and five people were five drum bullets. Not at the moment, even if you can see the enemy, the bullet will not go there.

   The bullet of the heavy sniper rifle was not prepared by Delya for himself, and it was reluctant to penetrate an old tree surrounded by several people. Killing the following wolves is nothing different from luck.

  It's's difficult, Cassia said in her heart, when she couldn't help but sigh, the danger signal in her body suddenly became active and began to swim all over her body. Without even thinking about it, as the frequency of the sound pulse increases, the range instantly expands to the limit of six kilometers.

At the edge of   , a team of more than 30 people is accelerating. Within ten seconds, one after another giant wolves covered with bulletproof alloy armor entered the sound wave pulse range one after another. After a few breaths, the number was determined to be around one hundred and fifty. But the red flag is definitely not from the giant wolf.

   Repeated observations several times. In the 30-person team, a man riding on a gray wolf whose color could not be seen was locked by Cassia. During the march, the man raised his head several times and looked around. The moment before this action occurred, it was the moment when Cassia strengthened the intensity and frequency of the sound waves.

   Take a deep breath, and Cassia exhales, as if to compress all the air in his lungs.

  "Hu" In the morning, the temperature had risen by several degrees, but before the sniffles, the air that Cassia exhaled was still so hot that it turned into white smoke one or two meters away. There is no need to hide anything, Cassia thought, otherwise, when the man behind him catches up, none of the six of Isha can survive.

   "Boom!" The ground sank immediately, and when Isha and the others who felt the vibration looked over, the original Kasya was a dissipating afterimage, and it became solid again. He was already dozens of meters away.



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