Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1467: The ancient tree of its own world (Part 1)

"It's just that the floating island caused the first major loss to the ocean-going fleet. In less than a month, the original 400,000 people were directly reduced by 100,000, plus the severely injured members who died in the following month. Nearly 130,000 people died. Afterwards, the fleet dismantled more than 20 ships and reorganized the fleet, which had a certain effect. However, the impact of that incident was not completely eliminated until the fleet was ready to return." Every A major loss event is accompanied by the death of a large number of people. In an unknown area, the ocean-going fleet can't be like on the left phase continent, with sufficient equipment and personnel to support every operation.

   In the deep blue sea, although there are not many storms, at first glance, it is all the boundless sea that borders the sky, and it has been more than ten years at a glance. The feeling that this loneliness brings to the crew is no longer the initial shock, but the deep fear.

   The salt has eroded into everyone's bones, and the fifteen-year journey is the destined result.

   After the floating island appeared, the fleet revolved around it a few times, and the airship on the Venetes dispatched to explore the general situation first.

   is called a floating island because not long after the observers on board saw it, they knew that in this deep-sea area, there was no continental shelf supporting this island. The floating island itself seems to be moving slowly with the ocean current. After the airship hovered on it for several times, it brought back thousands of photos for the biologists and oceanographers on the fleet to make preliminary analysis.

   Discovering new things in unknown seas is the purpose of the ocean-going fleet to explore. In the next few days, the entire fleet became excited by the appearance of floating islands, so that the increasing death toll was forgotten by most people. After several days of exploration by the airship, a team of surgeons and half of ordinary people, a total of more than 300 people boarded the floating island, began to investigate further.

   Chilman is in this first team. After that, the fleet sent dozens of teams to the floating island, responsible for establishing the initial camp, drawing a rough map of the floating island, establishing road signs for the researchers' actions afterwards, and exploring several caves on the low hillside of the floating island.

  As the first team, Chilman went to the floating island and saw rocks that were not supposed to be eroded by the storm in the deep sea, but rather strange plants mottled down on the floating island. Later this plant was named the corpse tree. It is similar to moss, has more tenacious vitality, and is fully adapted to the salty environment. The leaves are very small, almost none, but the rhizome is unusually deep, like an ancient tree growing downwards.

   Chilman tried to dig out a complete rhizome in the past, but a corpse-eating grass the size of an adult's hand, they dug down the rock more than ten meters away, and still did not see the end of the rhizome. On the second day, someone dived underwater to explore the reason why this island with a diameter of about 30 kilometers would float on the surface, only to discover that the surface of the island is covered by rocks, but underwater, all the rocks are attached to one piece. On the huge wood.

The nature of    floating islands is similar to that of icebergs in some cold regions, but the volume ratio between water and underwater is smaller. The piece of wood has been soaked in sea water all year round, but the whole body is black, like unburned charcoal. There is no marine life attached to the huge wood, and there is not even a place where aquatic plants grow.

   This abnormal phenomenon once delayed the entry plan of the ocean-going fleet until the preserved stone paintings and a piece of ancient ruins were discovered in the cave, the original alertness was a little bit discarded.

"That was the fifth day after the first team landed on the floating island." As a historical researcher, after discovering strange writings and stone paintings, Nonoska knew that when he went to the island, "I was very excited at the time. Because within the church, researchers like me have no direct access to ancient history and ancient ruins. Learning strange characters in research institutions is always through printed paper, or even photos of real objects."

"This is probably one of the reasons why you will go to the ocean-going fleet because of recruitment." Hilary Lily said, and the door of the house was knocked at the same time. Before the two of them responded, Chilman walked with a thick pile of documents. Entering, doubts and thinking coexist on his face. But the conversation was not interrupted by Chilman’s intrusion, Hilary Li continued to pick up her own words, “Like a collection room in ancient history, several caves are connected in series, leading to an exquisite slotted void. Cavity."

   "It's like a place of worship that often exists in ancient history." Nonoska retorted. Chilman, who had just come in, wanted to interrupt the conversation between the two, but after hearing about the "Place of Sacrifice", he chose to join in.

   "I thought that after seeing each other again, everyone would not want to recall the past 30 years."

"It's not because of the latest news about the ancient ruins in the empire, the cemetery with beluga skeleton fossils." Hilaryri replied, "Speaking, we also remembered the things of ocean exploration. After all, those three For more than ten years, it seems that the whole journey did not bring back anything, but everything that happened during the period was related to the Beluga, at least in the stone paintings and strange words we got."

"What's the use of knowing!" After leaving the Venetes, Chilman's temper returned to the state he was when he was still looking for ways to make money in the dark world. "Ocean exploration is over, we have not only got what we deserve In the end, it can be regarded as an unexpected gain. There are only these ancient historical information without a head and a tail."

"Maybe I don't know whether it's good or bad. It's impossible for the two of you to be unclear about the surveillance of us after the Church." Helpless and with a sigh of finally recognizing reality, Chilman knew that he and Noroska would escape forever. Those who do not go to the country are under the control, and can only get rid of them when they die.

"It's not necessarily." Hilary Li's voice had a strange tone, and she looked at Nonoska, "On the Continent of the Left Phase, we are indeed like this. But when we came to the Empire of Saint Dorag, we It is not impossible to understand the history a little bit, and guess part of the goal of the Holy See."

   Chilman shook his head, but asked in a rhetorical question: "When you talk about the sacrificial place, that should be the first major loss."

Seeing that the two of them had no objection, Chilman went to the table and sat down, buckled the information he was holding on the table and pressed it with his elbow. Then he continued and followed up with the unfinished words of the two. The first incident was all because of the floating island. I don’t know how long it took for the floating island to drift before reaching the sea area where the ocean-going fleet was originally located. But for a long time, it was a second-class creature that did not exist in the three-phase continent. The corpse tree has eroded the entire island. After twenty days of exploration, we did not find any anomalies on the island. Until the fleet decided to use the island as a temporary camp, most people took turns on the island. After resting for half a year, let the feet know the smell of the land the danger really comes."

"Before that, as a member of the temporary response team, although I initially lied about the hypothesis that there is a powerful hypnotic substance in the fog. But before landing on the island, I already believed that the first four satellite ships had an accident. It's just hypnotic substances."

"You know, I was the one who applied to dive into the water to explore the bottom of the floating island." Chilman said this and lowered his voice. "When I saw that huge charred wood, I felt it had vitality, although only Said that was intuition. Later, this idea was also verified. As a fragment of the World Tree collapsed in ancient history, the Corpse Tree evolved into a second-class creature with self-consciousness, and the reason for the fragmentation of the World Tree Don't be afraid of big things."

"But even if we know this and know that even if the World Tree collapses, it has a power that cannot be reduced for a long time, but besides satisfying our curiosity, it seems to be of little significance now. Let alone those fragmented ancient Historical information."

   Chilman is not the kind of person who is good at thinking, his focus is on actual actions.

"It's true in the church country." Noroska looked at Chilman, half agreeing, half rebutting, "but where we are now, it is already the Empire of Saint Dorag, in a continent called the Postphase Here, according to Perkins Kiris’ "Wonderful Creatures", the southern forest center in the mouth of the empire seems to be a new world tree."


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