Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1465: The past and agreements of ocean exploration (in)

   There was no response to the communication with the past. After observing from a distance, the fleet found something wrong with the material ship at the beginning, so it issued an order not to approach all the ships. In order to retrieve the materials and ship observation data over the years, a team composed entirely of surgeons and wearing protective clothing went to the ship to find out the specific situation.

   was originally an extremely normal situation during a voyage, but the problem was that there was always a small sea breeze at that time. The exploration team did not bring the deadly germs up. Instead, under the influence of the sea breeze, a large number of spore-like objects were born on the material ship that had already become a natural hotbed for germs. When the investigation team discovered this fact inside the ship, even if they immediately contacted Venet by communication. The mothership of the USS is also a little late in time.

   This is the first recorded incident after the voyage started. Several entourage ships closer to the material ship were all infected with deadly bacteria. Fortunately, we know the transmission route of the spore-like objects, and the emergency clean-up and preventive actions taken afterwards have minimized the loss. However, in less than two weeks, they took the lives of nearly two thousand people, including a dozen surgeons.

   The impact of pathogenic bacteria is far more than the death of nearly two thousand crew members. But under the circumstances at that time, neither Norska nor Hilary Li had experienced such a thing, and did not think about it more.

   It was like setting a demonstration for what happened one after another. The crew members who were infected by the deadly bacteria were actively treated at first, and their optimism kept them cooperating with the medical staff.

  Time goes to one and a half weeks after they were infected with deadly bacteria. Now recalling that Noroska and Hilary Li did not know the cause at the time. Is it because the medical staff accidentally revealed that it is difficult to cure after being infected with a deadly germ, and even if it is cured, it will leave a message of serious sequelae? Or is it that among the infected people, the mentality and consciousness have already undergone distortions that they have not even noticed after seven years of sailing?

  In the few days when the death came, the mood of some infected persons became obviously irritable. Later, the destruction of medical equipment, hospital beds and medical equipment on the ship, and in the end directly attacked doctors and even female nurses, completely turning this infection caused by the sea breeze into a man-made farce.

   Several years later, Nonoska learned about it by accident. In the end, only a small part of those infected died from the germs, and the rest were cleaned up artificially. But it is undeniable that the first incident has planted the seeds for everything that follows.

The first episode seven years later ended in this way. At that time, almost no one realized that the ocean-going fleet, as a group of sea steel islands that seemed to be separated from the mainland, lost normal human social activities, and seemed to get along harmoniously. In fact, There is already a decayed beginning.

   In the second half of the seventh year, the ocean-going exploration fleet entered the truly unknown sea for the first time. The sailing speed is much slower, and curiosity and enthusiasm for exploring the unknown well dilute the influence of germs on the fleet. But secretly, it seemed to be human nature, or a normal reaction after seven years of life. At that time, there were already some so-called fusion circles on every ship. There is not much conflict between them, but when some if there is no limit, the taste of certain things will always change.

   At that time, Chilman, who had not met Nonoska and Hilaryli, was aware of this faint change with his keen sense of smell. He saw something was wrong, this was the instinct of walking in the dark world all the year round.

   After three years of calm, the second incident recorded by the ocean-going fleet was not due to natural forces, but the crew themselves. For ten years, some people treated the ship itself as their territory. Some people who get together are like small forces that have begun to take shape, and gradually they are aggressive and xenophobic.

   Life on a ship for ten years, no matter how big a ship is, every detail of it can be mastered for everyone. Because of living in such an environment for too long, a conflict later turned into a confrontation between several ships. Finally, the arsenal was destroyed and the code lock was destroyed. And this time, the bloodshed ended with the death of hundreds of people. But its impact is worse than the first deadly germ.

   The guns in the arsenal were not completely recovered afterwards, and some gunpowder and bombs were also lost to varying degrees. After that, the knives in the kitchen and the tool room were consumed rapidly, and even the consumption rate of some steel pipes increased rapidly. By the beginning of the twelfth year, the status and role of ships with different functions seemed to have changed.

   Approaching the thirteenth year, by chance, Chilman discovered that a trading network had already formed among the various ships. At that time, the number of crew deaths was no longer normal. In just three years, the total number of deaths exceeded 5,000. Although they were all attributed to some diseases in the end, some people are very clear about the real cause.

   After his own investigation, Chilman realized that in a relatively closed environment, even in an unknown sea, death from time to time due to the influence of the natural environment. But the most terrifying thing is never nature, but a group of humans who have lost their normal social activities.

After   , the hallucinogen was formulated by some doctors with ulterior motives. How long did it take to appear in the first place, Chilman didn't know. When he was investigating again on his own, dozens of ships were spread across dozens of ships with a trading network focusing on hallucinogens, weapons, and flesh, body, and transactions. Although the Venetian mothership dispatched personnel immediately afterwards and carried out a six-month cleanup, some people could never look back after experiencing this kind of normal life experience.

   And some of them have regarded this time as a voyage without a return journey, and some of them aspire to be the king of this new country. Afterwards, the deepening of the contradiction is only a matter of time. During the period, even Chilman himself encountered an assassination attack by the Although it was resolved, following the clues, Chilman also solved the boss behind it. But he understood that many attached ships had begun to decay, and he didn't notice it at first, just because of the identity of the operator. Because these are mostly ordinary life events, only a small number of surgeons are involved.

   By the end of the fourteenth year, the ocean-going fleet had been walking and stopping in the unknown waters for seven years. During the period, there was no other recorded incident due to the loss of an attached ship due to the attack of the second marine creature.

   By the beginning of the fifteenth year, one morning, abnormal fog began to appear on the sea, and the temperature fluctuated sharply. Only when the sun is strong at noon and the fog disperses, normal sea area exploration can be carried out. At that time, the main ship Venetes issued a number of orders for this purpose, in order to prevent the auxiliary ships from dispersing from the main fleet when the morning fog is thick. Another important reason is that there are unknown components in the fog, which can affect the transmission of wireless signals.

   At that time, it seemed to know that the ocean-going fleet had entered a dangerous sea area. The second great change in the mood of many crew members was from this time.

   The scope of the mist is very large. The ocean-going fleet has been marching for nearly a month, but it still hasn't gone out. Soon after, as a subsidiary ship on the edge of the fleet lost contact in the morning as the starting point, the first major loss record of the entire ocean-going exploration fleet appeared.

   At that time, Chilman happened to be on the missing accessory ship that was the beginning.


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