Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1434: I'm used to talking with luck (part 2)

   "Sure enough, are you still interested in the rewards of the Thunder Wolf tribe?" Monica laughed, and the voice came over in Corkova's ears, which seemed very harsh for a while. Feeling helpless, Corqueva looked over and wanted to explain, but after seeing Monica's smile, he thought about it and let it go. Just take it as it is, at least I won't lose anything, Corqueva thought.

   "Is there any more information?" After a while, at noon, there was almost no change in the ocean supported by the dark green ancient tree canopy. The location information was judged by the individual's sense of direction. When Corqueva remained silent, he kept thinking about Osnia.

"Nothing." Monica replied immediately, "The contact is just for us to rush to the enclosure immediately. The rest is to inform about Osnia's death. I really want to know some information on the scene, but the other party first One step cuts off the connection." Speaking, "Sir, you are thinking about the impact of the enemy and the death of Osnia?"

Corqueva did not deny, but he did not immediately pick up Monica's words. After waiting for half a minute, he remembered what it was like and looked at the sea of ​​trees ahead, "You know, Osnia was chosen to participate in the sacrifice ceremony. People. Although this sacrificial ritual is fair to everyone, it is only the words of the high priest. When various information is delegated to the various tribes, the high-level people are not the first to consider us people."

"There are not many qualified people in each tribe. In addition, Osnia is a very powerful elite figure in the Thunderwolf tribe. I also heard this morning that his cleaning mission is going well, but for a few hours, people But it’s already dead. Um..." Corqueva paused, "It's a general idea. As for other things, I must be interested in the enemy. Besides, after the cleanup mission, I don’t know who will be there. It's going to be unlucky, and it has become the target of the thunder wolf tribe's anger. After the sacrificial ceremony was determined to be carried out, those of us who were qualified were all warned by high-level officials not to fight each other."

   "Because it's right next to the Osnia cleanup area, will you cause some trouble when you go back?" Monica heard the meaning of Kolkova's words.

   Seeing Kolkova nodded, Monica took it: "But the tribe will definitely not keep the default attitude to it, at best it is a warning."

"No, maybe the tribe won't let me go out in the next one or two months. Or, it won’t stop until they find out the truth. But everyone with the same identity is in the same situation. This can allow some people Calm down. It’s just that the enemy is definitely not a cat. If I have a chance today, I’d like to see what the enemy looks like.” The following words are Kolkvar’s self-talk. In his impression, the stranger of the same level In, it has become a little difficult for myself and people like Osnia to die in battle. The battle may be lost, but it is still possible to use some last resort to help yourself escape.

but why? When Corqueva raised this question in his heart, on the other side, Conelia, who was also on the hunting bird, also had the same doubt. But for a woman like her, curiosity and interest occupies more than Corqueva.


  The dripping blood can be seen on the dead leaves along the way for more than ten meters. There is no need to observe anything carefully. After a few thousand meters, Cassia stopped. The blood trace disappeared here, and no suspicious trace was found in the sound wave pulse.

"Not long ago, the position was the final battlefield between Isha and the enemy. After that, it was probably the moment when the chasing team was recalled." Cassia muttered to herself, looking around, "Catch up, but the result is. It's not as good as I hoped."

   The high-frequency sound waves disperse at this time, and the surrounding ancient trees have been investigated by Cassia, and there are no unnecessary traces. The blood on the ground shows that Isha's condition is very poor, otherwise it is impossible to do such a simple thing as pressing the wound to stop the blood. But by this point, the traces disappeared. Perhaps it was the decision Isa made after feeling that the chasing team behind her withdrew and was unable to support her body-she needed to lie down and rest in a safe place.

   Under the dead leaves became her best choice, spraying with breath elimination reagent, there is a high chance of overshadowing the **** smell.

   After a few breaths, Cassia went a few hundred meters away, and after removing a dead leaf, he saw Isha with her eyes closed.

   Like digging a grave for herself, Yisha half buried herself in the soil, leaving only her face covered by dead leaves. The breath is very weak, I don't know if I gave any orders to my body before unconscious. Cassia dug it out, only to see a fist-sized hole in his abdomen that was penetrated by a bullet, and a large area of ​​clothing was covered with semi-dry blood. The high-frequency sound waves showed that there were still many broken bones on her body, and the scratches and shrapnel embedded in the skin spread over half of her body. The disadvantage of numbers caused great trouble for Isha and their evacuation.

   But it can still be said to be lucky, it's not that Cassia has not done simulations. In his calculations, the probability that Yisha and others can leave the forest alive is less than one percent, which is still added to their own results.

   Looking at Issa's pale face, Cassia took out the dirt and visible shrapnel from her as quickly as possible. The broken bones could not be dealt with temporarily, and the hole in the abdomen, Yisha seemed to have taken emergency measures before she fell into a coma, but at this moment blood was still leaking out.

   Even if I have learned how to deal with some injuries urgently after a battle, it is based on the basic medical tools and medicine. Cassia had nothing in his hand, except for a firecracker and the remaining three steel bombs.

   In this state, there must be corresponding medical equipment, otherwise the hole will become fatal sooner or later in a coma. At this moment, Yisha's body temperature has far exceeded that of a normal human being, and the various energy substances stored in her body are rapidly consuming. I don’t know what method Isa used to become a surgeon, but Cassia knew that if this situation is not alleviated, the decay phenomenon that imperial surgeons are most afraid of may be staged on Isa, even if it is different. form.

   Without much thought, Cassia hugged Yisha, carefully paying attention to the wound on her abdomen, and then controlled her body to run towards Larsa in the most stable posture.

   The danger has not been The final form of the enemy captain reminded him a lot. Knowing that the identity of the opponent is definitely not ordinary, Cassia is afraid that his own force majeure enemy will chase him over. Apart from Isha's injury, the most important thing to do is to leave this forest.

   Fortunately, the communicator is still on his body, as long as he leaves the forest, he can probably escape the other party's capture on the radio communication. Although he didn't want to, Cassia knew that when he left the forest, the first thing was to call Adolf and Terry Weikang over.

   After running for tens of kilometers, Cassia stopped suddenly. The embracing Yisha began to gasp, her face paled even more, and her body temperature was somewhat beyond the range that her strength could stimulate. After thinking for a while, Cassia put down Yisha, found a tactical knife on her body, took out a solid red mercury from her body, wiped off the blood, and stuffed it into Yisha's body through the hole in her abdomen.

   "The only feasible way is, as to whether it can survive..." The following words disappeared in the sound of shattering dead leaves. Soon after, Cassia's figure completely disappeared behind the overlapping ancient trees.


   More than an hour later, when Kolkova looked at the sparse trees and the edge of the forest just a few kilometers away, and was thinking about whether to turn around and return, Monica suddenly exclaimed.

   "I found it, my lord, a fast-moving object!"


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