Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1456: Change and calm daily (medium)

  Whether it is scientific theories or technological changes in industry, war has the most efficient enzyme function as a kind of accelerator. The information Hesley said was a few of them. Cassia knew that whether it was in the Empire or the two giant countries of the Common Ocean and the Flame Alliance, there will be some information that needs to be considered in the near future. The cleaning of the border forest is one of them.

   Next, as the Empire and the military enter the field, some industrial resources will shrink and converge simultaneously. Cassia asked Delya to prepare to keep up with the changes in this general trend within the empire, but the main purpose was still to maximize the benefits.

   At this moment is when the value of money itself is the highest, their role gradually can not keep up with the substantive items, the timeline will be a few years later. Cassia once again felt a huge sense of oppression, no matter how hard he tried to catch up, he still failed to keep up with the progress of the times. The gap left to people like himself is very small, but even if the gap is small enough to give birth to a feeling of pity, Cassia thinks that people like him still can't swim in it happily and freely.

  Hessler finally did not forget to explain the situation of some people that Cassia cared about. There hasn't been a big change recently, and it's a state of slowly moving forward with time. Regarding Ye Jielin, after returning from the gray area on the Post-Phase Continent, she entered a period of calm relative to her own. There was no action on the surface, and secretly, she still resolutely implemented the principle of initiative that suits her own situation.

   continues to remove all obstacles on the road. And with the status of a knight attendant, for more than a year, Hesley learned through news within the Webley family that Yejielin had recruited many capable surgeons. One-third of them came from the military school. As for the seminary, there was no obvious news.

   But as a graduating student of the military school Cassia, Ye Jielin naturally became the most outstanding one. As a knight attendant, it was regarded as an excellent publicity and spread among the students who continued to enter the military school. It was not Hesley who mentioned that Cassia was about to forget a few months ago, it was the time when he graduated as a military school student.

   In my heart, I didn't have a clear understanding of the attrition rate of military schools at the beginning. Now I look back and re-examine it. If you add people who voluntarily leave like yourself, you really need your own strength to graduate successfully. I think of the students who were with me at the same time, starting with Kara, Li, and Gustin, and later contacting Hae, Iyetta and Ovilia. If there is no accident in the middle, Yejielin's only one at this moment will definitely be broken.

   In retrospect, among the group of students who had only one suppression tube implanted in the military school, only a few survived. Not all died, but there were many breakages in the process. But now, they are all surpassed by Ye Jielin. Some students are not even as good as the other two, or three to four suppression tubes. Probability is really hard to guess, but it is undeniable that compared to the students of the one-star and two-star colleges, every one of them can replicate Ye Jielin's uniqueness.

   Military school graduates will have many possibilities to use this force correctly. Ye Jielin has the background of the Weber Arms Company as an attractive point to join, and there is no need to worry about follow-up training. And Cassia who came out of the military school clearly knew that the training and theoretical learning in the school did not play an effective role in the first and second stages of surgery, but with the improvement of experience and strength, the foundation and ideology The changes will become more obvious.

   At this moment, people who are leading from the beginning have too many advantages. As long as they don’t lose their lives due to accidents in the process, the price for latecomers to catch up is more than several times that of previous times.

   And Ye Jielin was not welcomed by most of the others in the 36 knight attendants, which was the result that Cassia expected. As a woman, her personal strength is completely inferior to the other 35 people, but her own power is among the top ones. And the style of doing things wants others to accept, it is definitely an extremely difficult thing.

   But I don’t worry about the transition. Ye Jielin has a huge advantage over the background of the Webley military company because of the power confrontation between the knight servant status. In the knight attendant assessment, the alliance agreement between Cassia and several others when he left was also effective on Ye Jielin. Unless it is a few big forces dispatching high-level forces to ambush, in terms of safety, Ye Jielin is several times better than Cassia's situation.

"Even if the Webley family has handed over the old and new patriarchs, anyone who can stand in the position of the patriarch of the 23rd male family will not give up the position of a knight attendant because of Yejielin's status as the daughter of the patriarch. "As Cassia's innermost judgment on Ye Jielin's safety, he felt that instead of worrying about Ye Jielin, he should take more time to consider his situation.

   Otherwise, when you go back to the Empire at a certain point in time, what you can bring to this alliance is yourself.

In the next few days, at the request of the regional liaison officer, Cassia became the acting deputy chief, performing the duties of the company's top responsible person for a short period of time, bringing four new deputy officers to familiarize themselves with the surrounding environment and some basic precautions Cassia didn't understand it herself, but stayed with Isha, Toynby and others for some time, and the information he heard during the process was used as teaching material.

During   , Cassia also obtained a lot of information from the four new adjutants through conversation. It's for sure that they don't know each other at all. The four are from small countries far apart. Some have just finished the management and protection task of the laboratory base warehouse, and some have been temporarily deployed after spending several years in an organization.

   was able to know the status quo of some other small countries, hiding under the surface calmness and hidden dangers even more serious than the Chir Kingdom. The country was founded after the last war, and there were too many mixed forces inside. The organization is only one of many forces in it, barely maintaining a visible peace.

   According to the large countries close to each small country, the dominance of each small country changes accordingly. Organizations have the right to speak in it, but due to identity reasons, they often do not have much time to dominate. The invading forces of giant countries can mostly influence the many directions of a small country, but because the alliance of small countries is present, at least the countries where the four new adjutants are located are generally heading toward prosperity. Although this rare prosperity momentum will collapse again in a few years, and once again move towards a set repeating cycle.

   In the morning ten days later, Cassia set off very early and had breakfast like an ordinary person. Driving the company's vehicle is also like a cycle. Cassia went to the train station in the neighboring city and waited for Isha to return to Wilvis City.


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