Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1429: Beasts and Monsters (Part 1)

  Understanding the speaker's thoughts, the man sat down in the camping tent when the assembly signal began to spread among the captains. On the map spreading out to the side, all smuggling teams are painted with a small red cross, and most of the points have been declared cleared, and many teams are supporting each other.

   The time for cleaning up tasks is mostly spent in the preparation phase, and the process from the beginning to the end of the action is actually very short. There is no difficulty in the easy task that the family has won and can be completed only by coming over. Therefore, although Osnia’s distress signal was accepted by both sides, it was destined to be extremely slow in execution and speed because they remained skeptical.


   The two teams moved forward separately, completely avoiding the death position of the four members, and clearly told Cassia what the enemy thought at the moment. I have to say that the enemy’s starting point is good, and in most cases it is definitely the most appropriate way to deal with it. But this is based on the premise that the other party is completely unaware of his own situation.

Perfectly stuck the enemy’s advancing time, close to a distance of 3,000 meters. After Cassia got down from the old tree and ran along a straight line for more than 2,000 meters, the enemy was just a little short of the distance to the diameter of the circular route they had circumvented. Both ends. The longest support route, the enemy will take three to four minutes to come over. This is absolutely adequate for Cassia, and can even slow down the rhythm of the offense to make himself less difficult.

  The purpose is to delay the speed of the enemy's large forces, so that they have no chance to join the thirty-man team. I thought that if we kill them all, naturally it is the best way to delay. But there is no need for this approach to the limit. The two teams add up to more than 150 people, with a reduction of more than 100 people, plus the death of the enemy captain, or the loss of command ability due to severe injuries and coma. The threat is completely disintegrated.

   I will definitely no longer have the idea of ​​chasing other people, and I will become the most attractive target. Maybe the thirty-man team chasing Yisha and others received news of the attack afterwards, and it is not hopeless to rush back. Cassia wanted the enemy to do this, and this situation gave him a lot of maneuverable space. Without the confidence to kill everyone without fail, but to ensure that he walks out of the forest intact, Cassia has many, many ways.

   The sonic pulse still kept the minimum intensity, hiding in the ancient tree in advance, and Cassia watched the enemy approaching at a uniform speed. Without choosing the team where the enemy's captain is, the situation that Cassia has difficulty dealing with at the moment is the number of enemies, not their captain. Even though the enemy captain made some very careful actions not long ago, he has always been locked by Cassia, and the hope of escape is very small.

   The more you reduce the number, the more pressure you will put on the enemy. When the enemy had to take the initiative to deal with himself, it was the moment when Cassia's plan succeeded. It doesn't take long, thought Cassia, three or four minutes will do.

   "Seventy-eight people." The sound of the giant wolf running can be clearly heard, and Cassia pulled out the revolver while talking to himself.

   "500 meters, ,, three hundred meters, ,, one hundred meters, ,,"

   Cassia opened his eyes and looked at his hand. For a breath time, he felt the giant wolf running and swaying on the ground in the ancient tree.

   "50 meters,,,"

   Take a deep breath, and when Cassia spit it out, the blood-red cross pupils suddenly moved from the center to the square, opening the golden pupils. A black ring that seemed to rotate rapidly appeared behind, and the center of the cross was tightly locked in the middle like a confined cage. The body temperature adapted to the environment began to rise, and when the scouts in the lower team noticed this change, Cassia had crashed down the middle of the giant wolf team following the ancient tree.

   The violent aura was no longer suppressed, and it instantly swept all the giant wolves around. At the same time, when Cassia fell, the surrounding air produced a translucent spherical wave pattern, spreading several meters away before quickly invading the surrounding space and dissipating invisible, like a colorless protective cover, completely enveloping it Up.

   "Boom!" All the 78 people could hear was the sound of Cassia falling to the ground, and the ultra-high-intensity high-frequency sound waves could only be actually felt by their painful brains.

  The giant wolves all wailed in an instant, and the complete and orderly formation was instantly broken up. More than seventy giant wolves have lost their sense of direction, and in fear, they will only rely on their instinct to avoid the source of danger to drive themselves. In the chaos and chaos, the little half-giant wolves collided with each other. The sound of metal collision was like the sound of a siege hammer hitting a city gate in a history book, and each hit hit the enemy's heart.

   Maintaining the high-frequency sound wave interference, one cannot breathe, and a clearing has been cleared around Cassia. At this moment, the members of the enemy's guards took the lead to jump off the giant wolf, and their giant wolf did not have a cylindrical steel fortress. I don't know if it was lucky or unlucky in this situation, Cassia immediately turned into Liuying, and several bursts of gunshots became the only sound in the howling of the giant wolf.

   When the guards of this team jumped from the giant wolf, most of them became corpses. The remaining one or two were kicked to pieces by Cassia who was also driven over, or directly smashed most of the bones, lying on the ground waiting for death.

   Then, at this moment, other members kicked the entrance and exit doors on the cylindrical fortress and escaped from the out of control giant wolf. It's just that the same decision is not known whether it is good or bad-whether to sway with the giant wolf that is out of control under the fear and run to the distance until the giant wolf recovers calm, or immediately leave the giant wolf.

The feeling of being in a cylindrical fortress is definitely not very good now. The out of control giant wolf no longer brings smooth movement. The attack of high-frequency sound waves penetrates the bulletproof alloy plate, which seems to be strengthened by a similar airtight cavity effect. The impact on it is stronger.

   Seeing that the effect achieved is almost the same ~ ~ Cassia appropriately suppresses her own breath. He wandered behind the giant wolf that was constantly running, playing a game of whacking moles that was only seen in books. It's just that the wooden hammer has become a revolver, and the doll-like gopher has become the enemy stranger who keeps jumping off the giant wolf.

   The burst of gunfire is always solo, and the accompaniment rarely appears. Cassia, flexibly moving among the ancient trees, can penetrate an enemy's head with every shot. Afterwards, I felt somewhat boring, or that the effect of using high-frequency sound waves in actual combat for the first time was far stronger than imagined in Cassia's theoretical value.

Enemies who jumped off the giant wolf can hardly organize effective attacks, and their numerical advantage no longer exists. They were originally full of flaws in Cassia's eyes. After being affected by high-frequency sound waves, they are reduced to speed and flexibility. Good target.

   The last gunshot disappeared, and Cassia looked at the corpses all around, then opened the drum with his hands, shaken off the six hot shells, and put them into the buckle around his waist.

   Sixty-six bullets, Cassia counted the number of shots from the beginning. It's just that there were only 51 enemies who died, and the remaining 20 or so people were the members at the edge of the team, except for those who were very close to them at the beginning and were disabled by high-frequency sound waves. They ran a long way with the giant wolf. Although they all jumped off the giant wolf, the distance prevented Cassia from catching up and killing them one by one.

   On the other side, the enemy captain is rushing here with the rest.


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