Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1432: I'm used to talking about luck (part 1)

   almost moved out of thin air, the impact of the legs caused the ground to sink for nearly half a meter, and some shallow tree roots lifted up from the soil and broke and spewed fresh juice.

   Both feet were on the ground more than ten meters away. Cassia caught the two rushing people on the way, and folded his neck when he broke his neck, and used it as a bulletproof plate to block the enemy's subsequent explosive crossbow arrows. Without breathing time, the two corpses exploded in front of him, splashing blood mist and bright red fragments. The atmosphere pressed against him made Cassia retreat again, and then a stream of light passed through the corpse in front of him unimpeded, cutting it into two.

"Boom!" Cassia grabbed the steel bomb and used it as an iron ball. The hit corpse rushed forward with great strength. A stream of light was woven into a net, and the hard bones became rotten wood, which was cut apart by the streamer. Without a sound, it became fragments and scattered. Together with the steel bombs, they also become fragments at this level of sharpness.

"簌,,," A pair of arms that were obviously two or three times larger than humans slammed the scattered corpses forward, and then the air exploded, and the sound appeared, and a bird-like thing suddenly passed by the corpse. The cover of the block suddenly exploded at the heart of Cassia at the speed of a flat sound.

   The body is twisted instinctively, but the speed of the wings and the dynamic forces of Cassia can only capture the fuzzy flow shadow. In the loud voice, Cassia's back slightly bulged, and the clothes swelled after the power was transmitted. The existing gap was completely torn, and a piece of clothing flew behind him. In the front, the enemy captain is already sprinting. He has lost what a human should look like. His whole body has grown horizontally, and his skin is covered with a layer of fine gray hair. There are also some birds on his arms, legs, and body. There will be a reduced version of the wing-like object.

   Werewolf? Cassia's subconscious reaction, the opponent's eyes, the face full of fluttering hair, and the silver-white claws on the front of the hands and feet, all no longer explained the enemy's state. Similar to the scaling ability, it can change its appearance. Is the Flame Alliance a kind of surgical development that only exists in a country that is close to nature and the second-class creature?

   Can't tolerate deep thinking, the air is now pressing on Cassia again, Osnia will not give the enemy any chance at all. The changed body shape has almost doubled his strength and speed, and the distance of a few meters does not even need to blink. As he rushed like a wall made of steel, the silver-white claws on his crossed hands were still increasing in length.

Osnia landed on one foot, his entire ankle sunk under the ground, and his body suddenly leaned back, as if spreading out his solid chest, using his greatest strength to pull his hands apart while his other foot Also took a quick kick to Cassia's lower body position.

   "Clang!" The two feet hit each other, and the fallen leaves around them were blown away by the oppressed and exploded air. There was a short pause in the fluid movement of the body. The moment Osnia looked forward, a gray wing nailed to the enemy's chest almost occupied most of his vision. Then, it was the palm-sized piece of skin on the enemy's chest that had turned into grayish black.

   "Very poisonous is not effective?" This thought flashed across Osnia's mind. Immediately, in his impression, the sharp claws that should have cut the enemy directly into two can only cut through the skin of the enemy's waist. His hands were clamped tightly by the enemy, and the cyan blood flowing from the wound was like this. Shi has already caused the sharp claws to corrode the smaller half.

"Huh,,," Osnia exhaled, and the gray-haired arm began to squirm, and the next moment it swelled in a circle again. At the same time as countless blood vessels burst, the sharp claws on the hand immediately grew, continuously, for a time It unexpectedly exceeded the corrosion rate of cyan blood. But even though the arms have expanded, they still can't expand a little distance, and there is even a tendency to fold into an embrace at this moment.

  The legs that touched each other are still sticking together at the moment, there is no tendency to separate at all. But after a short period of time, Osnia felt that whether it was his hands or he wanted to kick the enemy's foot, in the power competition, he was all down.

   did not dare to drag it down, even if there were his own men around, but at such a close distance, Osnia could feel that even in this situation, the enemy still kept the sonic attack. His body suddenly vacated, and his last foot was instantly lifted and kicked forward. But Cassia’s thoughts are the same as him. If there are no people around, he can completely lock the enemy, only relying on strength to tear off the enemy’s arm, and even at close range, the directional high-frequency sound waves penetrate the opponent’s eyes and reach the brain. Opportunity.

