Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1437: Trade cooperation and the villain in the small town (part 2)

  ",,,,,," Adolf could not answer. So in the tacit silence, the two sides didn't say a word for half a minute, and they didn't even pass the breath.

In the end, it was Adolf who could not calm his heart first, and sighed heavily, embarrassed, but he was afraid that General Pullman would suddenly cut off the connection. At this moment, he was in a very complicated mood. , ”

   What could have been said within ten seconds, was abruptly spoken by Adolf for two minutes. During this period, Adolf's head can be described as swiftly moving, adding a lot of things in it to weaken the dangerous impact hidden by the main information. However, General Pullman actually participated in the war as a commander in the last war, and his grasp of intelligence and information was not comparable to that of Adolf.

   But he has a good temper. General Pullman is very afraid of receiving Adolf's contact recently, but he dare not close it. Every time he thinks of Soria Tu, the other characters he thinks of it complicate his mood. I wanted to scold him, but General Pullman himself stopped him, "I think, you'd better follow Soriatu in real time. It's useless to be anxious now. The distance is too far. It's definitely too late for you and me to catch up. Up."

"I will also contact the organization here to see if I can find someone relatively close. Soriatu also said, I'm just afraid that the other party will keep tracking." Adolf said, "I just didn't expect a simple task. , Unexpectedly will encounter so many troubles." Very helpless, according to Cassia's words, Adolf can only think that his luck is not good, and he has encountered many unexpected situations.

   At the same time, Cassia went out of the forest and ran for more than two hours again. Although there is still wasteland around, but deliberately, you can hide your traces by relying on the grass. I passed two small towns on the way, but I didn't see a proper hospital when I observed outside. So I could only follow the map I wrote down before the mission, and continue to traverse this deserted wilderness to the nearest city of the small border country here.

   Three hours later, Cassia had used some extraordinary means to obtain fitting clothes and an ordinary gift car. Soon, he entered the nearest hospital smoothly, passed many processes, put Yisha on the operating table, became one of the attending physicians, and started wound treatment for more than two hours.

   After this incomplete operation was over, the sky was already dark outside, and a dim yellow light was shining outside the window. Cassia took off his rubber gloves and sighed at Isha, who was still unconscious on the operating table. While finding a cloth bag to put all the shrapnel, he looked at the doctors and nurses standing in a row on the wall of the operating room. We, and the strong security guard who fainted by the door and has not yet awakened.

   "In the past two hours, has there been an operation here?" Cassia checked the hole in Isha's abdomen. At this moment, with the help of red mercury, it has healed about a quarter. He put on another layer of sick clothes for Isha, then covered it with a thin quilt, and unlocked the roller lock of the trolley bed.

   "No no!" Several doctors and nurses shook their heads together, "We are cleaning the operating room." The attending doctor did not forget to add another sentence afterwards.

   "Have you seen anyone here before?" Cassia motioned to them to move the security guard who had passed out at the door so that he could get out.

   "No no, we have been cleaning, and we haven't seen anyone come in here."

Cassia nodded, and said that he put on a mask to cover half of his face, and then retrieved the pistol placed on the side of the operating table, retracted his waist, "Thank you." As he pushed forward, he pushed back against the operation. The door, when I was about to leave the operating room, I did not forget to look at the doctors and nurses, "Thank you for today."

   "No, no, this is..."

The words behind    disappeared in the noise of the closing of the operating room door. Cassia relied on the sound wave pulse to guide to the parking lot. In the night, he concealed the car he had stolen and left the hospital. Going directly to the road out of the city, less than half an hour later, the ceremonial car rushed into a river with a crunch, and was completely submerged in the surging mud. At that time, Cassia was thousands of meters away, embracing Isha and continuing to the major cities of this small border country.

   Yisha's condition is much better. The simple treatment of shrapnel and some wounds removed a small part of the burden on the body. The energy contained in solid red mercury is not very well absorbed, but as long as the surgeon has different degrees of adaptability. At least the withering phenomenon was completely invisible after the red mercury was embedded, and the injury did not improve immediately, at least the relative balance was maintained.

   But the weight is still losing a little, this is the intuitive feeling of Cassia's hands. The consumption of its own energy and materials is still the most important source, but now that it has left the border forest, it will be much freer to move later.

   In the early morning, the communicator rang, it was Adolf. Every two hours, he would contact Cassia to ask about the current situation. It was also because of Adolf that Cassia contacted Larsa's organization when Isha lost the communicator and he was only a one-way communicator.

   In the border forest, the teams that Yisha ordered to evacuate, as well as the remaining two adjutants, failed to leave as safely as Yisha hoped. In the process, patrollers were encountered, as well as small groups of enemies who had spread to large areas. Most of the members were lost, but only less than 30 people and one injured adjutant fled.

   Fortunately, there are emergency personnel in Larsa. Through communication with the regional liaison officer, a small organization operation base in a city in a small border country can be used by Cassia. There are less than ten guards, but if there are people to connect, treatment and identity will be very simple.

In addition, good news came from Adolf at around 9 pm, telling Cassia that he doesn’t need to worry about being behind him. Professionals will be responsible for the handling. After he only transfers the injured to the organization here, he will immediately follow the setting. Good route, return to Larsa at the fastest speed. And he and Terry Weikang will meet themselves on the way.

   This kind of treatment makes Cassia often think about what value he has in the plan in the eyes of the forces or the big people behind them. Inadvertently, did you reveal your identity, so when did the two parties actually act on each other?

   There is no answer to the question, but Cassia has to remind himself that the matter of how to get out is the first pick afterwards.


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