Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1453: Ancient historical legend (medium) supplement

   "Many, many, if time permits, I want to hear everything from the moment you accept the task to the moment you withdraw. You definitely don't want to talk about it, I know that." McGlyry replied.

   He sits in a quiet room, beside a long table, on which besides the communication machine, there are neatly placed mostly opened materials. On the long table beside him, there was a delicate little book, and two kinds of notes recorded some names and things. On the latest page, Li Suman's name is ranked first. It’s just that this page has been invalidated in Macquarie’s heart, because every name written on it is one of the representatives of the various forces. It is really necessary to do something, and the price to pay is that the Chila Andi family cannot accept it currently. of.

   "Did the crazy girl mention my name?" Li Suman asked, who knew that he could not escape.

"Even if the group leader doesn't say anything, you know that I will definitely choose a time to contact you." McGlyry's words seemed to say that you should not look for other reasons. "Spiral passages are one of the most important things. The huge underground space is important. 2. The image of the hexagram next to the Bone Mountain and the pedestal, you must have completed the detection and drawing. I want to hear your opinion and some details that are not known to outsiders."

"The passage has nothing to say, the essence is the shell of a rock mountain conch. There are some things in the underground space and the bone mountain that are worth exploring." It is rare to spread some information to Macquarie, and Li Suman seemed very interested. It’s rare. "Most of the dragon bone fossils still have life, and the recovery is extremely slow, which should be affected by the existence of the nearby test explosion field. However, there are many types of bone fossils, not just the black dragon. In addition. One point, the cemetery here was established before the six red stars, so you should understand. I don’t know what happened at that time in ancient history, but the beluga whale as the controller of the ocean died and the body was taken back to land. It doesn’t seem like a simple thing at all."

"At that time, other creatures of the second type wanted to wipe out this beluga that existed as the guardian of order in advance, in order to seek the opportunity later?" McGerry was thinking about his guess, "but behind the scenes The planners did indeed. In this crusade, by the way, a small number of powerful second-type creatures became corpses and were buried together."

"That's it. It seems that the situation in ancient history is no different from the current Three-phase Continent. The difference is that the number of participants at that time was almost infinite." Li Suman, who was lying on his side, stretched out beside the bed. The cupboard, took out the wine, poured a glass skillfully, then sat up slowly and took a sip, "According to the part of the history currently translated, at the end of the ancient history stage, it was recognized as the guardian of order before the long history. Beluga whales, there should be no second type of creature as their opponent, even if they are united."

"In ancient historical legends, many gods took turns sleeping and waking up. The managers of this vast world at that time. At that time, the continents had not gradually drifted away one by one. Because of a certain opportunity, all the gods seemed to disappear. Soon after, the first Beluga whales appeared in the ocean, it seems to have evolved from another species, and became the guardian of order for a long time. Beluga whales with a long life never died, and developed a group to perform the responsibility of guarding order. Later, The red stars in the sky began to show signs, and for the first time two stars appeared at the same time."

"The time when the six red stars appeared is of course in time. After many people's observations and calculations and explorations, they found a rough position." Li Suman said here, the voice became serious, "The only thing left is waiting. . For a long time, the remaining continent ushered in the rare largest peace. But after a certain day, the beluga whales died one after another. No creatures even noticed, and the originally calculated six red stars arrived suddenly. In advance, over a long time span, there was an upcoming enlistment immediately after the death of a large number of beluga whales."

"It's completely a game. From the very beginning of Red Star's time prediction, a plan that only a few people knows about was unfolded. It's hard to imagine what it will be, whether the planner or the participants, I can stand the temper and wait for such a long time."

   McGree listened quietly, he knew this ancient historical legend. But at this moment, Li Suman said it has another taste.

On the other hand, Li Suman heard the voice of pouring himself a glass after drinking. Li Suman, who talked about these historical materials, had a feeling of a strong charm teacher, "The legend belongs to the legend, and we can’t verify the ancient history. Although I am very interested in them, I would like to know the whole history when I have the opportunity. But there are many interesting things now."

   "The first point, the beluga corpse in the cemetery is definitely not the one in the legend. It is just a member of the beluga group, perhaps very powerful."

   "This cemetery is just a copy. The cemetery recorded in ancient history has long disappeared." McGlyry added.

"The second point, Macquarie, have you ever thought that according to the information recorded in ancient history, the beluga whale seems to be related to the disappearance of the gods. No matter what period in ancient history, the record refers to the beluga whale as that? The new deity of the times. But at a certain point in time, the beluga whale as the deity still died..."

"You mean, there actually exist creatures with the same strength as that white whale, but for some reason, it can only rely on a long-term plan to hunt the white whale to eliminate the threat?" McGonagall Some of them agreed with Li Suman's thoughts, "So did the planners and participants successfully seize that opportunity?"

   Li Suman "hmmhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) She also didn't know that she was more interested in existing things than she was curious about ancient history.

   "Finally, this is probably the reason why the crazy girl asked you to contact me." I'm pretty sure, both are women. Although Li Suman's age is several times that of Norr, there are some feminine characteristics, the two are interoperable. As an intuition, Li Suman does not believe that crazy girls are worse than herself.

   "You know it, it's the best result for me." McGlyry sighed.

"Don't worry, old friend, I have nothing to do with you lately. This time it will be your payment for the five-stage surgeon." Li Suman laughed, making McGlyry feel Feeling helpless and difficult is something she has liked since she was a student. Li Suman thinks that she is inferior to Macquarie in every aspect, but sometimes it can be compared to the question and answer by one person.

"It's Perkins Kiris. Many people have read his books. You will never be unfamiliar with some of his materials. The spiral passage of the cemetery and the strange writing on the beluga horn are all The mark he left."

The voice was heavy and there was no sense of crispness. The expression on Li Suman's face changed, as if everything on it had been erased for a while, "Be careful, I, and the crazy girl, think Pekins is a person Not dead yet."


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