   The two raised their other foot at the same time. In a small space, they observed the other's intentions, and they changed the direction of kicking their feet at the same time, and met together in mid-air.

   "Boom!" The impact of his feet was like a heavy truck touching each other. When Cassia let go of his hands, his body was already stretched out, watching the two intersecting streams of light instantly staggered one or two centimeters on his body like scissors.

   The next moment, the two separated at the same time, and when the impact and counter-shock force wandered through his body, Cassia twisted in the air to face the ground with a palm, and then took the opportunity to land firmly on the ground after a meter or two. In the next second, Cassia was already a few meters away, and the high-frequency sound wave swelled again. Amid the sound of bones breaking, several people were hit by steel bombs and flew several meters away. At this moment, Cassia has lost interest in pulling the ring, and the steel bomb used as an iron ball is obviously much easier to use.

   And after Osnia rolled on the ground for one or two laps, he stood up. Looking at the fingerprints left on his wrist when he was clamped, it was hard for him to imagine that the enemy's arms that were several times smaller than his own would have such a huge force. He caught the enemy who was still moving around, and he caught up again. The number of other members of the team decreased too quickly.

   The agility of the wolf has been strengthened several times in Osnia. His body looks cumbersome, but he is the only one who can keep up with Cassia among the twenty people around.

   The distance was quickly shortened, Osnia controlled the growth of sharp pointed claws, and his arms became cutting machines, and the corpse and ancient trees were all chopped away in its path. But the attack all wiped the enemy's body, and some cut the skin, but the red blood scab on the enemy's waist wound just now showed that this kind of injury was completely ineffective.

   "Wow!" Among the few remaining members, a few of the second-stage members vomited blood at the moment. The vertical pupils in Osnia's eyes condensed slightly, and after a few meters of rapid movement, his body expanded again by half a circle. Each step left deep footprints and pits on the ground, which allowed him to approach the enemy more quickly than the enemy's speed. It's just that in the line of sight, an enemy who happened to cut off one of his men suddenly stopped and turned around.

   That is a smile! This thought throbbed Osnia's brain like an explosion. What did he miss? Without waiting for him to respond, the steel bombs that Cassia rushed into the enemy and threw out all exploded. Although the position was shifted, Osnia happened to have one on his way towards him, and it was close enough.

  'S vision was blocked by the glimmer of light, dirt and smoke that rose instantly, and the roar of explosions in his ears for a while, just like the explosion in his head. Losing the figure of the enemy in a short time, without any hesitation, Osnia stopped immediately, and while retracting his hands, he twisted and shot aside.

His vision became torn with the distortion of his body. In the tearable picture, Osnia saw the smoke from the explosion roll up. In a short moment, it seemed as if the smoke that had just rolled out had never appeared before. A fist broke through the smoke. Appeared out of thin air, suddenly reorganizing the torn picture into a freeze frame.

   Osnia twisted his neck to avoid the impact of his fist. At the same time, he raised his nearest arm to block, and his other hand was squeezed into a cone, and he suddenly pulled it in the direction of his fist. But the sudden shocks were transmitted from his abdomen to his whole body without time interval.

   his mouth opened uncontrollably, and when the blood spurted out, Osnia looked at the messed up smoke in a puzzled way, why he was getting farther and farther away at this moment.

The next moment, a transparent channel appeared in the smoke. Osnia’s pupils contracted extremely, and his head was lowered instinctively. A mass of skin on the back of his head was turned into fragments, and he himself also hit an ancient tree more than ten meters away. . Due to the back shock, a big mouthful of blood was spit out again, and the sound of bursting guns simultaneously transmitted into Osnia's ears, his heart exploded, muscles and blood splashes. The six warheads eventually failed to penetrate the chest, only blasting a bright red muscle pit.

   quickly stabilized his body. At this moment, Osnia realized that the enemy's punch just now was just a faint. The real attack was a horizontal kick, which broke three or four ribs directly through the buffer of several layers of muscles.

