Steel Steam and Flame

Chapter 1469: The ancient tree of its own world (part 2)

Chilman sighed and interrupted Noroska's words, "We can't wait for that time. Before the red star appeared, we were already Muslim. Before the war broke out, I only hope that I will not be a hidden threat. Eliminate. Even if the expectation is achieved, we will still be a few people who have little effect in the war. As for whether we can survive this war in the end, it depends on everyone's luck."

   Nonoska, who smiled bitterly, couldn't think of comforting words, he would not say Chilman was pessimistic. When he was in the Ocean Fleet, he once commented on Chilman in this way, but the facts later helped Chilman to refute himself. Perhaps not much different from their own destiny, the three of them will be the result.

   It's just that, although Noroska has already bowed to the so-called destiny, he still has the idea of ​​resisting the steel wheel of history as soon as he finds an opportunity before reaching the established end. After coming to the empire, he has visited the actual ancient ruins one by one over the years. After reading the large amount of information collected by the Kirish family, he is not sure what can be changed, but a little bit of something will appear in the future. The loosening may be possible.

As if ignoring Chilman’s words, Nonoska went on to say, “In the first major loss event, the scorched pieces of the corpse grass contacting the world tree evolved into the corpse tree, self-aware, and knowing how to expand in the entire fleet. Some members hide themselves before boarding the floating island, even without revealing a little breath. When the time is right, it secretes a large amount of powerful hypnotic substances, causing the emotional and consciousness breakdown of many crew members. A chaotic battle between themselves left a lot of it The corpse as food. The whole process is actually very simple. If we realize it, the loss will be minimized."

"Of course, speaking of this memory again is not my main purpose." Nonoska emphasized his tone, and he looked at Hilary Li and Chilman, "We haven't noticed one important point before-the evolution of the corpse grass. In addition, you must have understood the basic information about the post-phase continent. If we extracted the environment and ecology of that floating island and compared it to the huge forest on the post-phase continent, what would happen? the result of?"

   Naturally silent, all three of them knew that the huge forest on the Postphase Continent was actually a mass of rhizomes left by the collapsed World Tree in ancient history. They haven't seen the new world tree, but they know from some materials from the church that the top of this new world tree has grown in the deep blue domain.

   The remaining rhizomes of the World Tree are even more massive. Now it has been reborn and has a huge scale. Even that huge forest was formed from its spreading rhizomes. As a powerful survivor known in ancient history, the world tree is absolutely self-conscious like the second type of creature. It's just that Nonoska doesn't know what the ideology of this kind of life will look like as the second type of creature on the plant. Can the memory of the ancient tree that formed its own world in ancient history be used in a wonderful way, like the annual rings of a tree, with hereditary and inherited properties?

   After a long while, Norska gave Hilary Li and Chilman enough time to think about themselves.

"I don’t want to know what it means for six red stars to come together. But the creatures under the vortex of the extreme sea want to seize the opportunity. As it is, I think the interior of the vortex on the stone painting may be about The secret of the gods." In a very low voice, Nonoska said, "With such a long life, the creatures under the extreme sea vortex are not pursuing immortal life, but pursuing an ultimate power? Behind the scenes, let the beluga group The demise of the World Tree Alliance does not seem to have acted personally, and even with its identity, not many people will know it."

"In addition, it is also the point that I have been thinking about. In the current era, like giant whales and dragons, these second type creatures will hardly take the initiative to go out of the extreme areas all over the three-phase continent. Where there is no inductive interference, the first The second type of creatures will feel a huge limitation. So is the nature of the polar sea vortex the same?"

"If it is assumed that since the ancient history, the creature has always stayed in the position of the polar sea vortex, and only the environment and landforms have changed." Hilary Li continued, "I think the polar sea vortex is a limit area, not Simply providing a comfortable environment for that creature is more like a confinement cage that cannot be left."

"The gods have disappeared. In ancient history, the information related to the gods was not known by many second-class creatures. Then the creature closely related to the gods should disappear under the footsteps of the times. Every time. The sea vortex appears abnormal, and the giant whales will rush to freeze the sea. In fact, the role of the giant whale is just like the beluga whale in the past, maintaining a relatively balanced order." Chilman finished speaking, feeling the gaze cast over. Smacking his lips, "It's just a guess, after all, our only source of information is the decades of ocean exploration."

   "Then you think, who got the opportunity brought by the last six red stars?"

   "The world tree?" Hilary said tentatively, "The huge whirlpool descends on the top of the world tree. At the height of the world tree, it is probably the closest, right? In terms of distance."

   Chilman shook his head, while Noroska lost his thoughts.

Then, Nonoska sighed: "In short, there are absolutely secrets hidden in that forest. The rhizome of the World Tree is there, and the other trunks are broken, but at least a huge coke block is buried in the back phase continent. Under the land, it is in the Flame Follow the direction of the Flame Alliance. The Natural Association Alliance on the right-phase continent must have a special ecological environment. The surgeons there can be said to be special It exists because the land of the Right Phase Continent is almost a whole fragment of the World Tree."

   "It is said that there are special trees growing on the right-phase continent, and the height can easily exceed one thousand meters." Hilary Li added.

"After all, it's not a real world tree." Nonoska shook his head and emphasized, "On the Postphase Continent, we may be able to throw something before we leave, and it may not work in the end, but I still think Leave something in this rare era."

"I don't have any opinion." Hilary Rili immediately agreed. Chilman stood up and picked up the pile of materials pressed by his elbow. "It seems that reading too many books is not a good thing. I don't have the two of you. This kind of romantic yearning." This is a joking mockery of Nonoska and Hilaryli, "I just want to live hard."

  Nornoska waved his hand, Chilman spoke in this tone. In fact, Chilman’s actions often do not correspond to what he said.

"Let's let this topic fall for the time being, there will be a lot of time to talk about it later. Now, there is important information for you to know." Chilman said and threw the stack of materials to Norska. "About our goal-Ka Sia Tussos, someone provided us with this information. The point is, the location of Cassia is given above."


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