   "Huh,,," After a brief period of thought, the air was completely pressed towards Osnia, and Cassia flew up to him at this moment.

   The air trembled rapidly, and Osnia's whole body hair fell backwards, and there was a tendency to interrupt his thinking for a while. But his sight was not affected by high-frequency sound waves. A stream of light flashed, but it was interrupted abruptly in the middle. A palm accurately clamped his wrist, and in the unconscious "click" sound, a fist had already hit him. armpit.

   Osnia leaned to the side. He watched his shoulder muscles pierce through the skin, revealing the snow-white bones layer by layer. The next moment, the muscles still connected to the shoulders tightened immediately, Osnia felt that he was being pulled into the enemy's arms, and the enemy took off his arm with a punch and quickly retracted his hand. At this moment, he was already holding a tactical knife. .

   "Ding!" The tactical knife broke off at the sound, and the air blast broke out simultaneously. When a blood mist spread out of thin air for several meters, a stream of shadow shot out and quickly lost its shadow. Immediately, the light machine gun shot in, punching a row of holes in the blood fog. The sporadic gunshots were like an unwilling roar at last, all poured into the blood mist until there was no more flame spray at the muzzle, but the remaining ten or so members still pressed the trigger firmly.

   The blood mist began to roll after the gunfire disappeared, and the air was like a tide, expanding and contracting with the blood mist as the center.




   A dozen members have heard their own heartbeats at this moment, and they have never been so clear. Their voices are as real as the heart will burst in the next moment. The vertigo accumulation in the head increased. At this moment, more than a dozen members vomited large mouthfuls of blood, and their unbalanced bodies finally fell. In the blurred vision, they saw the monster covered with scales coming out of the blood fog, holding a huge arm with a sharp fracture in one hand, and a gripped and deformed tactical knife handle in the other. It's just that on the scales of the whole body, there are nearly two dozen places where gray wings are inserted, some are submerged in half, and some are only shallowly embedded in that body.

   This is the last sight they saw, and their consciousness fell into darkness.

   There is a short silence here, but the time is only a second or two. Then sporadic gunfire sounded, and after a few breaths, cemetery-like silence descended, guarding a corpse whose heads were all exploded.


   "Come back all! Come back all! Come back quickly!"

   "ha,,, hu,, huhu, ,,"

   "Immediately transfer to the support team! No! No! Transfer to the headquarters! Immediately!"

   "Need,,, takes half a minute,,," The other place was frightened by the roaring sound, and I didn't know how to answer for a while.

   "Tell them, tell the headquarters, tell the support team that I am in fatal danger and need the fastest rescue. I need..."


   "Sir? Osnia-sama?" The words coming from the communicator became the bottom sound of the surrounding environment. As the communicator fell on the ground, the interrogative sound was completely rotted like a dead leaf.

Osnia stood in place, his wounds all oozing blood because of his brief The gray wings on the arms and legs, as well as on various parts of the body, have disappeared, replaced by pieces. A pit of flesh and blood the size of a thumb.

   The vertical pupils condensed into a line, and Osnia stood there, letting the blood drip from his body. The surroundings are quiet, and the clatter of blood dripping on the dead leaves can be heard clearly. Osnia then slowly turned his head, looked around, and finally remembered what it was like. Under the shock of his whole body, he raised his head, but saw a dormant state on a main branch of the ancient tree ten meters high in front of him. The bat-like object is hanging upside down.

   is more like a silkworm chrysalis. The whole body is harvested in a ball, reflecting the cold light, and it is fixed on the ancient branch by a thick rope-like object covered with barbeds.

   I don’t know when, maybe I’ve waited here for a long time.

   While thinking, Osnia watched as the silkworm pupa-like object loosened its fixation and fell freely from a distance of ten meters. Among the dead leaves that were shaken off, like a silkworm chrysalis breaking apart into a moth, a figure slowly stood up and stretched out one of his hands. Also covered with scales, in the pure black palm, holding a thick broken arm at this moment.

   "Ah,,,,," Osnia roared in fear, but failed to awaken anything in the forest that had escaped cleanly because of the task of cleaning up.

   "My lord? Master Osnia! Please speak! Master Osnia!"



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